Long range dependence and self similarity
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Long range dependence and self similarity
Long-Range Dependence and Self-SimilarityThis modern and comprehensive guide to long-range dependence and self-similarity starts with rigorous coverag Long range dependence and self similarityge of the basics, then moves on to cover more specialized, up-to-date topics central to current research. These topics concern, but are not limited to. physical models that give rise to long-range dependence and self-similarity: central and non-central limit theorems for long-range dependent series, Long range dependence and self similarity and the limiting Hermite processes: fractional Brownian motion and its stochastic calculus: several celebrated decompositions of fractional BrownianLong range dependence and self similarity
motion: multidimensional models for long-range dependence and self-similarity: and maximum likelihood estimation methods for long-range dependent timeLong-Range Dependence and Self-SimilarityThis modern and comprehensive guide to long-range dependence and self-similarity starts with rigorous coverag Long range dependence and self similarityder's understanding, while others invite the reader to consider some of the open research problems in the field today.VLADAS PI Pl R AS is Professor of Statistics and Operations Research at the University of North Carolina. Chapel Hill.MURAD s. TAỌỌU is Professor of Mathematics and Statistics at Bos Long range dependence and self similarityton University.Downloaded from httpsywwr/.cambi dge.org/core. Columbia University Libraries, on 02 Jun 2017 at 16.11:03, subject to the Cambridge CoreLong range dependence and self similarity
terms of use. availableat https.Asww.cambridge.org/core/ter ms. https.//doi.org/10.l01 7/C8O?781139600347CAMBRIDGE SERIES IN STATISTICAL ANf) PROBABILong-Range Dependence and Self-SimilarityThis modern and comprehensive guide to long-range dependence and self-similarity starts with rigorous coverag Long range dependence and self similarityE p. Kelly (Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics.University of Cambridge)B. D. Ripley (Department of Statistics. University of Oxford)s. Ross (Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering.University of Southern California)M. Stein (Department of Statistics, University of Ch Long range dependence and self similarityicago)This scries of high-quality upper-division textbooks and expository monographs covers all aspects of stochastic applicable mathematics. The topiLong range dependence and self similarity
cs range from pure and applied statistics to probability theory, operations research, optimization, and mathematical programming. The books contain clLong-Range Dependence and Self-SimilarityThis modern and comprehensive guide to long-range dependence and self-similarity starts with rigorous coverag Long range dependence and self similarityretical methods, the books also contain applications and discussions of new techniques made possible by advances in computational practice.A complete list of books in the series can be found at w ww.cambridge.org/statistics.Recent titles include the following:19The Coordinate-Free Approach Io Linear Long range dependence and self similarity Models, by Michael J. Wichura20Random Graph Dynamics. by Rick Durrett21Networks. by Peter Whittle22Saddlepoint Approximations with Applications, by RLong range dependence and self similarity
onald w. Butler23Applied Asymptotics, by A. R Braz-zale. A. c. Davison and N. Reid24Random Networks for Communication, by Massimo Franccschclti and RoLong-Range Dependence and Self-SimilarityThis modern and comprehensive guide to long-range dependence and self-similarity starts with rigorous coverag Long range dependence and self similarity Clacskcns and Nils Lid Hjort28Bayesian Nonparametrics, edited by Nils Lid Hjort el al.29From Finite Sample to Asymptotic Methods in Statistics, by Pranab K. Sen. Julio M. Singer and Antonio c. Pedrosa de Lima30Bmsinian Motion, by Peter Mijrters and Yuval Peres31Probability t Fourth Edition), by Ric Long range dependence and self similarityk Durrett33Stochastic Processes. by Richard E Bass34Regression for Categorical Dahl, by Gerhard Tulz35Exercises in Probability ị Second Edition), by ILong range dependence and self similarity
.OÍC Chaumont and Marc Yor36Statistical Principles for the Design of Experiments, by R. Mead. s. G. Gilmour and A Mead37Quantum Stochastics, by Mou-HsLong-Range Dependence and Self-SimilarityThis modern and comprehensive guide to long-range dependence and self-similarity starts with rigorous coveragLong-Range Dependence and Self-SimilarityThis modern and comprehensive guide to long-range dependence and self-similarity starts with rigorous coveragGọi ngay
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