English vietnamese translation assessment of culture specific references in a literary text a functional pragmatic perspective
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English vietnamese translation assessment of culture specific references in a literary text a functional pragmatic perspective
VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES*****TRIEV THU HẢNGENGLISH-VIETNAMESE TRANSLATION ASSESSMENT OF cn English vietnamese translation assessment of culture specific references in a literary text a functional pragmatic perspectiven TURF-SPECIFIC REFERENCES IN A LITERARY TEXT: A FUNCTIONAL-PRAGMATIC PERSPECTIVE(Dánh giá dịch Anh-Việt các yếu lố mang đặc trưng vãn hoá trong ván học: Binh diện chức nãng-dụng học)MAJOR: ENGLISH LINGUISTICSCODE: 9220201.01A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the English vietnamese translation assessment of culture specific references in a literary text a functional pragmatic perspective degree of Doctor of Philosophy in I .inguisticsSupervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. I.Ê HUNG TIENHANOI-2019VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LEnglish vietnamese translation assessment of culture specific references in a literary text a functional pragmatic perspective
ANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES *****TRIẸU THU HẢNGENGLISH-VIETNAMESE TRANSLATION ASSESSMENT OF CIT.TURE-SPECIFIC VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES*****TRIEV THU HẢNGENGLISH-VIETNAMESE TRANSLATION ASSESSMENT OF cn English vietnamese translation assessment of culture specific references in a literary text a functional pragmatic perspectiveức nãng-dụng học)MAJOR: ENGLISH LTNGITSTICSCODE: 9220201.01A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in I .inguisticsSupervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. LÊ HÙNG TIÉNHANOI-2019STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIPThe thesis entitled: “English-Vietnamese tra English vietnamese translation assessment of culture specific references in a literary text a functional pragmatic perspectivenslation assessment of culturespecific references in a literary text: A functional-pragmatic perspective" has been submitted for the degree of DoctorEnglish vietnamese translation assessment of culture specific references in a literary text a functional pragmatic perspective
of Philosophy.I, the undersigned, hereby declare that I am the sole author of this thesis, I have fully acknowledged and referenced the ideas and workVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES*****TRIEV THU HẢNGENGLISH-VIETNAMESE TRANSLATION ASSESSMENT OF cn English vietnamese translation assessment of culture specific references in a literary text a functional pragmatic perspectiveeviously presented for another degree or diploma at this or any other university.SignatureTRIẸƯ THU HANGABSTRACTThis descriptive, comparative, and evaluative study attempts to assess the English-Vietnamese translation of culture-specific references (CSRs) in a literary text from the functional-pragm English vietnamese translation assessment of culture specific references in a literary text a functional pragmatic perspectiveatic perspective of House's model (2015). After operating House s model (2015) in the context of English-Vietnamese translation, the supplementation fEnglish vietnamese translation assessment of culture specific references in a literary text a functional pragmatic perspective
or the model in this context is drawn out. This study focuses on the three categories of CSRs. namely proper names, person reference forms, and regionVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES*****TRIEV THU HẢNGENGLISH-VIETNAMESE TRANSLATION ASSESSMENT OF cn English vietnamese translation assessment of culture specific references in a literary text a functional pragmatic perspectivee quantitative analysis was employed to count the frequency of translation strategies adopted by the translator in translating the chosen CSRs. The primary sources of data include the Source Text (ST - “Harn- Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", 2014). the Target Text (TT - “Harry Potter và Hòn đá p English vietnamese translation assessment of culture specific references in a literary text a functional pragmatic perspectivehù thuỹ", 2016), the three categories of proper names, person reference forms and regional dialects in the ST and their equivalents in the TT. The priEnglish vietnamese translation assessment of culture specific references in a literary text a functional pragmatic perspective
mary sources of data were analyzed and assessed from the functional-pragmatic perspective of House (2015). The secondary sources of data, employed to VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES*****TRIEV THU HẢNGENGLISH-VIETNAMESE TRANSLATION ASSESSMENT OF cn English vietnamese translation assessment of culture specific references in a literary text a functional pragmatic perspectivehe ST author, the translator, and interviews with two other literary translators and an expert in the field Such triangulation was deployed to ensure the trustworthiness of the study.The study yields the following findings. As far as proper names are concerned, the non-translation strategy is adopte English vietnamese translation assessment of culture specific references in a literary text a functional pragmatic perspectived for 35 loaded proper names, which entails “partially functional equivalence" 111 the TT as compared to those in the ST. Accordingly, compensation stEnglish vietnamese translation assessment of culture specific references in a literary text a functional pragmatic perspective
rategy (nontranslation plus end-of-book glossary) is recommended to compensate the linguistic and cultural differences. Regarding person reference forVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES*****TRIEV THU HẢNGENGLISH-VIETNAMESE TRANSLATION ASSESSMENT OF cn English vietnamese translation assessment of culture specific references in a literary text a functional pragmatic perspectiveeiiexamined situational and cultural contexts. Concerning regional dialects, regional dialects in the ST have virtually been neutralized in the TT. which results in “partially functional equivalence'’ in the I T as compared to those in the ST. Accordingly, compensation strategy is recommended with t English vietnamese translation assessment of culture specific references in a literary text a functional pragmatic perspectivehe choice of “neutralization'’ in combination with “colloquial language" to convey the social status and the friendliness of the protagonist. It is reEnglish vietnamese translation assessment of culture specific references in a literary text a functional pragmatic perspective
vealed that cultural filler is inevitable in translating across cultures. Based on the findings of the three CSR groups, several reasons underlying thVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES*****TRIEV THU HẢNGENGLISH-VIETNAMESE TRANSLATION ASSESSMENT OF cn English vietnamese translation assessment of culture specific references in a literary text a functional pragmatic perspectivetical framework, the supplementation for House's functional-pragmatic model is drawn out. This study offers evidence on the adoption of Attitudinal resources of Appraisal Theory (Martin & White. 2005) to uncover the author's attitudes embedded in CSRs in the text, which helps to fulfill the aim of t English vietnamese translation assessment of culture specific references in a literary text a functional pragmatic perspectiveranslation assessment. Besides, compensation strategy is recommended to compensate the linguistic and cultural differences in translating CSRs.TheoretEnglish vietnamese translation assessment of culture specific references in a literary text a functional pragmatic perspective
ically, this study provides evidence on the adoption of Attitudinal resources (Marlin & White. 2005) to explore the author’s altitudes embedded in CSRVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES*****TRIEV THU HẢNGENGLISH-VIETNAMESE TRANSLATION ASSESSMENT OF cn English vietnamese translation assessment of culture specific references in a literary text a functional pragmatic perspectivehe functional-pragmatic perspective with the interviews of the author, the translator, other translators, and an expert in the field. Practically, compensation strategy is recommended 111 dealing with CSRs from English to Vietnamese.iii English vietnamese translation assessment of culture specific references in a literary text a functional pragmatic perspectiveVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES*****TRIEV THU HẢNGENGLISH-VIETNAMESE TRANSLATION ASSESSMENT OF cnGọi ngay
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