Managerial economics, 14th edition
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Managerial economics, 14th edition
Man age rialEco h 0 mj cs"xMark HirscheyI Jniversity of KansasEric BentzenCopenhagen Business School; tCENGAGE •* Learning4Australia • Brazil • Mexico Managerial economics, 14th editiono • Singaaov United Kingdom • United Sta-.cscManagerial economics, 14th edition
GAGE•* Learning-Managerial Economics, 14th Edition Mark Hlrschey and Eric BentzeoPublisher: Annabel AinscowDevelopment Editor: Hannah close Marketing Man age rialEco h 0 mj cs"xMark HirscheyI Jniversity of KansasEric BentzenCopenhagen Business School; tCENGAGE •* Learning4Australia • Brazil • Mexico Managerial economics, 14th editionl/Snutterstock Inc© 2016, Cengage Learning EMEAWCN: 02-300ALL RIGHI s RESERVED. No part of this workcovered by the copyright herein r>ay be reproduced or distributed In any form or by any means, except as permitted by U.S. copyrig nt law, w’thout the prior written permission of the copyright owner.W Managerial economics, 14th editionhile the publisher has taken all reasonable care in the picparation of this book, the publisher makes no representation, express or impl’ed, with regaManagerial economics, 14th edition
rd to the accuracy O"' the information contained in this book and cannot accept any legal responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions fromMan age rialEco h 0 mj cs"xMark HirscheyI Jniversity of KansasEric BentzenCopenhagen Business School; tCENGAGE •* Learning4Australia • Brazil • Mexico Managerial economics, 14th editionf their respective owners. The publishers and author/s make no claim to these trademarks. The publisher does not endorse, and accepts no responsibility or liability for, incorrect or defamatory content contained in hyperlinked material. All the URLs in this book are correct at the time of going to p Managerial economics, 14th editionress: however the Publisher accepts no responsibility for the content and continued availability of third party websites.For oroduct information and tManagerial economics, 14th edition
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