Making our neighborhoods, making our selves

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Nội dung chi tiết: Making our neighborhoods, making our selves

Making our neighborhoods, making our selves

Making Our Neighborhoods,GEORGE c. GALSTERMaking OurSelvesMaking Our Neighborhoods, Making GEORGE c. GALSTERThe University of Chicago Press Chicago an

Making our neighborhoods, making our selvesnd LoudonTire University 01 Chicago Press. Ltd. Londonr© 2019 by Tile University of ChicagoAU rights reserved No pan of this book may be used or repr

oduced in any manner whatsoever Without written permission, except in tire case of brief quotations Cl criical articles and reviews. For more informat Making our neighborhoods, making our selves

ion, contact the University of Chicago Press. 1427 E 60th St.. Chicago. IL 60637.Published 2019Printed nr the United States of America28 27 26 25 24 2

Making our neighborhoods, making our selves

3 22 21 20 19 1 23 45ISBN-13:978-0-226-59985-4 (cloth)ISBN-13:978-0-226-59999-1 (e-book)DOI: httpsy/doiorg. T0.7208'chicagO'9780226599991.001.0001Libr

Making Our Neighborhoods,GEORGE c. GALSTERMaking OurSelvesMaking Our Neighborhoods, Making GEORGE c. GALSTERThe University of Chicago Press Chicago an

Making our neighborhoods, making our selvesalster.Description: Cliicago. London : The University of Clncago Press. 2019.1 Includes bibliograplncal references and index Identifiers: LCCN 2018030

6791 ISBN 9780226599854 (cloth alk. paper) I ISBN 9780226599991 (ebook) Subjects: LCSH: Neighborhoods—United States. I United States—Social conditions Making our neighborhoods, making our selves

. I Sociology. Urban—United States. Classification: LCC HT123 .G258 20191 DDC 307.3 '3620973—dc23 LC record available at https z'kcn 201803067

Making our neighborhoods, making our selves

9@ This paper meets the requirements of ANSLNISO Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper).Portions of chapter 2 are reprinted from the article "XVliat Is Nei

Making Our Neighborhoods,GEORGE c. GALSTERMaking OurSelvesMaking Our Neighborhoods, Making GEORGE c. GALSTERThe University of Chicago Press Chicago an

Making our neighborhoods, making our selvesThreshold Effects Related to Neighborhood.” originally appeared in Journal of Planning Literature (August 2018). Portions of chapter 8 are reprinted f

rom the article "Spatial Foundations of Inequality: An Empirical Overview and Conceptual Moder* by G. c. Galster and p. Sharkey (RSF: The Russell Sage Making our neighborhoods, making our selves

Journal of the Social Sciences 3. no. 2.2017) and ‘The Mechanising) of Neighborhood Effects: Theory, Evidence, and Policy Implications” fiom Neighbou

Making our neighborhoods, making our selves

rhood Effects Research: jVinv Perspectives, edited by M. van Ham. D Manley. N. Bailey. L Simpson. and D Maclennan. Portions of chapter 9 are reprinted

Making Our Neighborhoods,GEORGE c. GALSTERMaking OurSelvesMaking Our Neighborhoods, Making GEORGE c. GALSTERThe University of Chicago Press Chicago an

Making our neighborhoods, making our selvestions of chapter 10 are reprinted from “Neighborhoods and National Housing Policy: Toward Circumscribed. Neighborhood-Sensitive Reforms” {Housing Poli

cy Debate), which IS forthcoming.CONTENTSPrefacePART 1. NEIGHBORHOODS: o\ERARC HING FRAMES AND DEFINITIONSONE / IntroductionTWO / The Meaning of Neigh Making our neighborhoods, making our selves

borhoodAPPENDIX TO CHAPTER TWO / Formal Expression of Aspects of NeighborhoodPART 2. MAKING OUR NEIGHBORHOODSTHREE / The Origins of Neighborhood Chang

Making our neighborhoods, making our selves

eFOUR / Neighborhood Downgrading and upgradingFIVE / Expectations, Information, Search, and Neighborhood ChangeSIX / Nonlinear and Threshold Effects R

Making Our Neighborhoods,GEORGE c. GALSTERMaking OurSelvesMaking Our Neighborhoods, Making GEORGE c. GALSTERThe University of Chicago Press Chicago an

Making our neighborhoods, making our selves Individual Socioeconomic Outcomes

Making Our Neighborhoods,GEORGE c. GALSTERMaking OurSelvesMaking Our Neighborhoods, Making GEORGE c. GALSTERThe University of Chicago Press Chicago an

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