Patents prompting or restricting innovation

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Nội dung chi tiết: Patents prompting or restricting innovation

Patents prompting or restricting innovation

PatentsSmart Innovation Set coordinated by Dimitri UzunidisVolume 12PatentsPrompting or Restricting Innovation?Marc BaudryBeatrice DumontWileyFirst pu

Patents prompting or restricting innovationublished 2017 in Great Britain and (he United Stales by ISTE Ltd and John Wiley Ắ' Sons. Inc.Apart from any lair dealing for the purposes of research

or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright. Designs and Patents Act 1988. this publication may only be reproduced, sto Patents prompting or restricting innovation

red or transmined, in any form or by any means, with the prior permission in writing of the publishers, or In the case of reprographic reproduction in

Patents prompting or restricting innovation

accordance with the terms and licenses Issued by the Cl.A. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside these terms should be sent to rhe publishers at

PatentsSmart Innovation Set coordinated by Dimitri UzunidisVolume 12PatentsPrompting or Restricting Innovation?Marc BaudryBeatrice DumontWileyFirst pu

Patents prompting or restricting« I.STE Ltd 2017The rights of Marc Baudry and Béatrice Dumont to be identified as the authors of this work have been asserted by them i

n accordance with rhe Copyright. Designs and Patents Act 1988.Library ot Congress Control Number: 2017949782British Library Cataloguing-in Publication Patents prompting or restricting innovation

DataA CIP record for this book is available from rhe British LibraryISBN 978-1-78630-118-5ContentsIntroduction.......................................

Patents prompting or restricting innovation

.......................... ixChapter 1. The Purpose of Patents............................................. 11.1.Introduction.........................

PatentsSmart Innovation Set coordinated by Dimitri UzunidisVolume 12PatentsPrompting or Restricting Innovation?Marc BaudryBeatrice DumontWileyFirst pu

Patents prompting or restricting innovationty of returnsfor innovation........................................................... 31.2.2.Patents as a solution for the lack of appropriability...

.......... 71.2.3. Patents and their design......................................... II Patents prompting or restricting innovation

PatentsSmart Innovation Set coordinated by Dimitri UzunidisVolume 12PatentsPrompting or Restricting Innovation?Marc BaudryBeatrice DumontWileyFirst pu

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