Judgments of love in criminal justice
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Judgments of love in criminal justice
Farhad MalekianJudgments of Love in Criminal JusticeFarhad MalekianJudgments of Love in Criminal Justice0 SpringerFarhad MalekianInstitute of Internat Judgments of love in criminal justicetional Criminal LawUppsala, SwedenISBN 978-3-319-46899-0 ISBN 978-3-319-46900-3 (eBook)DOI 10.1007/978-3-319 46900-3Library of Congress Control Number: 2016958570© Springer International Publishing AG 2017Ibis work is subject to copyright. All rights arc reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole Judgments of love in criminal justiceor part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproductiJudgments of love in criminal justice
on on microfilms or in any other physical way. and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by Farhad MalekianJudgments of Love in Criminal JusticeFarhad MalekianJudgments of Love in Criminal Justice0 SpringerFarhad MalekianInstitute of Internat Judgments of love in criminal justiceetc. in this publication docs not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names arc exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this Judgments of love in criminal justiceIxxik are believed Io he true and accurate al the dale of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, express oJudgments of love in criminal justice
r implied, with respect Io the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with reFarhad MalekianJudgments of Love in Criminal JusticeFarhad MalekianJudgments of Love in Criminal Justice0 SpringerFarhad MalekianInstitute of Internat Judgments of love in criminal justicer NatureThe registered company is Springer International Publishing AGlire registered company address is: Gcwerbcstrassc 11. 6330 Cham. SwitzerlandTo my mother the blind Lady Justice ✓ •*To my father the Gavel of JusticeAnd my tribute to the dearly belovedperpetual bouquet0214 and our buds 0912, 062 Judgments of love in criminal justice3, 0604, 0308KapcaPrefaceI initiate and end almost all of my lectures and examination questions with the phrase “with love and respect”. This phrase bJudgments of love in criminal justice
rings all students close together and encapsulates the raison d'etre that the lectures highlighted a tangible award for the understanding of law. I moFarhad MalekianJudgments of Love in Criminal JusticeFarhad MalekianJudgments of Love in Criminal Justice0 SpringerFarhad MalekianInstitute of Internat Judgments of love in criminal justicecerated in one of the notorious Swedish prisons, the Anstalten Kumla, I decided on one occasion to deliver a lecture face-to-face. One of the head guards drove me to the prison and asked me if he could give me some information about my students and the crimes for which they had been convicted. ‘No t Judgments of love in criminal justicehanks’, 1 replied. He repeated his question again. My answer was the same. He ultimately decided to tell me. even though I did not have any curiosityJudgments of love in criminal justice
to know'. I succeeded in not hearing his W'ords w ith a variety of tricks. While driving me back in the evening, the guard wished to confess about ourFarhad MalekianJudgments of Love in Criminal JusticeFarhad MalekianJudgments of Love in Criminal Justice0 SpringerFarhad MalekianInstitute of Internat Judgments of love in criminal justiceed wire, and free all those poor boys. What we arc doing against them all is much more unrealistic than w hat they did against US. The period in the prison will not serve to teach them love, but hate.”My late father was and is my true academic campus. It was he who irrevocably tutored me not to lose Judgments of love in criminal justice “self-restraint.” My ethical philosophy in a nutshell is that the spirit of the law' has to be good; the metaphysical elements of justice have to beJudgments of love in criminal justice
rational: the basis of morality has to be to serve without expectations of gain: faith in humanity has to rise from the chambers of a compassionate heFarhad MalekianJudgments of Love in Criminal JusticeFarhad MalekianJudgments of Love in Criminal Justice0 SpringerFarhad MalekianInstitute of Internat Judgments of love in criminal justicenot only falls short of the spirit of the rule of law but humiliates the integrity of the dead and the victims. Regrettably, a number of lawyers in the field are not only millionaires, but even multimillionaires—the innocent victims and ‘human rights law'’ itself have become the cargo ofvii Judgments of love in criminal justiceFarhad MalekianJudgments of Love in Criminal JusticeFarhad MalekianJudgments of Love in Criminal Justice0 SpringerFarhad MalekianInstitute of InternatGọi ngay
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