Ebook Intracranial pressure amp; neuromonitoring XVI: Part 1

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Nội dung chi tiết: Ebook Intracranial pressure amp; neuromonitoring XVI: Part 1

Ebook Intracranial pressure amp; neuromonitoring XVI: Part 1

Acta Neurochirurgica Supplement 126Thomas Heldt EditorIntracranial Pressure & Neuromonitoring XVI4Ồ SpringerActa Neurochirurgica Supplement 126Series

Ebook Intracranial pressure amp; neuromonitoring XVI: Part 1 Editor:Hans-Jakob SteigerMore information about this series at http://www.springcr.eom/series/4Thomas Heldt EditorIntracranial Pressure & Neuromonito

ring XVIspringerEditorThomas HeidiInstitute tor Medical Engineering & ScienceMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyCambridgeMassachusettsUSAISSN 006514 Ebook Intracranial pressure amp; neuromonitoring XVI: Part 1

19ISSN 2197-8395 ielectromc)Acta Neurochirurgic-a Supplement ISBN 978-3-319-65797-iISBN 978-3-3I9-65798-I (eBook)hllpv J/ 1007,978-3-319-65

Ebook Intracranial pressure amp; neuromonitoring XVI: Part 1

798-1Library of Congress Control Number 20I8930544© Springer International Publishing AG 2018This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserve

Acta Neurochirurgica Supplement 126Thomas Heldt EditorIntracranial Pressure & Neuromonitoring XVI4Ồ SpringerActa Neurochirurgica Supplement 126Series

Ebook Intracranial pressure amp; neuromonitoring XVI: Part 1 recitation. broadcasting. reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way. and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic

adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology nơw know n or hereafter developed.The use of general descriptive names, registe Ebook Intracranial pressure amp; neuromonitoring XVI: Part 1

red names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication docs not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names arc exempt

Ebook Intracranial pressure amp; neuromonitoring XVI: Part 1

from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.The publisher, die authors and the editors arc safe to assume th

Acta Neurochirurgica Supplement 126Thomas Heldt EditorIntracranial Pressure & Neuromonitoring XVI4Ồ SpringerActa Neurochirurgica Supplement 126Series

Ebook Intracranial pressure amp; neuromonitoring XVI: Part 1ive editors give a warranty, express or implied. With respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions Hut may have teen made T

he publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published mapsand institutional affiliations.Printed on acid-free paperThis Sprin Ebook Intracranial pressure amp; neuromonitoring XVI: Part 1

ger imprint is published by springer NatureThe registered company is springer International Publishing AGThe registered company address is- Gewcrbestr

Ebook Intracranial pressure amp; neuromonitoring XVI: Part 1

assc 11.6330 Wien. SwitzerlandPrefacerhe International Conference on Intracranial Pressure anil Neuromonitoring (“KT Conference") is dedicated to the

Acta Neurochirurgica Supplement 126Thomas Heldt EditorIntracranial Pressure & Neuromonitoring XVI4Ồ SpringerActa Neurochirurgica Supplement 126Series

Ebook Intracranial pressure amp; neuromonitoring XVI: Part 1s, the ICP Conference brings together a diverse group of clinicians including neurosurgeons, neurologists, neurointensivists, and anesthesiologists as

well as scientists, engineers, infor-malicists, and mathematicians.Since its inception in 1972 at Hannover Medical School in Germany, the ICP Confere Ebook Intracranial pressure amp; neuromonitoring XVI: Part 1

nce has maintained a special focus on the measurement of intracranial pressure in trauma, stroke, hydrocephalus, and during administration of anesthes

Ebook Intracranial pressure amp; neuromonitoring XVI: Part 1

ia, as well as the interpretation of the associated recordings. With the increasing complexity of patient monitoring in perioperative and ncurocrilica

Acta Neurochirurgica Supplement 126Thomas Heldt EditorIntracranial Pressure & Neuromonitoring XVI4Ồ SpringerActa Neurochirurgica Supplement 126Series

Ebook Intracranial pressure amp; neuromonitoring XVI: Part 1e has expanded to include all monitoring modalities in neurological, neurocritical. and neurosurgical care.The 16th ICP Conference was held in Cambrid

ge. Massachusetts, from June 28 through July 2. 2016. and continued the long tradition of bringing together diverse groups of clinicians and researche Ebook Intracranial pressure amp; neuromonitoring XVI: Part 1

rs to advance the Held of neuromonitoring. We are particularly pleased to have been joined by the Cerebral Autoregulation Research Network (CARNet). w

Ebook Intracranial pressure amp; neuromonitoring XVI: Part 1

hose sixth annual meeting was co-hosted with the 2016 ICP Conference and thereby significantly expanded the breadth and richness of the meeting.

Acta Neurochirurgica Supplement 126Thomas Heldt EditorIntracranial Pressure & Neuromonitoring XVI4Ồ SpringerActa Neurochirurgica Supplement 126Series

Acta Neurochirurgica Supplement 126Thomas Heldt EditorIntracranial Pressure & Neuromonitoring XVI4Ồ SpringerActa Neurochirurgica Supplement 126Series

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