Non english major undergraduates’ beliefs about english proficiency standardization
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Non english major undergraduates’ beliefs about english proficiency standardization
VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGl AGES AM) INTERNATIONAL STI DIES FACULTY OF POST - GRADUATE STUDIES *********************NGUYEN Non english major undergraduates’ beliefs about english proficiency standardization DIẸU LINIINON-ENGL1SH -MAJOR UNDERGRADUATES’ BELIEFS ABOUT ENGLISH PROFICIENCY STANDARDIZATION(Niềm tin của sinh viên không chuyên Tiếng Anh về chuíìn hóa nâng lực ngoại ngừ Tiếng Anh)M.A. MAJOR PROGRAMME THESISField: English l eaching MethodologyCode: 8140231.01HANOI-2018VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIV ERSI Non english major undergraduates’ beliefs about english proficiency standardizationTY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST - GRADUATE STI DIES *********************NGUYỄN DIỆU LINHNON-ENGLĨSTT MAJONon english major undergraduates’ beliefs about english proficiency standardization
R UNDERGRADUATES’ BELIEFS ABOUT ENGLISH PROFICIENCY STANDARDIZATION (Niềm tin của sinh viên không chuyên l iếng Anh về chuân hóa nang lực ngoại ngừ TiVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGl AGES AM) INTERNATIONAL STI DIES FACULTY OF POST - GRADUATE STUDIES *********************NGUYEN Non english major undergraduates’ beliefs about english proficiency standardization hereby certify that the thesis entitled “Noll-English major undergraduates* beliefs about English proficiency standardization” is entirely my own research work and has not been taken from the work of others save and to the extent that such work has been cited and acknowledged within the text of my Non english major undergraduates’ beliefs about english proficiency standardizationwork.Hanoi. 2018Nguyen Diệu LinhACKNOWLEDGEMENTSI would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to Associate Professor Le Van Canh. my supervisor, fNon english major undergraduates’ beliefs about english proficiency standardization
or his valuable guidance, professional advice and constant encouragement he gave me throughout the whole process of my research. He gave me many constVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGl AGES AM) INTERNATIONAL STI DIES FACULTY OF POST - GRADUATE STUDIES *********************NGUYEN Non english major undergraduates’ beliefs about english proficiency standardizationsupports, this study could not have been fulfilled. I am thanktill for having him as my supervisor. His academic expertise as well as his incredible critical thinking will certainly be a great source of inspiration for my future academic career.I also wish to extend my sincere thanks to my colleague Non english major undergraduates’ beliefs about english proficiency standardizations at Faculty of English. Hanoi National University of Education who were willing to give me generous assistance and to all 122 undergraduate studentsNon english major undergraduates’ beliefs about english proficiency standardization
who panicipated in the survey for this research project, without their passionate participation and cooperation, the survey could not have been succesVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGl AGES AM) INTERNATIONAL STI DIES FACULTY OF POST - GRADUATE STUDIES *********************NGUYEN Non english major undergraduates’ beliefs about english proficiency standardizationy years of study and through the process of researching and writing this thesis, I sometimes fell disheartened and depressed, but their boundless love and continuous encouragement helped me quickly eliminate those negative emotions and motivated me to keep making progress. This accomplishment would Non english major undergraduates’ beliefs about english proficiency standardizationnot have been possible without them.iiABSTRACTThe recent foreign language education policy in Vietnam regarding English proficiency standardization haNon english major undergraduates’ beliefs about english proficiency standardization
s led to heated debates from all stakeholders about Its effectiveness and appropriateness since its first launch in 2014. However, there has been lackVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGl AGES AM) INTERNATIONAL STI DIES FACULTY OF POST - GRADUATE STUDIES *********************NGUYEN Non english major undergraduates’ beliefs about english proficiency standardization The study was thus conducted in an attempt to bridge this gap in the literature. The aim of the research was to examine undergraduates’ understandings and judgements on the current education policies of standardization of English proficiency to university students in Vietnam. A survey using questio Non english major undergraduates’ beliefs about english proficiency standardizationnnaires was carried out with the participation of 122 university undergraduates. The data collected from the students’ responses were analyzed both quNon english major undergraduates’ beliefs about english proficiency standardization
antitatively and qualitatively.Results from the questionnaire data revealed students' great confidence in their possibility of achieving the universitVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGl AGES AM) INTERNATIONAL STI DIES FACULTY OF POST - GRADUATE STUDIES *********************NGUYEN Non english major undergraduates’ beliefs about english proficiency standardizationhe process of standardizing English proficiency in Vietnam. However. English proficiency standardization is still problematic. Besides various beneficial facets of the CEER-V implementation, this study raised some critical problems and challenges that policymakers and language teachers need to face Non english major undergraduates’ beliefs about english proficiency standardizationwith and overcome to improve students' performances, and more importantly, to make the English proficiency policy more practical and suitable. ThroughNon english major undergraduates’ beliefs about english proficiency standardization
the findings, the indispensable role of teachers as an assistant, a companion of the students in then language learning journey was also highlighted.VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGl AGES AM) INTERNATIONAL STI DIES FACULTY OF POST - GRADUATE STUDIES *********************NGUYEN Non english major undergraduates’ beliefs about english proficiency standardizationn language policy and maximize students’ learning performances.iiiTABLE OF CONTENTDECLARATION...............................................................1ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.........................................................11ABSTRACT............................................................ Non english major undergraduates’ beliefs about english proficiency standardization....IllVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGl AGES AM) INTERNATIONAL STI DIES FACULTY OF POST - GRADUATE STUDIES *********************NGUYEN VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGl AGES AM) INTERNATIONAL STI DIES FACULTY OF POST - GRADUATE STUDIES *********************NGUYENGọi ngay
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