Ebook Financial accounting (4th edition): Part 2 - Anne Britton, Chris Waterston

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Nội dung chi tiết: Ebook Financial accounting (4th edition): Part 2 - Anne Britton, Chris Waterston

Ebook Financial accounting (4th edition): Part 2 - Anne Britton, Chris Waterston

www.downloadslide.comCash flow statementsObjectivesBy the end of this chapter you should be able to:►Explain the importance of cash flow within the bu

Ebook Financial accounting (4th edition): Part 2 - Anne Britton, Chris Waterstonusiness.►Identify cash flows within a business.►Prepare a cash flow statement.►Explain the relationship between the cash flow statement, income statem

ent and balance sheet within a business.►Identify the difference between the indirect and direct method of preparing a cash flow statement.Identify an Ebook Financial accounting (4th edition): Part 2 - Anne Britton, Chris Waterston

d calculate a simple cash flow ratio.►Explain the word ‘fund’ as used in accounting.IntroductionIn previous chapters we have concentrated on preparing

Ebook Financial accounting (4th edition): Part 2 - Anne Britton, Chris Waterston

financial information for a business based on the concept of profit. You should have already realised that profit does not equal cash and therefore i

www.downloadslide.comCash flow statementsObjectivesBy the end of this chapter you should be able to:►Explain the importance of cash flow within the bu

Ebook Financial accounting (4th edition): Part 2 - Anne Britton, Chris Waterstoniness cannot purchase inventory, pay creditors, wages or any other expenses. Cash is quite often referred to as the 'lifeblood' of a business - withou

t it it will not survive!A business therefore must pay attention to both its profit and cash position.Cash flows within a businessAt this point in you Ebook Financial accounting (4th edition): Part 2 - Anne Britton, Chris Waterston

r studies you should be able to complete the following activity quite quickly. If you do have problems return to Chapter 5 and consider the cash trans

Ebook Financial accounting (4th edition): Part 2 - Anne Britton, Chris Waterston

actions that Mr Bean made.https://khothuvien.coni9 • C<1 ill IIVW 3K11VIIIOIIIOActivity 9.1Identify as many cash flows as you can below. Two are alrea

www.downloadslide.comCash flow statementsObjectivesBy the end of this chapter you should be able to:►Explain the importance of cash flow within the bu

Ebook Financial accounting (4th edition): Part 2 - Anne Britton, Chris WaterstonWages paid in cashAnswerCASH FLOWSInto the businessOut of the business► Capital contributed in cash► Wages paid in cash► Cash sales► Cash purchases► R

eceipts from debtors► Payments to creditors► Cash loans and debentures► Purchase of non-current assets► Sale of fixed assets► Cash paid for rent, heat Ebook Financial accounting (4th edition): Part 2 - Anne Britton, Chris Waterston

, etc.► Rents or other income received► Dividends paid► Interest and dividends received► Interest paid► Taxation paidYou have, in fact, just construct

Ebook Financial accounting (4th edition): Part 2 - Anne Britton, Chris Waterston

ed a cash account and this IS essentially what a cash flow statement IS about.Remember what we said in Chapter 1 about a cash flow statement, which wa

www.downloadslide.comCash flow statementsObjectivesBy the end of this chapter you should be able to:►Explain the importance of cash flow within the bu

Ebook Financial accounting (4th edition): Part 2 - Anne Britton, Chris Waterstonrofit requires estimation and subjective judgement.►It is much easier to manipulate profit figures than cash figures.The above factors are demonstrate

d in the following activity.Activity 9.2Alex Ltd has drawn up the following income statement for the first year of trading: Ebook Financial accounting (4th edition): Part 2 - Anne Britton, Chris Waterston

www.downloadslide.comCash flow statementsObjectivesBy the end of this chapter you should be able to:►Explain the importance of cash flow within the bu

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