How china escaped the poverty trap
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How china escaped the poverty trap
HOW CHINA ESCAPED THF PnVFRTYA VOLUME IN THE SERIESCornell Studies ill Political EconomyEdited by Peter J. KatzensteinA list of titles in this scries How china escaped the poverty trap is available at CHINA ESCAPED THE POVERTY TRAPYuen Yuen AngCORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS ITHACA AND LONDONCornell University Press gratefully acknowledges receipt of a subvention from the University of Michigan office of Research and the Department of Political Science, How china escaped the poverty trapUniversity of Michigan, which aided in the publication of this book.Copyright © 2016 by Cornell UniversityAll rights reserved. Except tor brief quotatHow china escaped the poverty trap
ions in a review, this book, or parts thereof, must not be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher. For information, aHOW CHINA ESCAPED THF PnVFRTYA VOLUME IN THE SERIESCornell Studies ill Political EconomyEdited by Peter J. KatzensteinA list of titles in this scries How china escaped the poverty trapthe United States of AmericaLibrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataNames: Ang, Yuen Yuen, 1979- author.Title: How China escaped the poverty trap / Yuen Yuen Ang.Description: Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2016.1 Series: Cornell studies in political economy I Includes bibliographical r How china escaped the poverty trapeferences and index.Identifiers: LCCN 2016014018 I ISBN 9781501700200 (cloth : alk. paper)Subjects: LCSH: China—Economic conditions—1976-2000.1 China—How china escaped the poverty trap
Economic conditions—2000- I China—Economic policy—1976-2000.1 China— Economic policy—2000- I Developing countries—Economic policy. I Developing countrHOW CHINA ESCAPED THF PnVFRTYA VOLUME IN THE SERIESCornell Studies ill Political EconomyEdited by Peter J. KatzensteinA list of titles in this scries How china escaped the poverty trapfication: ICC HC427.92 .A74 2016 I DDC 338.951—dc23I.c record available at University Press strives to use environmentally responsible suppliers and materials to the fullest extent possible in the publishing of its books. Such materials include vegetable-based, How china escaped the poverty traplow-VOC inks and acid-free papers that arc recycled, totally chlorine-free, or partly composed of nonwood fibers. For further information, visit our wHow china escaped the poverty trap
ebsite at printing10 987654 3 21All photos arc by the author.Cover photograph: Children investigate a new highway iHOW CHINA ESCAPED THF PnVFRTYA VOLUME IN THE SERIESCornell Studies ill Political EconomyEdited by Peter J. KatzensteinA list of titles in this scries HOW CHINA ESCAPED THF PnVFRTYA VOLUME IN THE SERIESCornell Studies ill Political EconomyEdited by Peter J. KatzensteinA list of titles in this scriesGọi ngay
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