International migration outlook 2018

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Nội dung chi tiết: International migration outlook 2018

International migration outlook 2018

International Migration Outlook 2018®OECDInternational Migration Outlook2018OECDBETTER POLICIES FOR BETTER LIVESThis work is published under the respo

International migration outlook 2018onsibility ot the Secretary-General of the OECD. The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of

OECD member countries.This document, as well as any data and any map included herein, are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any International migration outlook 2018

territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.Please cite this publication a

International migration outlook 2018

s;OECD (7018), International Migration OurJcofe 701«, OECD Publishing, Paris.hllps7/doi.ofg/10.1787/migr_uuCkx>fc-2ơl8-cnISBN 9/8-92-M-301SK-8 (prir.t

International Migration Outlook 2018®OECDInternational Migration Outlook2018OECDBETTER POLICIES FOR BETTER LIVESThis work is published under the respo

International migration outlook 201824X (online)The statistical data far Israel nrr supplied by and under the responsibility at the relevant Israeli authorities. The use of such data by

the OECD is without prejudice tn the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of internati International migration outlook 2018

onal law.Photo credits: Cover © David RooneyCorrigenda to OECD publications may he found on lineal: uiwu.-ardcryah.-iuf/puhlishincp'cnrriqrnd.ahrm©OEC

International migration outlook 2018

D 2018You can copy, download or print OECD content for your own use, and you can include excerpts from OECD publications, database: and multimedia pro

International Migration Outlook 2018®OECDInternational Migration Outlook2018OECDBETTER POLICIES FOR BETTER LIVESThis work is published under the respo

International migration outlook 2018nrris) if giwn Alt requests for public or commercial me and translation rights shotlid be submined to ri^htseoccd.orq. Requests for permission to phot

ocopy portions of this material for public or commercial use shall be addressed directly to the Copyright Clearance Center (OCC| at infoCcopyriahtcom International migration outlook 2018

or the Centre francais d'exploitation du droit do copie (CEC) at rxtecect^ýbipé? com.FOREWORD I 3ForewordThis publication constitutes the 42nd report

International migration outlook 2018

of the OECD's Continuous Reporting System on Migration. The report is divided mlo live chapters plus a statistical annex.Chaplet 1 provides a broad ov

International Migration Outlook 2018®OECDInternational Migration Outlook2018OECDBETTER POLICIES FOR BETTER LIVESThis work is published under the respo

International migration outlook 2018ighlights major changes in policies that support the integration of immigrants and then children.Chapter 3 examines the labour marker impact of recent

refiigee inflows to European countries. drawing lessons lioni past experience and looking beyond the most recent developments to account for the ongo International migration outlook 2018

ing process of refugee labour maikcl entry. It offers a rigorous assessment of the potential impact of recent refugee inflows on rhe workingage popula

International migration outlook 2018

tion and labour force of European countries up to 2020. taking into account the specificity of refugees and their interactions with the labour marker.

International Migration Outlook 2018®OECDInternational Migration Outlook2018OECDBETTER POLICIES FOR BETTER LIVESThis work is published under the respo

International migration outlook 2018imum help to liame expectations.Chapter I focuses on the issue of illegal employment of foreign workers, looking at the various forms of irregularitie

s and mliaclions that It may entail, as w ell as its relationship to informal employment. The chapter also provides some evidence on the scope and cha International migration outlook 2018

racteristics of the phenomenon across OECD countries. Given, however, the scarcity-of data in this field, precise quantification remains challenging.

International migration outlook 2018

Therefore. most of the chapter is focused on policy measures implemented by OECD countries to prevent, control and sanction the illegal employment of

International Migration Outlook 2018®OECDInternational Migration Outlook2018OECDBETTER POLICIES FOR BETTER LIVESThis work is published under the respo

International migration outlook 2018ng informal employment and irregular migration are also discussed.Chapter 5 presents succinct country-specific notes and statistics on developments in

international migration movements and policies in OECD countries in recent years. Lastly, the Statistical Annex includes a broad selection of recent International migration outlook 2018

and historical statistics on immigrant Hows: asylum requests; foreign and foreign-boni populations; and naturalisations.This year’s edition of the OEC

International migration outlook 2018

D International Migration Outlook is tire collective work of the stair of the International Migration Division in the Directorate for Employment. Labo

International Migration Outlook 2018®OECDInternational Migration Outlook2018OECDBETTER POLICIES FOR BETTER LIVESThis work is published under the respo

International migration outlook 2018(OECD) and Chapter 4 by Sandrine Cazes (OECD). Jean-Christophe Dumont edited the report. Research assistance and statistical work were carried out by

véromque Gindrey and Philippe Hervé. Editorial assistance was provided by Joanne Diuidon and Anna Tarutina (OECD), and by Ken Kincaid specifically on International migration outlook 2018


International Migration Outlook 2018®OECDInternational Migration Outlook2018OECDBETTER POLICIES FOR BETTER LIVESThis work is published under the respo

International Migration Outlook 2018®OECDInternational Migration Outlook2018OECDBETTER POLICIES FOR BETTER LIVESThis work is published under the respo

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