MicroEconomics with spreadsheets

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Nội dung chi tiết: MicroEconomics with spreadsheets

MicroEconomics with spreadsheets

MICROECONOMICS-SPREADSHEETSMICROECONOMICS-SPREADSHEETSSuren BasovDeakin University, AustraliaWorld ScientificPublished byWorld Scientific Publishing C

MicroEconomics with spreadsheetsCo. Pte. Ltd.5 Toh Tuck Link, Singapore 596224USA office. 27 Warren Street, Suite 401-402. Hackensack. NJ 07601UK office- 57 Shelton Street, Covent Ga

rden, London WC2H 9HELibrary* of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataNantes: Basov, Suren, author.Title: .Microeconomics with spreadsheets / Suren MicroEconomics with spreadsheets

Basov (Deakin University. Australia).Description: New Jersey : World Scientific. 2016.Identifiers: LCCN 2016032487 I ISBN 9789813143951 (he : alk. pap

MicroEconomics with spreadsheets

er)Subjects: LCSH: Microeconomics.Classification: LCC HB172 .B367 2016 I DDC 338.5O285/554-dc23LC record available at

MICROECONOMICS-SPREADSHEETSMICROECONOMICS-SPREADSHEETSSuren BasovDeakin University, AustraliaWorld ScientificPublished byWorld Scientific Publishing C

MicroEconomics with spreadsheetsific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.All rights reserved This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechani

cal, including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without written permission from th MicroEconomics with spreadsheets

e publisherFor photocopying of material in this volume, please pay a copying fee through the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive. Dan

MicroEconomics with spreadsheets

vers, .MA 01923, USA. In this case permission to photocopy is not required from the publisher.Desk Editors: Suraj Kumar Philly LimTypeset by Stallion

MICROECONOMICS-SPREADSHEETSMICROECONOMICS-SPREADSHEETSSuren BasovDeakin University, AustraliaWorld ScientificPublished byWorld Scientific Publishing C

MicroEconomics with spreadsheetsof resources and time and the interaction between different decision makers. Scarcity forces economic actors to choose one opport unity among many, wh

ich leads to the opportunity costs. Opportunity cost is the value of the best forgone alternative. For example, by deciding to enroll to a graduate pr MicroEconomics with spreadsheets

ogramme, you forgo the opportunity to hold a job. The salary you might have earned on such a job is the opportunity cost of your education, which shou

MicroEconomics with spreadsheets

ld be counted together with the cost of textbooks and tuition costs to give the total cost of your education.In choosing the amounts of goods and serv

MICROECONOMICS-SPREADSHEETSMICROECONOMICS-SPREADSHEETSSuren BasovDeakin University, AustraliaWorld ScientificPublished byWorld Scientific Publishing C

MicroEconomics with spreadsheetsof marginalism states that the goods should be consumed in such quantities as to leave individual indifferent between spending her last dollar on any

of the goods. Indeed, if she prefers Io spend her last dollar on apples, she would be better off by buying more apples.The principles of marginalism a MicroEconomics with spreadsheets

nd opportunity costs are the central tenets of the economic method of thinking. Formally, they are captured by the following assumption of rational be

MicroEconomics with spreadsheets

havior: individuals seek 1.0 mii&imize a well-defined objective function subject to some constraints. For example, consumers form their demands by max

MICROECONOMICS-SPREADSHEETSMICROECONOMICS-SPREADSHEETSSuren BasovDeakin University, AustraliaWorld ScientificPublished byWorld Scientific Publishing C

MicroEconomics with spreadsheets incentive compatibility and individual rationality constraints, etc.Some recent developments called into question the very utility maximization parad

igm and drove a wedge between preferences and utilities. Such models are known as bounded rationality models. It is not a place MicroEconomics with spreadsheets

MICROECONOMICS-SPREADSHEETSMICROECONOMICS-SPREADSHEETSSuren BasovDeakin University, AustraliaWorld ScientificPublished byWorld Scientific Publishing C

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