Scaling up the convergence of the social economy and sustainability (athabasca university press)
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Scaling up the convergence of the social economy and sustainability (athabasca university press)
^ttps://khothuvien.comSCALING UPSCALING theUP CONVERGENCE OFSOCIAL ECONOMY " "and_____________SUSTAINABILITYEDITED BY MIKE GISMONDI, SEAN CONNELLY MAR Scaling up the convergence of the social economy and sustainability (athabasca university press)RY BECKIE, SEAN MARKEY.MARK ROSELANDAU PRESSCopyright © 2016 Mike Gismondi, Sean Connelly, Man' Beckie, Sean Markey, and Mark RoselandPublished by AU Press, Athabasca University1200,10011 - 109 Street, Edmonton, AB TsJ 3S8ISBN 978-1-77199-021-9 (print) 978-1-77199-022-6 (pdf) 978-1-77199-023-3 (epub Scaling up the convergence of the social economy and sustainability (athabasca university press)) doi: io.i52i5/aupress/978i77!99O2i9.01Cover and interior design by Sergiy KozakovPrinted and bound in Canada by Marquis Book PrintersLibrary and ArcScaling up the convergence of the social economy and sustainability (athabasca university press)
hives Canada Cataloguing in PublicationScaling up : the convergence of social economy and sustainability / editors. Mike Gismondi, Sean Connelly, Mary^ttps://khothuvien.comSCALING UPSCALING theUP CONVERGENCE OFSOCIAL ECONOMY " "and_____________SUSTAINABILITYEDITED BY MIKE GISMONDI, SEAN CONNELLY MAR Scaling up the convergence of the social economy and sustainability (athabasca university press)ia—Case studies. 2. Cooperative societies— Alberta-Case studies. 3. Sustainable development—British Columbia—Case studies. 4. Sustainable development-Alberta-Case studies. I. Gismondi, Michael Anthony, author, editor II. Connelly, Sean, 1975-, author, editor III. Beckie, Mary', 1954-, author, editor Scaling up the convergence of the social economy and sustainability (athabasca university press) IV. Markey, Sean Patrick, 1970-, author, editor V. Roseland, Mark author, editorHD3450.A3B74 2015334.09711C201S-906796-0C2015-9067979We acknowledge tScaling up the convergence of the social economy and sustainability (athabasca university press)
he financial support of the Government of Canada.■Canadian Patrimoine■t ■HeritagecanadienAssistance provided by the Government of Alberta, Alberta Med^ttps://khothuvien.comSCALING UPSCALING theUP CONVERGENCE OFSOCIAL ECONOMY " "and_____________SUSTAINABILITYEDITED BY MIKE GISMONDI, SEAN CONNELLY MAR Scaling up the convergence of the social economy and sustainability (athabasca university press) The text may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes, provided that credit is given to the original author.To obtain permission for uses beyond those outlined in the Creative Commons license, please contact AU Press. Athabasca University', at Scaling up the convergence of the social economy and sustainability (athabasca university press) 10, “Strong Institutions, Weak Strategies: Credit Unions and the Rural Social Economy,” is a revised version ofKristensen. Freya, Sean Markey, and StScaling up the convergence of the social economy and sustainability (athabasca university press)
ewart Perry'. 2011. “‘Our Liquidity Is Trust. Not Cash’: Credit Unions and the Rural Social Economy,” Journal of Rural and Community Development 5 (3)^ttps://khothuvien.comSCALING UPSCALING theUP CONVERGENCE OFSOCIAL ECONOMY " "and_____________SUSTAINABILITYEDITED BY MIKE GISMONDI, SEAN CONNELLY MAR^ttps://khothuvien.comSCALING UPSCALING theUP CONVERGENCE OFSOCIAL ECONOMY " "and_____________SUSTAINABILITYEDITED BY MIKE GISMONDI, SEAN CONNELLY MARGọi ngay
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