Multiplying mighty davids the influence of energy cooperatives on germanys energy transition

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Nội dung chi tiết: Multiplying mighty davids the influence of energy cooperatives on germanys energy transition

Multiplying mighty davids the influence of energy cooperatives on germanys energy transition

Contributions to EconomicsSarah DeborMultiplying Mighty Davids?The Influence of Energy Cooperatives on Germany's Energy TransitionMore information abo

Multiplying mighty davids the influence of energy cooperatives on germanys energy transitionout this series at DeborMultiplying Mighty Davids?The Influence of Energy Cooperatives on Germany’s Energy Tr

ansition0 SpringerSarah DeborWuppertal Institute for Climate Environment and Energy Wuppertal. GermanyDissertation University of Wuppertal. GermanyISS Multiplying mighty davids the influence of energy cooperatives on germanys energy transition

N 1431 -1933ISSN 2197-7178 (electronic)Contributions to EconomicsISBN 978-3-319-77627-9 ISBN 978-3-319-77628-6 (eBook) I (X)7/978-3

Multiplying mighty davids the influence of energy cooperatives on germanys energy transition

-319-77628-6Library of Congress Control Number 2018937103'© Springer International Publishing AG. part of Springer Nature 2018This work is subject to

Contributions to EconomicsSarah DeborMultiplying Mighty Davids?The Influence of Energy Cooperatives on Germany's Energy TransitionMore information abo

Multiplying mighty davids the influence of energy cooperatives on germanys energy transitioneprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way. and transmission or information

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Multiplying mighty davids the influence of energy cooperatives on germanys energy transition

ement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.The publisher, the authors and

Contributions to EconomicsSarah DeborMultiplying Mighty Davids?The Influence of Energy Cooperatives on Germany's Energy TransitionMore information abo

Multiplying mighty davids the influence of energy cooperatives on germanys energy transitione publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omi

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inted on acid-free paperThis Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer International Publishing AG part of Springer Nature.The

Multiplying mighty davids the influence of energy cooperatives on germanys energy transition

registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11. 6330 Cham. SwitzerlandForewordEnergy cooperatives have been playing a central role within the ongoin

Contributions to EconomicsSarah DeborMultiplying Mighty Davids?The Influence of Energy Cooperatives on Germany's Energy TransitionMore information abo

Multiplying mighty davids the influence of energy cooperatives on germanys energy transitiontion, they have contributed decisively towards promoting and supporting this energy transition “from below”. Nevertheless, hardly any systematic analy

sis of the possibilities for and limits of the influence of energy cooperatives on the energy transition has been undertaken. This is where the presen Multiplying mighty davids the influence of energy cooperatives on germanys energy transition

t work of Sarah Debor comes in, as she seeks to systematically describe and evaluate the influence of energy cooperatives on the changing German energ

Multiplying mighty davids the influence of energy cooperatives on germanys energy transition

y system. With its conceptual and empirical treatment of the topic, this work is aimed at developing a differentiated understanding of one of the most

Contributions to EconomicsSarah DeborMultiplying Mighty Davids?The Influence of Energy Cooperatives on Germany's Energy TransitionMore information abo

Multiplying mighty davids the influence of energy cooperatives on germanys energy transitionhin this process of change. The reader is thus offered an exploration of a highly relevant topic, set within the intersection between (transition) man

agement and organisational theory.The author first builds a bridge from the global climate and energy policy debate to the special role of Germany and Multiplying mighty davids the influence of energy cooperatives on germanys energy transition

the energy cooperative as a specific organisational actor within the country's present energy transition. Taking a comprehensive look al the existing

Multiplying mighty davids the influence of energy cooperatives on germanys energy transition

international literature, she illuminates current scientific discussion and existing empirical findings on energy cooperatives. On this basis, Debor

Contributions to EconomicsSarah DeborMultiplying Mighty Davids?The Influence of Energy Cooperatives on Germany's Energy TransitionMore information abo

Multiplying mighty davids the influence of energy cooperatives on germanys energy transitionnergy transition and (b) underdeveloped embedding of the phenomenon of energy cooperatives within conceptual research into complex transformation proc

esses.The book contains a description of the historical, political, institutional and technical dimensions of the transformational space in which ener Multiplying mighty davids the influence of energy cooperatives on germanys energy transition

gy cooperatives operate. This frame of reference then becomes the basis for assessing the actual impacts of energy cooperatives on the transition, wit

Multiplying mighty davids the influence of energy cooperatives on germanys energy transition

h theoretical examination of the phenomenon of energy cooperative in Germany forming the work’s conceptual heart. Debor combines the approaches of tra

Contributions to EconomicsSarah DeborMultiplying Mighty Davids?The Influence of Energy Cooperatives on Germany's Energy TransitionMore information abo

Contributions to EconomicsSarah DeborMultiplying Mighty Davids?The Influence of Energy Cooperatives on Germany's Energy TransitionMore information abo

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