Science and the economic crisis impact on science, lessons from science

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Nội dung chi tiết: Science and the economic crisis impact on science, lessons from science

Science and the economic crisis impact on science, lessons from science

Francesco Sylos LabiniScienceand the Economic CrisisImpact on Science, Lessons from ScienceSpringerFrancesco Syìos LabinìScience and the Economic Cris

Science and the economic crisis impact on science, lessons from sciencesisImpact on Science, Lessons from Science 1st ed.2016SpringerFrancesco Sylos LabiniEnrico Fermi Center and Institute tor Complex Systems (National Re

search Council), Rome. ItalyISBN 978-3-319-29527-5e-ISBN 978-3-319-29528-2DOT 10.1007/978-3-319-29528-2Library of Congress Control Number: 2016931354C Science and the economic crisis impact on science, lessons from science

O Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016The book will be published in Italian by another publisher.Ulis work is subject to copyright. All

Science and the economic crisis impact on science, lessons from science

rights arc reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation. reprinting, reus

Francesco Sylos LabiniScienceand the Economic CrisisImpact on Science, Lessons from ScienceSpringerFrancesco Syìos LabinìScience and the Economic Cris

Science and the economic crisis impact on science, lessons from sciencerieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed.The use of general descript

ive names, registered names, trademarks, senice marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such Science and the economic crisis impact on science, lessons from science

names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.The publisher, the authors and the editors are

Science and the economic crisis impact on science, lessons from science

safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the dale of publication. Neither the publisher nor

Francesco Sylos LabiniScienceand the Economic CrisisImpact on Science, Lessons from ScienceSpringerFrancesco Syìos LabinìScience and the Economic Cris

Science and the economic crisis impact on science, lessons from science have been made.Printed on acid-free paperIllis Springer imprint is published by SpringcrNaturc Hie registered company is springer International Publi

shing AG Switzerland ForewordThe world is in the grip of the biggest economic crisis for more than 80 years. Nearly all nations are affected, though, Science and the economic crisis impact on science, lessons from science

of course, some are more affected than others. The key political question of today is: “What should be done to bring this crisis to an end?”In this bo

Science and the economic crisis impact on science, lessons from science

ok, Francesco Sylos Labini. who is a researcher in physics, takes an unusual approach to the crisis by relating it to the situation in science. How is

Francesco Sylos LabiniScienceand the Economic CrisisImpact on Science, Lessons from ScienceSpringerFrancesco Syìos LabinìScience and the Economic Cris

Science and the economic crisis impact on science, lessons from science, which have dominated for the past 30 or so years, are based on neoclassical economics. This looks very much like a science such as physics, since it

consists of equations and mathematical models. But is it really scientific? Should we trust the predictions of neoclassical economics in the same way Science and the economic crisis impact on science, lessons from science

that we trust those of physics? Sylos Labini gives good reasons for thinking that we should not, and that neoclassical economics is more of a pseudo-

Science and the economic crisis impact on science, lessons from science

science, like astrology, than a genuine science, like astronomy.Sylos Labini begins his argument by analyzing predictions in the natural sciences. In

Francesco Sylos LabiniScienceand the Economic CrisisImpact on Science, Lessons from ScienceSpringerFrancesco Syìos LabinìScience and the Economic Cris

Science and the economic crisis impact on science, lessons from sciencePredictions of tomorrows' weather, or of when volcanic eruptions or earthquakes will occur, are much less certain. Let US consider meteorology. Here t

he laws governing the behavior of the atmosphere are precise and well established, but there is a difficulty—the so-called butterfly effect. A small d Science and the economic crisis impact on science, lessons from science

isturbance, such a butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil, can be magnified and cause a hurricane in the United States. This leads to what is called c

Science and the economic crisis impact on science, lessons from science

haotic behavior—a subject which has been studied mathematically, and in which Sylos Labini is an expert. Despite the difficulties caused by chaos, wea

Francesco Sylos LabiniScienceand the Economic CrisisImpact on Science, Lessons from ScienceSpringerFrancesco Syìos LabinìScience and the Economic Cris

Science and the economic crisis impact on science, lessons from sciencers.If we turn from this to neoclassical economics, we see that the situation is completely different. As Sylos Labini points out, we do not know the l

aws of economic development in the way that we know the laws governing the atmosphere. The butterfly effect seems to apply to the world economy, howev Science and the economic crisis impact on science, lessons from science

er, since the failure of a few sub-prime mortgages in a region of the Lili ted States led to a worldwide economic recession. Yet neoclassical economis

Science and the economic crisis impact on science, lessons from science

ts take no account of the mathematics of chaos whose use is now standard in the natural sciences. Although weather forecasts can be trusted up to a po

Francesco Sylos LabiniScienceand the Economic CrisisImpact on Science, Lessons from ScienceSpringerFrancesco Syìos LabinìScience and the Economic Cris

Science and the economic crisis impact on science, lessons from sciencechieved a cultural hegemony. In order to explain how this has been possible. Sylos Labini turns to a consideration of the organization of research, an

d, more generally, of the universities.What is interesting is that neoliberal policies have the same general effect in the universities as they do in Science and the economic crisis impact on science, lessons from science

society as a whole. In society, their tendency has been to concentrate wealth in fewer and fewer hands. The richest 1 % has grown richer and richer at

Science and the economic crisis impact on science, lessons from science

the expense not only of the working class but also of the old middle class. Similarly, in the university sector, more and more funding is going to a

Francesco Sylos LabiniScienceand the Economic CrisisImpact on Science, Lessons from ScienceSpringerFrancesco Syìos LabinìScience and the Economic Cris

Science and the economic crisis impact on science, lessons from sciencers are better than the others, so that it more efficient to concentrate funding on them. To find out which universities and researchers are better, re

gular research assessments are conducted, and they are used to guide the allocation of funds. But how accurate are these research assessments in picki Science and the economic crisis impact on science, lessons from science

ng out the researchers who are better from those whoare not so good? Sylos Labini gives US good reasons for thinking that the: https://khothuviei .cor

Science and the economic crisis impact on science, lessons from science

n from being accurate, are highly misleading.One striking result, which he mentions, is known as the Queen's question. Lehman Brothers collapsed in Se

Francesco Sylos LabiniScienceand the Economic CrisisImpact on Science, Lessons from ScienceSpringerFrancesco Syìos LabinìScience and the Economic Cris

Science and the economic crisis impact on science, lessons from scienceer 2008, and here she asked her famous question: “why did no one see the economic crisis coming?” Of course the neoclassical economists of the London

School of Economics not only did not foresee the crisis, but they had been advocating the very neoliberal policies that led to it. In December 2008. t Science and the economic crisis impact on science, lessons from science

he UK's research assessment exercise reported its results. These showed that the field that had obtained the highest score of any in the country was n

Science and the economic crisis impact on science, lessons from science

one other titan economics, which in the UK had by then become almost exclusively neoclassical economics. If the results of this assessment were to be

Francesco Sylos LabiniScienceand the Economic CrisisImpact on Science, Lessons from ScienceSpringerFrancesco Syìos LabinìScience and the Economic Cris

Science and the economic crisis impact on science, lessons from sciencecs, computer science, or the biomedical sciences. Obviously this shows that some tiling had gone very wrong with research assessment.Sylos Labini is a

n active member of Return on Academic Research (, an organization that is active in opposing the attempts of the Italian government to introd Science and the economic crisis impact on science, lessons from science

uce a research organization modeled on the UK into Italy. His book explains the failings of such research assessment systems. One interesting argument

Science and the economic crisis impact on science, lessons from science

he uses concerns some of the major discoveries in physics and mathematics made in the last few decades, hl physics he discusses high-temperature supe

Francesco Sylos LabiniScienceand the Economic CrisisImpact on Science, Lessons from ScienceSpringerFrancesco Syìos LabinìScience and the Economic Cris

Science and the economic crisis impact on science, lessons from science. Unknown individuals, working in low-rated institutions, made all these discoveries that is to say, researchers who would have had their research fru

iding cut by the rigorous implementation of research assessment exercises. The point is that scientific discovery is unpredictable, and one lias a bet Science and the economic crisis impact on science, lessons from science

ter chance of increasing important discoveries by spreading funds more evenly rather than by concenưating them in the hands of a small elite.In the fi

Science and the economic crisis impact on science, lessons from science

nal part of his book. Sylos Labini points out that the same neoliberal push towards inequality is to be found in throughout Europe. Research funds are

Francesco Sylos LabiniScienceand the Economic CrisisImpact on Science, Lessons from ScienceSpringerFrancesco Syìos LabinìScience and the Economic Cris

Science and the economic crisis impact on science, lessons from sciencefunds, but also for an overall increase in the funding for research and development. Tills is the strategy' that will produce innovations capable of r

evitalizing the economies and putting them once more on a growth path. Sylos Labini makes a very strong case for his point of view. Let US hope that a Science and the economic crisis impact on science, lessons from science

new generation of politicians will be willing and able to implement his ideas. Meantime Ills book is to be strongly recommended to anyone seeking to

Science and the economic crisis impact on science, lessons from science

understand the current crisis and its ramifications.Donald Gillies (Emeritus Professor of Philosophy of Science and Mathematics, University College Lo

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