OECD integrity scan of kazakhstan preventing corruption for a competitive economy

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Nội dung chi tiết: OECD integrity scan of kazakhstan preventing corruption for a competitive economy

OECD integrity scan of kazakhstan preventing corruption for a competitive economy

OECD Public Governance ReviewsOECD Integrity Scan of KazakhstanPREVENTING CORRUPTION FOR A COMPETITIVE ECONOMY® i) OECDOECD Public Governance ReviewsO

OECD integrity scan of kazakhstan preventing corruption for a competitive economyOECD Integrity Scan of KazakhstanPREVENTING CORRUPTION FOR A COMPETITIVE ECONOMYOECDBETTER POLICIES FOR BETTER LIVESThis document was approved by the

Public Governance Committee on 23 February 2017 and prepared for publication by the OECD Secretariat.This document and any map included herein arc wit OECD integrity scan of kazakhstan preventing corruption for a competitive economy

hout prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation ot international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of an

OECD integrity scan of kazakhstan preventing corruption for a competitive economy

y territory, city or area.Please cite this publication as:OECD (701/), OECD Integrity Scan of Kazakhstan: Preventing Corruption for a Competitive Econ

OECD Public Governance ReviewsOECD Integrity Scan of KazakhstanPREVENTING CORRUPTION FOR A COMPETITIVE ECONOMY® i) OECDOECD Public Governance ReviewsO

OECD integrity scan of kazakhstan preventing corruption for a competitive economy8B-0 (I’Dl)Series: OECDPnMii Covetniimi-Rc-views ISSN 7710 MOfi (prill I) ISSN 2219-0414 (onhne;Thrst:itisti<-;ild:it.i for Israel are supplied by and

under the responsibility of the relevant Israeli authorities. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejitdirr tn the status of the Golan Heigh OECD integrity scan of kazakhstan preventing corruption for a competitive economy

ts, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law.Photo credits: Cover © Olya Tropmina > Shutterstock.c

OECD integrity scan of kazakhstan preventing corruption for a competitive economy

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OECD Public Governance ReviewsOECD Integrity Scan of KazakhstanPREVENTING CORRUPTION FOR A COMPETITIVE ECONOMY® i) OECDOECD Public Governance ReviewsO

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OECD integrity scan of kazakhstan preventing corruption for a competitive economy

u droit de copic (CEO) at mrvo-t© jrr.per remFOREWORD - 3ForewordMany of the world’s ills can be traced, at least in part, to corruption. Indeed, corr

OECD Public Governance ReviewsOECD Integrity Scan of KazakhstanPREVENTING CORRUPTION FOR A COMPETITIVE ECONOMY® i) OECDOECD Public Governance ReviewsO

OECD integrity scan of kazakhstan preventing corruption for a competitive economyes added costs to doing business, deterring investment and stifling an economy’s competitive advantage. It weakens the Hile of law and threatens secur

ity*. It diverts resources and public services from those who need them most, undenmning then chances of achieving greater wellbeing and prosperity. I OECD integrity scan of kazakhstan preventing corruption for a competitive economy

t strips ordinary citizens of their voice in democratic processes, cementing or exacerbating social inequalities and ultimately eroding trust in. and

OECD integrity scan of kazakhstan preventing corruption for a competitive economy

the legitimacy of. institutions.Making matters worse, snuffing out corniption has proven to be extremely challenging It is often systemic and deeply e

OECD Public Governance ReviewsOECD Integrity Scan of KazakhstanPREVENTING CORRUPTION FOR A COMPETITIVE ECONOMY® i) OECDOECD Public Governance ReviewsO

OECD integrity scan of kazakhstan preventing corruption for a competitive economyd international jurisdictions It thrives on legal loopholes, or. more blatantly, in the open, by influencing the content of laws themselves. It is no

siuprise. then, that governments are recognising that real, effective anti-corruption reform requires a coherent and comprehensive approach Adopting a OECD integrity scan of kazakhstan preventing corruption for a competitive economy

n ’all hands on deck” tactic is needed to eliminate corruption and cultivate cultures of integrity both within the public and private sectors, as well

OECD integrity scan of kazakhstan preventing corruption for a competitive economy

as society more broadly Nevertheless, such approaches are not without their own challenges: they require strong leadership and continual monitoring,

OECD Public Governance ReviewsOECD Integrity Scan of KazakhstanPREVENTING CORRUPTION FOR A COMPETITIVE ECONOMY® i) OECDOECD Public Governance ReviewsO

OECD integrity scan of kazakhstan preventing corruption for a competitive economyzens alike are all too familiar with these challenges. Corruption is a principal barrier to completing the ongoing economic transition and to ushering

in much-needed governance reforms. As such, the government has made tackling corruption one of its main priorities and has embarked on a series of an OECD integrity scan of kazakhstan preventing corruption for a competitive economy

ti-corruption reforms, including restructuring the AntiCorruption Bureau, revising the Law on Combating Corruption, and introducing new laws to increa

OECD integrity scan of kazakhstan preventing corruption for a competitive economy

se transparency and civil society participation 111 government decisionmaking.To support these efforts, and under the auspices of the OECD's CleanGovB

OECD Public Governance ReviewsOECD Integrity Scan of KazakhstanPREVENTING CORRUPTION FOR A COMPETITIVE ECONOMY® i) OECDOECD Public Governance ReviewsO

OECD integrity scan of kazakhstan preventing corruption for a competitive economyovides examples of international good practices in each area By focusing on the four key pillars of healthy governance, effective prevention, robust p

rosecution and recoveiy, and sharp detection, the integrity scan helps identity both potential gaps and synergies 111 a countiy’s integrity systems. A OECD integrity scan of kazakhstan preventing corruption for a competitive economy

n initial diagnostic exercise for funire work, these scans focus more on the existing legal and policy frameworks than on the effective implementation

OECD integrity scan of kazakhstan preventing corruption for a competitive economy

or impact of policies.As a transitional economy, addressing corruption will become increasingly important for Kazakhstan to continue to move forward

OECD Public Governance ReviewsOECD Integrity Scan of KazakhstanPREVENTING CORRUPTION FOR A COMPETITIVE ECONOMY® i) OECDOECD Public Governance ReviewsO

OECD integrity scan of kazakhstan preventing corruption for a competitive economyAN OF KAZAKHSTAN PREVENTING CORRUPTION FOR ACOMPETTTIVE ECONOMY c OECD 2017https://khothuvien.cori!4- FOREWORDbe more important than ever that opportu

nities for conniption be mitigated. As the middle class glows and citizens demand more of then institutions, ensuring quality public sen-ices and buil OECD integrity scan of kazakhstan preventing corruption for a competitive economy

ding trust in institutions will be essential. Curbing connption and achieving these goals will be key to the country's continued path to more inclusiv

OECD integrity scan of kazakhstan preventing corruption for a competitive economy

e and competitive growth.

OECD Public Governance ReviewsOECD Integrity Scan of KazakhstanPREVENTING CORRUPTION FOR A COMPETITIVE ECONOMY® i) OECDOECD Public Governance ReviewsO

OECD Public Governance ReviewsOECD Integrity Scan of KazakhstanPREVENTING CORRUPTION FOR A COMPETITIVE ECONOMY® i) OECDOECD Public Governance ReviewsO

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