Evaluation of agricultural policy reforms in the european union the common agricultural policy 2014 20

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Nội dung chi tiết: Evaluation of agricultural policy reforms in the european union the common agricultural policy 2014 20

Evaluation of agricultural policy reforms in the european union the common agricultural policy 2014 20

Evaluation of Agricultural Policy Reforms in the European UnionTHE COMMON AGRICULTURAL POLICY 2014-20®OECDEvaluation of Agricultural Policy Reforms in

Evaluation of agricultural policy reforms in the european union the common agricultural policy 2014 20n the European UnionTHE COMMON AGRICULTURAL POLICY 2014-20G//OECDBETTER POLICIES FOR BETTER LIVESThis work is published under the responsibility of th

e Secretary-General of the OECD. The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of OECD member cou Evaluation of agricultural policy reforms in the european union the common agricultural policy 2014 20

ntries.This document and any map included herein arc without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of inte

Evaluation of agricultural policy reforms in the european union the common agricultural policy 2014 20

rnational frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.Please cite this publication as:oix:t> (201 /), Evaluation of Agricu

Evaluation of Agricultural Policy Reforms in the European UnionTHE COMMON AGRICULTURAL POLICY 2014-20®OECDEvaluation of Agricultural Policy Reforms in

Evaluation of agricultural policy reforms in the european union the common agricultural policy 2014 20!SRN<)7fl 92 M 27868 4(prinl)TSRN978 9? CA 27878 ? (PDF)Thr statistic-ill diltii for Israel are supplied by and under the responsibility of the releva

nt Israeli authorities. The use of such data hy the OECD is without prejudice In the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlemen Evaluation of agricultural policy reforms in the european union the common agricultural policy 2014 20

ts in the West sank under the terms of international law.Photo credits: Cover ữ Michal Kaca^hutterstockcomCorrigenda to OECD publications may be found

Evaluation of agricultural policy reforms in the european union the common agricultural policy 2014 20

on line at: WWU7 cerd.orr/abaut/puhlisbing/mrnijrnda him.©OECD 2017You can copy, download or print OECD content foe your own UM, and you can inchide

Evaluation of Agricultural Policy Reforms in the European UnionTHE COMMON AGRICULTURAL POLICY 2014-20®OECDEvaluation of Agricultural Policy Reforms in

Evaluation of agricultural policy reforms in the european union the common agricultural policy 2014 20ded that suitable acknowledgement of orcr> m source and copyright owner is given All requests for public or commercial use and translation rights shou

ld be submitted to nahtíttxcd.ceọ. Requests for permission to photocopy portxins of this material for public or commercial UM shall be addressed direc Evaluation of agricultural policy reforms in the european union the common agricultural policy 2014 20

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Evaluation of agricultural policy reforms in the european union the common agricultural policy 2014 20

l.FOREWORD - 3ForewordSuccessive reforms have shaped the European Union’s agricultural policy. This report offers an evaluation of the main new featur

Evaluation of Agricultural Policy Reforms in the European UnionTHE COMMON AGRICULTURAL POLICY 2014-20®OECDEvaluation of Agricultural Policy Reforms in

Evaluation of agricultural policy reforms in the european union the common agricultural policy 2014 20hile also offering some novel features. Starting with the description of the new institutional context whereby it was co-signed by Council and Parliam

ent, the report then reviews the new policy features. New compulsory measures are introduced within an overall stable budget. These include the greeni Evaluation of agricultural policy reforms in the european union the common agricultural policy 2014 20

ng payment that is conditional on fanning practices deemed to deliver specific environmental outcomes, and also the payment to support newly installed

Evaluation of agricultural policy reforms in the european union the common agricultural policy 2014 20

young fanners. The CAP 2014-20 also allows for greater flexibility. Member states may now partly tailor the implementation of some compulsory measure

Evaluation of Agricultural Policy Reforms in the European UnionTHE COMMON AGRICULTURAL POLICY 2014-20®OECDEvaluation of Agricultural Policy Reforms in

Evaluation of agricultural policy reforms in the european union the common agricultural policy 2014 20w opportunities for flexibility. Their choices are discussed in this report The OECD Producer Support Estimate (PSE) framework that quantifies policy

transfers and the CAPRI model of European agriculture are used to offer an er ante assessment of public expenditure associated with the new measures.T Evaluation of agricultural policy reforms in the european union the common agricultural policy 2014 20

wo policy dimensions are discussed in greater detail, first the provision of risk management instruments and then take up by member states and. second

Evaluation of agricultural policy reforms in the european union the common agricultural policy 2014 20

, the menu of environmental measures.Based on these elements, the report draws a number of conclusions and recommendations.This report offers a timely

Evaluation of Agricultural Policy Reforms in the European UnionTHE COMMON AGRICULTURAL POLICY 2014-20®OECDEvaluation of Agricultural Policy Reforms in

Evaluation of agricultural policy reforms in the european union the common agricultural policy 2014 20s of Agricultural Policy Reforms and adds to the previous work on the Common Agricultural Policy published in 2011..4 cknowiedgementsThe main authors

of the report are Morvarid Bagherzadeh (project leader). Jo Cadilhon and Václav Vojtech. Research and statistical assistance was provided by Eline Kam Evaluation of agricultural policy reforms in the european union the common agricultural policy 2014 20

gang. Tarja Mard. Karine Souvanheuane. Notira Takrouri Jolly, and Lilian Wei. The CAPRI analysis was carried out by TorbjOm Jansson (Swedish Universit

Evaluation of agricultural policy reforms in the european union the common agricultural policy 2014 20

y of Agricultural Sciences). Peter Witzke (EuroCARE Bonn GmbH) and Alexander Gocht (Thtlnen Institute). Administrative and editorial assistance was pr

Evaluation of Agricultural Policy Reforms in the European UnionTHE COMMON AGRICULTURAL POLICY 2014-20®OECDEvaluation of Agricultural Policy Reforms in

Evaluation of agricultural policy reforms in the european union the common agricultural policy 2014 20s and Markets. It was declassified by the Working Party in March 2017.EVALUATION OF AGRICULTURAL POLICY REFORMS IN THE EUROPEAN UNION c OECD 2017

Evaluation of Agricultural Policy Reforms in the European UnionTHE COMMON AGRICULTURAL POLICY 2014-20®OECDEvaluation of Agricultural Policy Reforms in

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