Enhancing motivation in vocabulary learning via online games an action research project at a university in hanoi
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Enhancing motivation in vocabulary learning via online games an action research project at a university in hanoi
VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERN ATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STI DIESDẠNG MINH ANHENHANCING MOTIV AT Enhancing motivation in vocabulary learning via online games an action research project at a university in hanoiTION IN VOCABULARY LEARNINGVIA ONLINE GAMES: AN ACTION RESEARCH PROJECTAT A UNIV ERSITY IN HANOITiìng cường dộng lực học từ vựng qua trò chơi trực tuyên: Một nghiên círu hành động ỏ- một truừng đại học tại I là NộiM.A. MINOR PROGRAM THESISMajor: English Language Teaching MethodologyCode: 8140231.01H Enhancing motivation in vocabulary learning via online games an action research project at a university in hanoiANOI - 2019VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. HANOIUNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIESFACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STI DIESDẠNG MINH ANHENHANCINGEnhancing motivation in vocabulary learning via online games an action research project at a university in hanoi
.MOTIVATION IN VOCABULARY LEARNING VIA ONLINE GAMES: AN ACTION RESEARC H PROJECTATA UNIVERSITY IN HANOIl ăng ciròng động lực học từ vựng qua trò choi VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERN ATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STI DIESDẠNG MINH ANHENHANCING MOTIV AT Enhancing motivation in vocabulary learning via online games an action research project at a university in hanoi1.01Supervisor: Hoàng Thị Xuân Hoa, PhDHANOI - 2019DECLARATIONI certify that the work presented in this research report has been performed and interpreted solely by myself. 1 confirm that this paper is submitted in fulfillment of the requirement for the M.A. Degree and has not been submitted elsewhe Enhancing motivation in vocabulary learning via online games an action research project at a university in hanoire in any other form for the fulfillment of any other degree or qualification.Hanoi, 2019Đặng Minh AnhACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis M.A thesis could not have bEnhancing motivation in vocabulary learning via online games an action research project at a university in hanoi
een accomplished without the invaluable help, encouragement and support form a number of people who I would like to show my sincerest gratitude and apVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERN ATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STI DIESDẠNG MINH ANHENHANCING MOTIV AT Enhancing motivation in vocabulary learning via online games an action research project at a university in hanoiic and precious guideline and advice throughout the duration of my thesis. Without her instruction and supervision, this thesis could not have reached the fulfillment.Moreover, my honest thanks also come to all students for taking part in this study.Last but not least. I give my thanks to family and Enhancing motivation in vocabulary learning via online games an action research project at a university in hanoi relatives who have always supported me and supplied the best conditions for me to complete this thesis.ABSTRACTThe present thesis was conducted to exEnhancing motivation in vocabulary learning via online games an action research project at a university in hanoi
amine the extent to which the application of Online games could help to enhance the students’ motivation in learning vocabulary. Participants of this VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERN ATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STI DIESDẠNG MINH ANHENHANCING MOTIV AT Enhancing motivation in vocabulary learning via online games an action research project at a university in hanoivocabulary learning. This thesis was designed as an action research, rhe whole process of the research was divided into four steps of planning, implementing, observing and reflecting on progress with aims to reduce the problems and to improve students’ motivation in learning vocabulary, rhe research Enhancing motivation in vocabulary learning via online games an action research project at a university in hanoi questions to be addressed in the thesis are: (1) To what extent do online games have influences on students’ motivation in learning vocabulary? (2) WEnhancing motivation in vocabulary learning via online games an action research project at a university in hanoi
hat arc students’ opinions towards the application of these games in vocabulary learning. Survey questionnaire, semi-structured interview and classrooVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERN ATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STI DIESDẠNG MINH ANHENHANCING MOTIV AT Enhancing motivation in vocabulary learning via online games an action research project at a university in hanoie games on enhancing their motivation in vocabulary learning as the level of motivation after the intervention was increase significantly in comparison with that before the intervention. In addition, the results indicated that the students had positive opinions towards application of online games in Enhancing motivation in vocabulary learning via online games an action research project at a university in hanoi vocabulary learning in all aspects of ARSC model.Keywords: action research, vocabulary, motivation, online games, ARSC modelVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERN ATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STI DIESDẠNG MINH ANHENHANCING MOTIV ATVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERN ATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STI DIESDẠNG MINH ANHENHANCING MOTIV ATGọi ngay
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