Ebook Ultrasound of congenital fetal anomalies - Differential diagnosis and prognostic indicators (2nd edition): Part 2

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Ebook Ultrasound of congenital fetal anomalies - Differential diagnosis and prognostic indicators (2nd edition): Part 2

Chapter 7Anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract and of the abdominal wallNor MAL ANAToMy o F ThE G As Tro INTESTINAL Tr AcT ANd ABdo MINAL WALL: ULTr

Ebook Ultrasound of congenital fetal anomalies - Differential diagnosis and prognostic indicators (2nd edition): Part 2r Aso UNd Appro Ach, SCANNING pLANEs, ANd dIAGNosTIc POTENTIALThe main differencial feature of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract in comparison with othe

r organ systems is that its ultrasound (US) appearance varies significantly during pregnancy and also, for some sites, in the course of the same US ex Ebook Ultrasound of congenital fetal anomalies - Differential diagnosis and prognostic indicators (2nd edition): Part 2

amination, due to the physiology of swallowing, stomach emptying, and intestinal peristalsis. It is therefore necessary to become acquainted with rhe

Ebook Ultrasound of congenital fetal anomalies - Differential diagnosis and prognostic indicators (2nd edition): Part 2

whole range of anatomic correlates.It should be underlined that the detection of an intra-abdominal abnormality can become particularly challenging du

Chapter 7Anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract and of the abdominal wallNor MAL ANAToMy o F ThE G As Tro INTESTINAL Tr AcT ANd ABdo MINAL WALL: ULTr

Ebook Ultrasound of congenital fetal anomalies - Differential diagnosis and prognostic indicators (2nd edition): Part 2and lungs. Many of these abnormalities do not give a direct sonographic sign, but they may be suspected on the basis of the observation of indirect ab

normal findings. Topography of the observed abnormality, fetal sex, and gestational age are significantly useful to determine their possible origin |1 Ebook Ultrasound of congenital fetal anomalies - Differential diagnosis and prognostic indicators (2nd edition): Part 2

|.Another feature of the G1 tract pathologies that renders their antenatal diagnosis a difficult task is the frequent absence of any sonographic evide

Ebook Ultrasound of congenital fetal anomalies - Differential diagnosis and prognostic indicators (2nd edition): Part 2

nce before the third trimester. Furthermore, some abnormalities may not give any sonographic sign during the whole pregnancy, such as an esophageal at

Chapter 7Anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract and of the abdominal wallNor MAL ANAToMy o F ThE G As Tro INTESTINAL Tr AcT ANd ABdo MINAL WALL: ULTr

Ebook Ultrasound of congenital fetal anomalies - Differential diagnosis and prognostic indicators (2nd edition): Part 2hapter, the US appearance of the various Gl tract changes significantly with advancing gestational age. In the third trimester, the density of the int

estinal content at thelevel of the colon increases and becomes hypoechoic in comparison with the intestinal walls. This allows identification of the w Ebook Ultrasound of congenital fetal anomalies - Differential diagnosis and prognostic indicators (2nd edition): Part 2

hole course of the colon, from the cecum to the rectum (Figure 7.1). It is also important to consider that the sonographic echogenicity of the intesti

Ebook Ultrasound of congenital fetal anomalies - Differential diagnosis and prognostic indicators (2nd edition): Part 2

nal walls changes significantly with the emission frequency of the transducer: higher frequencies (6-7 MHz) make the interfaces between the solid inte

Chapter 7Anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract and of the abdominal wallNor MAL ANAToMy o F ThE G As Tro INTESTINAL Tr AcT ANd ABdo MINAL WALL: ULTr

Ebook Ultrasound of congenital fetal anomalies - Differential diagnosis and prognostic indicators (2nd edition): Part 2). A complete US assessment of the GI tract requires a series of views targeted at the various segments that have to be visualized, from the mouth to

the rectum. Some of these views have already been described in Chapters 3 and 6. To these views, those necessary to explore the intraabdominal intesti Ebook Ultrasound of congenital fetal anomalies - Differential diagnosis and prognostic indicators (2nd edition): Part 2

nal tract, rhe liver, and the spleen should be added.Cranial views (mouth, pharynx, and esophagus). These views have been described in Chapter 3, and

Ebook Ultrasound of congenital fetal anomalies - Differential diagnosis and prognostic indicators (2nd edition): Part 2

the reader may refer to that chapter for full descriptions. These views arc summarized below.•Lips: oblique view (Figure 7.2a);•Tongue and pharynx: ax

Chapter 7Anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract and of the abdominal wallNor MAL ANAToMy o F ThE G As Tro INTESTINAL Tr AcT ANd ABdo MINAL WALL: ULTr

Ebook Ultrasound of congenital fetal anomalies - Differential diagnosis and prognostic indicators (2nd edition): Part 2gus): axial view (four-chamber view) (Figure 7.3c).267268ULTr ASo UNd o F Co NGeNITAL FeTAL ANo MAUeSFigure 7.1 Axial view of the abdomen in a JS-wcek

-old fetus. Note the dilation of the colon with the haustra. This finding may be indicative of an obstruction or may be completely normal. as It happe Ebook Ultrasound of congenital fetal anomalies - Differential diagnosis and prognostic indicators (2nd edition): Part 2

ned to be in this case.Abdominal views (the stomach, ileum, jejunum, colon, liver, spleen, and abdominal wall). The scanning views arc as follows:•Axi

Ebook Ultrasound of congenital fetal anomalies - Differential diagnosis and prognostic indicators (2nd edition): Part 2

al view of the upper abdomen: stomach, spleen, intrahcpatic tract of umbilical vein (U V), right hepatic lobe, and gallbladder (Figures 7.4a,b and 7.5

Chapter 7Anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract and of the abdominal wallNor MAL ANAToMy o F ThE G As Tro INTESTINAL Tr AcT ANd ABdo MINAL WALL: ULTr

Ebook Ultrasound of congenital fetal anomalies - Differential diagnosis and prognostic indicators (2nd edition): Part 2 7.6a and b);•Left parasagittal view: spleen (Figure 7.5b);•Right parasagittal view: right hepatic lobe (Figure 7.6c);•Coronal view (volume contrast i

maging, or VCI-C): general approach (Figure 7.7).Figure 7.2 Cranial views for the assessment of the upper gastrointestinal tract (mouth and pharynx), Ebook Ultrasound of congenital fetal anomalies - Differential diagnosis and prognostic indicators (2nd edition): Part 2

(a) Oblique view of the lips, lb) Axial view of the mouth with the tongue (Tl and. behind, the oropharynx (arrows).GAs Tro INTESTINAL Tr AcT ANd ABdo

Ebook Ultrasound of congenital fetal anomalies - Differential diagnosis and prognostic indicators (2nd edition): Part 2

MINAL WALL ANo MALIEs By SCANNING VIEWCranial views and related malformations. We describe again the cranial views in order to underline the normal US

Chapter 7Anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract and of the abdominal wallNor MAL ANAToMy o F ThE G As Tro INTESTINAL Tr AcT ANd ABdo MINAL WALL: ULTr

Ebook Ultrasound of congenital fetal anomalies - Differential diagnosis and prognostic indicators (2nd edition): Part 2alize, while the thoracic portion, which IS the less difficul one to recognize, can be seen behind rhe trachea,immediately anterior to the descending

aorta; whereas the two upper portions of the esophagus run in front of the spine, the abdominal portion is deviated to the left. In fact, the esophagu Ebook Ultrasound of congenital fetal anomalies - Differential diagnosis and prognostic indicators (2nd edition): Part 2

s may be visualized in a near-midsagittal plane with the abdominal portion deviated to the left. Some authors have described the sonographic aspect of

Ebook Ultrasound of congenital fetal anomalies - Differential diagnosis and prognostic indicators (2nd edition): Part 2

this organ, when empty, as aANO MALIeS 0 F The GASTr 0 INTeSTINAL Tr ACT ANd o F The Aw--- .. —tubular structure composed ol four parallel echogenic

Chapter 7Anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract and of the abdominal wallNor MAL ANAToMy o F ThE G As Tro INTESTINAL Tr AcT ANd ABdo MINAL WALL: ULTr

Ebook Ultrasound of congenital fetal anomalies - Differential diagnosis and prognostic indicators (2nd edition): Part 2lls with amniotic fluid and it can appear as an anechoic structure (Figure 7.3b). The thoracic tract may resemble a vessel. Power or color Doppler may

be used ro exclude its vascular origin. Also on the four chamber view, the cross sectional appearance of the esophagus dis tended by some amniotic fl Ebook Ultrasound of congenital fetal anomalies - Differential diagnosis and prognostic indicators (2nd edition): Part 2

uid may be mistaken for that of an abnormal vessel, as in abnormal pulmonary or systemic (azygos continuation) venous return. This artifact is shown i

Ebook Ultrasound of congenital fetal anomalies - Differential diagnosis and prognostic indicators (2nd edition): Part 2

n Figure 7.3c.Axial view of the abdomen and related malformations (Figure 7.4). Ì his represents the classic view for measurement of rhe abdominal cir

Chapter 7Anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract and of the abdominal wallNor MAL ANAToMy o F ThE G As Tro INTESTINAL Tr AcT ANd ABdo MINAL WALL: ULTr

Ebook Ultrasound of congenital fetal anomalies - Differential diagnosis and prognostic indicators (2nd edition): Part 2oic, round, or oval area (although, in some circumstances, particulate matter can Ise seen floating in it); on rhe right, most of rhe liver, which sho

ws a weakly hyper-echogenic echostructure, and the intrahcpatic tract of the uv, anechoic with evident walls. On the right of the FIX', the gallbladde Ebook Ultrasound of congenital fetal anomalies - Differential diagnosis and prognostic indicators (2nd edition): Part 2

r cm also be seen in the right upper quadrant next to the liver. The gallbladder has a variable shape and volume, as in postnatal life, and it usually

Ebook Ultrasound of congenital fetal anomalies - Differential diagnosis and prognostic indicators (2nd edition): Part 2

has an anechoic content (Figure 7.4a).With minor tilting of the transducer, sometimes it is possible to visualize the spleen behind the stomach (Figu

Chapter 7Anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract and of the abdominal wallNor MAL ANAToMy o F ThE G As Tro INTESTINAL Tr AcT ANd ABdo MINAL WALL: ULTr

Ebook Ultrasound of congenital fetal anomalies - Differential diagnosis and prognostic indicators (2nd edition): Part 2hodensity that is rather similar to that of rhe liver and rhe lung.Nomograms of the normal gastric biometry versus gestational age are available in th

e literature [3| (see Appendix Table A.20). The GI anomalies that can be recognized on this view arc as follows:Figure 7.3 Ultrasound views of esophag Ebook Ultrasound of congenital fetal anomalies - Differential diagnosis and prognostic indicators (2nd edition): Part 2

us, (a) Sagittal view of the fetal neck, thorax, and upper abdomen, showing the course of an empty esophagus (small arrows), behind the trachea (big a

Ebook Ultrasound of congenital fetal anomalies - Differential diagnosis and prognostic indicators (2nd edition): Part 2

rrow). H: heart; *: pharynx, (bl The parasagittal view of the thorax demonstrates a distended esophagus behind the left atrium (arrowheads). I.V: left

Chapter 7Anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract and of the abdominal wallNor MAL ANAToMy o F ThE G As Tro INTESTINAL Tr AcT ANd ABdo MINAL WALL: ULTr

Ebook Ultrasound of congenital fetal anomalies - Differential diagnosis and prognostic indicators (2nd edition): Part 2an be seen; in this case, it is necessary to differentiate tire tempo rary dilation of the esophagus from an abnormal venous return (systemic or pulmo

nary). If tire anechoic area is due Io esophageal dilation, it disa|>pears alter a tew minutes; in addition, the use of color or power Doppler may eas Ebook Ultrasound of congenital fetal anomalies - Differential diagnosis and prognostic indicators (2nd edition): Part 2

ily confirm or rule out a c-a rd iova scula r a noma ly.

Chapter 7Anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract and of the abdominal wallNor MAL ANAToMy o F ThE G As Tro INTESTINAL Tr AcT ANd ABdo MINAL WALL: ULTr

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