The ocean in a drop singapore the next fifty years

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Nội dung chi tiết: The ocean in a drop singapore the next fifty years

The ocean in a drop singapore the next fifty years

IPS- NATHAN LECTURESSINGAPORE: THE NEXT FIFTY YEARS IHO KWON PINGPublished byWorld Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.5 Toll Tuck Link. Singapore 5962

The ocean in a drop singapore the next fifty years224USA office: 27 Warren Street. Suite 401-402. Hackensack. NJ 07601UK office: 57 Shelton Street. Covent Garden. London WC2H 9HEBritish Library Catalo

guing-in-l’ublkation DataA catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.THE OCEAN IN A DROPSingapore: I he Next Fifty YearsCop The ocean in a drop singapore the next fifty years

yright £ 2016 by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pic. Lid.AU rights reserved. This hook, or ports thereof, may not be reproduced in any form or by any

The ocean in a drop singapore the next fifty years

means, electronic ar mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system naw known or Io he invented, witho

IPS- NATHAN LECTURESSINGAPORE: THE NEXT FIFTY YEARS IHO KWON PINGPublished byWorld Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.5 Toll Tuck Link. Singapore 5962

The ocean in a drop singapore the next fifty years Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive. Danvers. NLA. 01923. USA. Ill Ibis case permission to photocopy is nol required fioui the publisher.ISBN 978-981-1730-17-1I

SBN 978-981-17.30-18-1 (pbk)Ill-house Editor: Sandhya VeukateshTypeset by Stallion PressEmail: enquiries@stallionpress.coiuPrinted in SingaporeYou are The ocean in a drop singapore the next fifty years

not a drop in the ocean.You are the entire ocean, in a drop.— Rumi (Persian poet, 1207-1273)Dedicated to my family:My Parents,My WifeMy ChildrenAnd m

The ocean in a drop singapore the next fifty years

y GrandchildrenCONTENTSForewordxiLecture Ĩ Politics and Governance (20 October 2014)1Questions and Answers27Moderator: Janadas Devan

IPS- NATHAN LECTURESSINGAPORE: THE NEXT FIFTY YEARS IHO KWON PINGPublished byWorld Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.5 Toll Tuck Link. Singapore 5962

IPS- NATHAN LECTURESSINGAPORE: THE NEXT FIFTY YEARS IHO KWON PINGPublished byWorld Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.5 Toll Tuck Link. Singapore 5962

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