OECD territorial reviews kazakhstan

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Nội dung chi tiết: OECD territorial reviews kazakhstan

OECD territorial reviews kazakhstan

OECD Territorial ReviewsKAZAKHSTAN-Va «

OECD territorial reviews kazakhstanished under the responsibility 0Í the Secretary-General of the OECD. The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect t

he official views of OECD member countries.This document and any map included herein arc without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any te OECD territorial reviews kazakhstan

rritory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.Please cite this publication as:

OECD territorial reviews kazakhstan

OECD (701 /), OECD JerntOHdl Reviews: Kazakhstan, OECD Ptiblishing, Paris.hllp://dx.doi.vrụ/10:1787/9789264269439-enISBN 9/a-92-W-26942-2 (print)ISBN

OECD Territorial ReviewsKAZAKHSTAN-Va «

OECD territorial reviews kazakhstan under the responsibility of the relevant Israeli authorities. The use of such data hy the OECD is without prejudice In the status of the Golan Height

s. East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law.Photo credits: Cover c Jeffrey risherCorrigenda to OEC OECD territorial reviews kazakhstan

D publications may be found on line at: WWW oẹrd cei-yalxiut/pubhshin^mrrigrnda.htm.©OECD 2017You can copy, download or print OECD content for your ow

OECD territorial reviews kazakhstan

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OECD territorial reviews kazakhstand translation rights should bo submitted to nyhtíttxcd.teọ Requests for permission to photocopy portxins of this material for public or commercial use

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FQ at nvv^tth jrtiprs com.FOREWORD-3ForewordThe globalisation of trade and economic activity lias contributed to improving living standards, boosted p

OECD territorial reviews kazakhstan

roductivity and encouraged countries to specialise 111 then areas of comparative advantage. However, these same processes have also brought new challe

OECD Territorial ReviewsKAZAKHSTAN-Va «

OECD territorial reviews kazakhstanl response to such glowing inequalities. OECD member countries are adopting policies to ensure that the benefits from globalisation are sustainable an

d inclusive for all citizens and legions. The importance of this was recently reinforced by the 2016 OECD Ministerial Council Statement on enhancing p OECD territorial reviews kazakhstan

roductivity for inclusive growth.Tliis framework is particularly important for Kazakhstan’s economy, which lias experienced a period of strong growth

OECD territorial reviews kazakhstan

over the last decade, fuelled mainly by the extractive industries, hl order to boost growth over the medium and long terms. Kazaklistan needs to diver

OECD Territorial ReviewsKAZAKHSTAN-Va «

OECD territorial reviews kazakhstanns and effective regional policies ar e at the core of this strategy. It is critical that each region and city mobilise Its own assets and resources t

o spur specialisation in areas of competitive advantage and diversify its economy. Furthermore. given tliat the bulk of public investments occur at th OECD territorial reviews kazakhstan

e subnational level, building capacity amongst regions and cities and improving multilevel governance will help make public investments more efficient

OECD territorial reviews kazakhstan

.Tills Territorial Review of Kazakhstan measures the performance of all regions and assesses the main factors tliat support - and hamper - growth at t

OECD Territorial ReviewsKAZAKHSTAN-Va «

OECD territorial reviews kazakhstanisms adopted at the national and subnational levels. Based on this assessment, the review' provides a framework for action to help Kazakhstan adopts a

modem approach to regional development. This entails strengthening decentralisation efforts, improving data availability and capacity at subnational OECD territorial reviews kazakhstan

level, and better aligning efforts between different levels of government.Tills review is part of a series of country review’s undertaken by the OECD

OECD territorial reviews kazakhstan

Regional Development Policy Committee (RDPC) to study and share innovative practices in regional development policies across OECD member countries. Th

OECD Territorial ReviewsKAZAKHSTAN-Va «

OECD territorial reviews kazakhstaneviews These studies follow a standaid methodology and a common conceptual framework allowing countries to share their experiences and disseminate inf

ormation on good practices.Lamia Kamal-Chaoui Director. Centre for Entrepreneur ship. SMEs. Local Development and Tourism. OECDOECD VR3AX ?0CXY REVIEW OECD territorial reviews kazakhstan


OECD Territorial ReviewsKAZAKHSTAN-Va «

OECD Territorial ReviewsKAZAKHSTAN-Va «

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