Oecd reviews of health systems mexico 2016 edition 2016

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Nội dung chi tiết: Oecd reviews of health systems mexico 2016 edition 2016

Oecd reviews of health systems mexico 2016 edition 2016

|k Ik OECD Reviews of Health SystemsJ J MEXICO2016k-1 >r*®OECDwww.ebook3000.comOECD Reviews of Health Systems: Mexico2016G//OECDBETTER POUCIES FOR BET

Oecd reviews of health systems mexico 2016 edition 2016TTER LIVESwww.ebook3000.comThis work is published under the responsibility of the Secretary-General ot the OECD. The opinions expressed and arguments

employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of OECD member countries.This document and any map included herein arc without prejudice Oecd reviews of health systems mexico 2016 edition 2016

to the status of or sovereignly over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, c

Oecd reviews of health systems mexico 2016 edition 2016

ity or area.Please cite this publication as:OECD (2016), OECD Reviews of Health Systems: Mexico 2016, OECD Publishing, Paris.hllp7/{ix.cloi.wtj/10.178

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Oecd reviews of health systems mexico 2016 edition 2016online)Thr statistical data for Israel arc supplied try anti under Ihr responsibility nf the relevant Israeli authorities. The use of such data by the

OECD is without prejudice In the status of the Colao Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of internationa Oecd reviews of health systems mexico 2016 edition 2016

l law.Photo credits: Cover ©TomvPhotolink/J’hotodiso'Getty Images, ữ I’ressmaster/Shutterstcck.comCorrigenda to OECD publications may bo found on line

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at- uww.oecd nrq/abnut/pubfahirvj/nxriqerda htm.©OECD 2016Ymi can copy, downlead Of print 0KD CTnlnK for your own US?, nod you can include excerpts f

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Oecd reviews of health systems mexico 2016 edition 2016uitable acknowledgement of OECD as source and copyright owner is given AU requests for public

tted to nạhuocccdcr?. Requests for permission to photocopy portions of this matcnal for public or cotritrxraal use shall bo addretsred directly to the Oecd reviews of health systems mexico 2016 edition 2016

CọỊiyTÌght ơearance Center (CCC) at mjiOrcpjTiaSr com or the Centre franjai* d'exploitation du droit de <->!(ze fdQ atr- twoFOREWORD-3ForewordThis is

Oecd reviews of health systems mexico 2016 edition 2016

the OECD’s second Health System Review of Mexico, published as reforms to Mexico’s Ley Genera! de Sai nd arc being debated. Much progress has been ma

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Oecd reviews of health systems mexico 2016 edition 2016nce plan Seguro Popular now covers around 50 million Mexicans, and reports of recent impoverishing health expenditure have fallen from 3.3% to 0.8% of

the population. Many of Mexico's policy innovations are studied and emulated across the world, particularly in the field of prevention. Infant and ma Oecd reviews of health systems mexico 2016 edition 2016

ternal mortality rales have fallen, and life expectancy is now just under- 75 year s.But major problems remain. Most critically. Mexico's “health syst

Oecd reviews of health systems mexico 2016 edition 2016

em" persists as a cluster of distinct sub-systems, each offering different levels of care, to different groups, al dillercnl prices, with different ou

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Oecd reviews of health systems mexico 2016 edition 2016 Mexicans belong to more than one insurance scheme and many millions more, when surveyed, appear not to know that they have an)- health insurance al a

ll. The share of the national health budget spent on administration, at around 10%. is the highest in the OECD. Individuals’ out-of-pocket spending on Oecd reviews of health systems mexico 2016 edition 2016

health care is also amongst the highest in the OECD signalling, to some extent, a failure of current arrangements to provide ellcclive insurance. hig

Oecd reviews of health systems mexico 2016 edition 2016

h-quality services, or both. All stakeholders agree that Mexico needs to build a more equitable, efficient and sustainable health system.This review i

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Oecd reviews of health systems mexico 2016 edition 2016ure. the initial focus must be on extending service-exchange agreements (or convenios) so that the sub-systems from a functional point of view become

more unified. High-cost diseases, maternity care, and elective surgical procedures are obvious candidates for new convetrios. But primary’ and prevent Oecd reviews of health systems mexico 2016 edition 2016

ive care should not be forgotten: international experience in defining packages of care for diabetes and other chronic diseases should be followed. Me

Oecd reviews of health systems mexico 2016 edition 2016

xico should also establish a new agency, independent of the Ministry of Health and the social securin’ institutes, to assure, monitor and continuously

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Oecd reviews of health systems mexico 2016 edition 2016der over another, and ensure that convenios become living and active agreements. Progress in these areas can also be accelerated by creating a new com

mission that works to align care pathways, prices, information systems and administrative practices across sub-systems.OECD REVIEWS Of HEALTH SYSTEMS: Oecd reviews of health systems mexico 2016 edition 2016

MEXICO c OECD 2016www.ebook3000.com4 - ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

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