The sweatshop regime labouring bodies, exploitation, and garments made in india
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The sweatshop regime labouring bodies, exploitation, and garments made in india
The Sweatshop RegimeThis book explores the processes producing and reproducing the garment sweatshop in India. Drawing from Marxian and feminist insig The sweatshop regime labouring bodies, exploitation, and garments made in indiaghts, the book theorizes the sweatshop as a complex ‘regime’ of exploitation and oppression, jointly crafted by global, regional and local actors, and working across productive and reproductive realms. Ihe analysis illustrates the links between the physical and social materiality of production, unve The sweatshop regime labouring bodies, exploitation, and garments made in indiailing the distinct circuits of exploitation corresponding to different clothing items. As these circuits change across India, on the basis of regionalThe sweatshop regime labouring bodies, exploitation, and garments made in india
patterns of product specialisation, so docs the logic of the sweatshop, its composition, the social profile of the labouring poor engaged in garment The Sweatshop RegimeThis book explores the processes producing and reproducing the garment sweatshop in India. Drawing from Marxian and feminist insig The sweatshop regime labouring bodies, exploitation, and garments made in indiaent garment collections exhibited al different floors, and created through the sweat of different sets of labourers.Highlighting the great social differentiation of the garment workforce in factories, workshops and homes scattered across the Indian Subcontinent, the narrative also unveils the multip The sweatshop regime labouring bodies, exploitation, and garments made in indiale patterns of unfreedom this workforce is subject to. lhese exceed narrow definitions of unfreedom mainly based on forced labour, which arc becomingThe sweatshop regime labouring bodies, exploitation, and garments made in india
dominant in the debate on global labour standards and ‘modern slavery. By discussing interplays between productive and reproductive realms and processThe Sweatshop RegimeThis book explores the processes producing and reproducing the garment sweatshop in India. Drawing from Marxian and feminist insig The sweatshop regime labouring bodies, exploitation, and garments made in indiae same lime are also reproduced by it. It also highlights the role different actors - like global buyers, regional suppliers and retailers, and labour contractors -play in these processes. Indeed, the book depicts the sweatshop as a complex joint enterprise against the labouring poor, shaped and ste The sweatshop regime labouring bodies, exploitation, and garments made in indiaered by multiple lords, and where production and circulation - of garments, processes and people - intertwine in manifold ways. It also shows how theThe sweatshop regime labouring bodies, exploitation, and garments made in india
labouring body is systematically and inexorably depleted and consumed by garment work, until it is finally ejected from the sweatshop. Finally, the boThe Sweatshop RegimeThis book explores the processes producing and reproducing the garment sweatshop in India. Drawing from Marxian and feminist insig The sweatshop regime labouring bodies, exploitation, and garments made in indiamodern slavery, and ethical consumerism.Alessandra Mczzadri leaches al the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Her research interests focus on globalisation and processes of labour informalisation; materialist approaches to global commodity chain analysis and global industr The sweatshop regime labouring bodies, exploitation, and garments made in indiaial systems, labour standards and CSR; gender and feminist theory; and the political economy of India. She has investigated in depth the Indian garmenThe sweatshop regime labouring bodies, exploitation, and garments made in india
t industry over a span often years, and illustrated the different ways in which distinct regional sweatshops are formed and reproduced across the subcThe Sweatshop RegimeThis book explores the processes producing and reproducing the garment sweatshop in India. Drawing from Marxian and feminist insig The sweatshop regime labouring bodies, exploitation, and garments made in india Trajectories in Global Value ChainsA feature of the current phase of globalization is the outsourcing of production tasks and services across borders, and increasing organization of production and trade through global value chains (GVCs), global commodity chains (GCCs), and global production networ The sweatshop regime labouring bodies, exploitation, and garments made in indiaks (GPNs). With a large and growing literature on GVCs, GCCs, and GPNs, this series is distinguished by its focus on the implications of these new proThe sweatshop regime labouring bodies, exploitation, and garments made in india
duction systems for economic, social and regional development.This scries publishes a wide range of theoretical, methodological and empirical works, bThe Sweatshop RegimeThis book explores the processes producing and reproducing the garment sweatshop in India. Drawing from Marxian and feminist insig The sweatshop regime labouring bodies, exploitation, and garments made in indialead and supplier firms shape regional and international economies? How do they ailed local and regional development trajectories, and what implications do they have lor workers and their communities? How is the organization of value chains changing and how are these emerging forms contested as more The sweatshop regime labouring bodies, exploitation, and garments made in india traditional structures of North-South trade are complemented and transformed by emerging South-South lead firms, investments, and trading links? HowThe sweatshop regime labouring bodies, exploitation, and garments made in india
does the large-scale entry of women into value chain production impact on gender relations? What opportunities and limits do GVCs create for economic The Sweatshop RegimeThis book explores the processes producing and reproducing the garment sweatshop in India. Drawing from Marxian and feminist insig The sweatshop regime labouring bodies, exploitation, and garments made in india increasing locus on logistics management, fmancializalion, or social standards and compliance portend important developments in the structure of regional economies?lhe series includes contributions from many disciplines and interdisciplinary fields and approaches related to GVC analysis, including The sweatshop regime labouring bodies, exploitation, and garments made in indiaGCCs and GPNs, and is particularly focused on theoretically innovative and informed works that are grounded in the empirics of development related toThe sweatshop regime labouring bodies, exploitation, and garments made in india
these approaches, through their focus on the changing organizational forms, governance systems, and production relations, volumes in this series contrThe Sweatshop RegimeThis book explores the processes producing and reproducing the garment sweatshop in India. Drawing from Marxian and feminist insig The sweatshop regime labouring bodies, exploitation, and garments made in india Barrientos is Professor of Global Development al the Global Development Institute, University of Manchester.Gary Gereffi is Professor of Sociology and Director of the Center on Globalization, Governance and Competitiveness, Duke University.Dev Nathan is Visiting Professor at the Institute for Human The sweatshop regime labouring bodies, exploitation, and garments made in india Development, New Delhi, and Visiting Research Fellow at the Center on Globalization, Governance and Competitiveness, Duke University.John Pickles isThe sweatshop regime labouring bodies, exploitation, and garments made in india
Earl N. Phillips Distinguished Professor of International Studies at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.The Sweatshop RegimeLabouring BodieThe Sweatshop RegimeThis book explores the processes producing and reproducing the garment sweatshop in India. Drawing from Marxian and feminist insig The sweatshop regime labouring bodies, exploitation, and garments made in indiaZ Fn Aland All in Illi 701 ft a» 11-7R-7OThe sweatshop regime labouring bodies, exploitation, and garments made in india
.It furthers the University's mission by disseminating knowledge in the pursuit of education, learning and research at the highest international levelThe Sweatshop RegimeThis book explores the processes producing and reproducing the garment sweatshop in India. Drawing from Marxian and feminist insig The sweatshop regime labouring bodies, exploitation, and garments made in indiat. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press.First published 2017Printed in India The sweatshop regime labouring bodies, exploitation, and garments made in indiaThe Sweatshop RegimeThis book explores the processes producing and reproducing the garment sweatshop in India. Drawing from Marxian and feminist insigGọi ngay
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