Revenue statistics 2007 edition 2007

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Nội dung chi tiết: Revenue statistics 2007 edition 2007

Revenue statistics 2007 edition 2007

Revenue Statistics 1965-2007Statistiques des recettes publiques 1965-2007«•OECD2008Revenue Statistics1965-2007SPECIAL FEATURE:TAXING POWER OF SUB-CENT


N FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENTThe OECD is a unique forum where the governments of 30 democracies work together to address the economic, s Revenue statistics 2007 edition 2007

ocial and environmental challenges of globalisation. The OECD IS also at the forefront of efforts to understand and to help governments respond to new

Revenue statistics 2007 edition 2007

developments and concerns, such as corporate governance, the information economy and the challenges of an ageing population. The Organisation provide

Revenue Statistics 1965-2007Statistiques des recettes publiques 1965-2007«•OECD2008Revenue Statistics1965-2007SPECIAL FEATURE:TAXING POWER OF SUB-CENT

Revenue statistics 2007 edition 2007 and international policies.The OECD member countries are: Australia. Austria, Belgium, Canada, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland. France, Germany,

Greece, Hungary. Iceland, Ireland. Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, the Slovak Republ Revenue statistics 2007 edition 2007

ic, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, lUrkey, the United Kingdom and the United Stales. The Commission of the European Communities takes part in the work of

Revenue statistics 2007 edition 2007

the OECD.OECD Publishing disseminates widely the results of the Organisation’s statistics gathering and research on economic, social and environmenta

Revenue Statistics 1965-2007Statistiques des recettes publiques 1965-2007«•OECD2008Revenue Statistics1965-2007SPECIAL FEATURE:TAXING POWER OF SUB-CENT

Revenue statistics 2007 edition 2007eraI of the OECD. The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official uiews oj Lhe Organisation or oj the gov

ernments oj its member countries.Corrigenda to OECD publications may be found on line at: wunv.oecd.Org/pMblishing./cwTigenda. <& OECD 2008You can cop Revenue statistics 2007 edition 2007

y. download w print OECD content for yuur own use. and you can include excerpts liwu OECD publications. databases and multimedia products ill your own

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ducuinenls, presentations, bk>gs. websites and léaứúug materials. provided dial suitable acknowledgment ul OECD as source and copyright owner is give

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Revenue statistics 2007 edition 2007ons of this material for public or commercial use shall he addressed directly to the Copyright Clearance Center at wifoctmpyrithtznie or the Centre fm

neais d'cxploitation du droit dr copir (CKÍ) ectitartWffmfies cam.ORGANISATION DE COOPERATION ET DE DÉVELOPPEMENT ÉCONOMIQUESI.'OCDE ost un forum uniq Revenue statistics 2007 edition 2007

ue on son gonro OÙ les gouvomomonrs do 30 dómocratios couvronr ensemble pour relever les dofis oconomiquos, sociaux or onvironnomonraux quo pose la mo

Revenue statistics 2007 edition 2007

ndialisarion. I.’OCDE est aussi à 1’avant-garde des efforts ontropris pour comprondre les evolutions du monde actuol et les preoccupations qu’olios fo

Revenue Statistics 1965-2007Statistiques des recettes publiques 1965-2007«•OECD2008Revenue Statistics1965-2007SPECIAL FEATURE:TAXING POWER OF SUB-CENT

Revenue statistics 2007 edition 2007ie do I’information ot les defis poses par lo vioillissomont do la population. ^Organisation offro aux gouvomomonts un cadre lour pormottant do compar

er lours experiences en matlore do poliriquos, do cnercher dos róponsos à des problomos communs, d’identifier les bonnes pratiques ot do travailler a Revenue statistics 2007 edition 2007

la coordination des politiques nationales el Internationales.Les pays mombros de 1’OCDE sent: I'Allomagno, 1'Australie, 1’Autriche, la Belgique, lo Ca

Revenue statistics 2007 edition 2007

nada, la Corée, le Danemark, 1’Espagne, les États-Unis, la Finlande, la France, la Grece, la Hongrie, 1’Irlande, rislande, ritalie, le Luxemb

Revenue Statistics 1965-2007Statistiques des recettes publiques 1965-2007«•OECD2008Revenue Statistics1965-2007SPECIAL FEATURE:TAXING POWER OF SUB-CENT

Revenue statistics 2007 edition 2007i, la Suede la Suisse et la Tiirquio. La Commission des Communautés européennês participe aux travaux de 1’OCDE.Les Editions OCDE assurent une large d

iffusion aux travaux de reorganisation. Ces derniers comprennent les résultats de 1’activité de collecte de staristiques, les travaux de recherche men Revenue statistics 2007 edition 2007

és sur des questions économiques, sociales et environnementales, ainsi que les conventions, les principes directeurs et les modẽles développés par les

Revenue statistics 2007 edition 2007

pays membres.Cct ouvrage CSC public sous la rcsponsabilitc du Secretaire general de I’OCDE. Les opinions et les interpretations expnmees ne refletent

Revenue Statistics 1965-2007Statistiques des recettes publiques 1965-2007«•OECD2008Revenue Statistics1965-2007SPECIAL FEATURE:TAXING POWER OF SUB-CENT

Revenue statistics 2007 edition ©OCDE2008Vous ẽtes autorisés à copter, télẽcharger OU rmprimer du contenu OECD pơur votre uũlisaũon personnelle. Vcus pou

vez induce des extraits des publications, des bases de données et produits multimedia de I'OCDE dans VOÍ documents, presentations, blogs, sites Intern Revenue statistics 2007 edition 2007

et et materiel d enseignement, sous reserve de fair- mention de la source CODE et du copyright. Les demandes pour usage public OU commercial OU de tra

Revenue statistics 2007 edition 2007

duction devror.t ẽtre adressẽes A ngkrtkecd wq. Les denundee d'autorisarion de photocopier partie de

Revenue Statistics 1965-2007Statistiques des recettes publiques 1965-2007«•OECD2008Revenue Statistics1965-2007SPECIAL FEATURE:TAXING POWER OF SUB-CENT

Revenue statistics 2007 edition 2007optes comFOREWORD/AVANT- PROPOSForewordT*his annual publication provides information on tax levels and tax structures in OECD countries. It was prepar

ed under the auspices of the Working Party on Tax Policy Analysis and Tax Statistics of the Committee on Fiscal Affairs and is published under the res Revenue statistics 2007 edition 2007

ponsibility of the Secretary-General of (he OECD.Avant-proposCelle publication annuelle Journil des informations sur les niveaux d’imposition el la st

Revenue statistics 2007 edition 2007

ructure de la/iscalité dans les pays de I’QCDE. Elie a étẽ préparée sous les auspices du Groupe de travail sur I’analyse des politiques el des statist

Revenue Statistics 1965-2007Statistiques des recettes publiques 1965-2007«•OECD2008Revenue Statistics1965-2007SPECIAL FEATURE:TAXING POWER OF SUB-CENT

Revenue Statistics 1965-2007Statistiques des recettes publiques 1965-2007«•OECD2008Revenue Statistics1965-2007SPECIAL FEATURE:TAXING POWER OF SUB-CENT

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