Production transformation policy review of chile reaping the benefits of new frontiers

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Nội dung chi tiết: Production transformation policy review of chile reaping the benefits of new frontiers

Production transformation policy review of chile reaping the benefits of new frontiers

OECD Development PathwaysProduction Transformation Policy Review of ChileREAPING THE BENEFITS OF NEW FRONTIERS@;)OECD B s

Production transformation policy review of chile reaping the benefits of new frontiersnt PathwaysProduction Transformation Policy Review of ChileREAPING THE BENEFITS OF NEW FRONTIERSThis work is published under the responsibility of the

Secretary-General of the OECD. Tire opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of the member coun Production transformation policy review of chile reaping the benefits of new frontiers

tries of the OECD, its Development Centre or of the United Nations.This document, as well as any data and any map included herein, arc without prejudi

Production transformation policy review of chile reaping the benefits of new frontiers

ce to the status of or sovereignty over arry territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory

OECD Development PathwaysProduction Transformation Policy Review of ChileREAPING THE BENEFITS OF NEW FRONTIERS@;)OECD B s

Production transformation policy review of chile reaping the benefits of new frontiers Old) Development Pathways, OllCD Publishing, Paris.hllp.7/dx.doi.wg/101787Z9789264288375-enISBN 97R 02 Cd TfifiS’. 1 (prim) ISBN 9/&42-M-28IS/-9 (i’D

l) 1CLAC: LGTUB.201//29Series: OECD D:-vclaprrii'iil PalbwaysISSN Z31K-/31X (print}ISSN Z30B-/358 (online)The statistical data for Israel arc supplied Production transformation policy review of chile reaping the benefits of new frontiers

by and under the responsibility of the relevant Israeli authorities. The use of such data by the OFCD is without prejudice In the slants of the Golan

Production transformation policy review of chile reaping the benefits of new frontiers

Heights, Fast Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law.Photo credits: Cover design by the OECD Develop

OECD Development PathwaysProduction Transformation Policy Review of ChileREAPING THE BENEFITS OF NEW FRONTIERS@;)OECD B s

Production transformation policy review of chile reaping the benefits of new frontiersn copy, dcwnkwd or print OECD rootent for your own Ute, and you can indude excerpt* from om> pubitcatiDOB, datrfwae* and multimedia product* in your o

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OECD Development PathwaysProduction Transformation Policy Review of ChileREAPING THE BENEFITS OF NEW FRONTIERS@;)OECD B s

Production transformation policy review of chile reaping the benefits of new frontiersanging. Governments, businesses and societies are engaged in better understanding the ongoing technological, digital and industrial reorganisation pro

cesses and their profound potential impacts on the economy and the society. At a time in which is clear that growth is a necessary, but not exclusive, Production transformation policy review of chile reaping the benefits of new frontiers

condition for development and that incentives are needed to guarantee that growth is inclusive and sustainable, planning and implementing strategies

Production transformation policy review of chile reaping the benefits of new frontiers

for economic transformation become paramount.'Ilie ProductionTransformation Policy Reviews(PTPRs) are a policy assessment and guidance tool elaborated

OECD Development PathwaysProduction Transformation Policy Review of ChileREAPING THE BENEFITS OF NEW FRONTIERS@;)OECD B s

Production transformation policy review of chile reaping the benefits of new frontierspment [the Initiative herein forward] to support knowledge sharing and policy dialogue and to increase the evidence on varieties of development trajec

tories. The PTPR framework is the result of a collective process that started in 2014 with a Working Group on Country Studies set up in the framework Production transformation policy review of chile reaping the benefits of new frontiers

of the Initiative and led by Costa Rica, Uruguay and Turkey with contributions from UNIDO and UNCTAD. The PTPRs arc a 15-18 month process based on pee

Production transformation policy review of chile reaping the benefits of new frontiers

r-learning and multi-stakeholder dialogue to enable policy makers to better plan and act for the present and the future. l1ie I’TI’Rs assess the econo

OECD Development PathwaysProduction Transformation Policy Review of ChileREAPING THE BENEFITS OF NEW FRONTIERS@;)OECD B s

Production transformation policy review of chile reaping the benefits of new frontiersiey rely on peer review mechanisms through the participation of international peers and through a Peer Learning Group that steers each PTPR process. T

he PTPRs arc enriching the OECD Development Pathways Scries with their perspective on economic transformation and governance for change.■|1ie I’TI’R o Production transformation policy review of chile reaping the benefits of new frontiers

f Chile involved an extensive process of consultation with multiple stakeholders and benefited from peer learning from Sweden, Emilia Romagna (Italy)

Production transformation policy review of chile reaping the benefits of new frontiers

and Germany. The PTPR of Chile has been a process of dialogue, consensus and trust building and provided an opportunity Io identify common grounds for

OECD Development PathwaysProduction Transformation Policy Review of ChileREAPING THE BENEFITS OF NEW FRONTIERS@;)OECD B s

Production transformation policy review of chile reaping the benefits of new frontiersin maintaining a relatively stable and high growth in the last decades, its effective macroeconomic management and openness to the global economy. The

review clarifies the persistent Structural weaknesses of the domestic economy, including its low productivity, limited knowledge base and high territ Production transformation policy review of chile reaping the benefits of new frontiers

orial concentration of economic opportunities. It clarifies how the ongoing geopolitical and technological changes could open a window of opportunity

Production transformation policy review of chile reaping the benefits of new frontiers

tor Chile to transform its economy and overcome its structural weaknesses. To this end it reviews the current strategy for economic transformation, in

OECD Development PathwaysProduction Transformation Policy Review of ChileREAPING THE BENEFITS OF NEW FRONTIERS@;)OECD B s

Production transformation policy review of chile reaping the benefits of new frontiersnctional agro-food and identifies game changers for future reforms.PR2CUCT1CW IRANSFCGMADCW KXJCY review OF OILE: reARNG rre L>(?4EFTTS OF NEW FftCMTI

ERS o OECD AND LNíTED HAT1CMS 20183 Production transformation policy review of chile reaping the benefits of new frontiers

OECD Development PathwaysProduction Transformation Policy Review of ChileREAPING THE BENEFITS OF NEW FRONTIERS@;)OECD B s

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