Sovereign soldiers how the u s military transformed the global economy after world war II

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Nội dung chi tiết: Sovereign soldiers how the u s military transformed the global economy after world war II

Sovereign soldiers how the u s military transformed the global economy after world war II

How the U.S. Military Transformed the Global Economy after World War IIGRANT MADSENAMERICAN BUSINESS, POLI l ies, AND SOCIETYSeries editors:Andrew Won

Sovereign soldiers how the u s military transformed the global economy after world war IInder Cohen, Pamela Walker Laird, Mark H. Rose, and Elizabeth Tandy shermerBooks in the series American Business, Politics, and Society explore the rel

ationships over time between governmental institutions and the creation and performance of markets, firms, and industries, large and small. The centra Sovereign soldiers how the u s military transformed the global economy after world war II

l theme of this series is that politics, law, and public policy—understood broadly to embrace not only lawmaking, but also the structuring presence of

Sovereign soldiers how the u s military transformed the global economy after world war II

governmental institutions—has been fundamental to the evolution of American business from the colonial era to the present. The series aims to explore

How the U.S. Military Transformed the Global Economy after World War IIGRANT MADSENAMERICAN BUSINESS, POLI l ies, AND SOCIETYSeries editors:Andrew Won

Sovereign soldiers how the u s military transformed the global economy after world war IIsHow the U.S. Military Transformed the Global Economy After World War IIGrant MadsenPENNUNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESSPHILADELPHIACopyright © 2018 U

niversity of Pennsylvania PressAll rights reserved.Except for brief quotations used for purposes of review or scholarly citation, none of this book ma Sovereign soldiers how the u s military transformed the global economy after world war II

y be reproduced in any form by any means without written permission from the publisher.Published by University of Pennsylvania Press Philadelphia, Pen

Sovereign soldiers how the u s military transformed the global economy after world war II

nsylvania 19104-4112 WWW. II penn. ed u / pen npressPrinted in the United States of America on acid-free paper 13579 10 8 6 42Library of Congress Cata

How the U.S. Military Transformed the Global Economy after World War IIGRANT MADSENAMERICAN BUSINESS, POLI l ies, AND SOCIETYSeries editors:Andrew Won

Sovereign soldiers how the u s military transformed the global economy after world war II II / Grant Madsen.Other titles: American business, politics, and society.Description: 1st edition. I Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,

[2018] Series: American business, politics, and society I Includes bibliographical references and index.Identifiers: LCCN 2017060115 ISBN 978081225036 Sovereign soldiers how the u s military transformed the global economy after world war II

7 (hardcover: alk. paper) Subjects: I.CSH: United Slates—Economic policy—1945 1960. ị Economic history—1945 1971. I United Stales—Armed Forces—Stabili

Sovereign soldiers how the u s military transformed the global economy after world war II

ty operations.Reconstruction (1939-1951)—Japan. I Reconstruction (1939-1951)—Germany. I United States—Foreign economic relations—History—20th century.

How the U.S. Military Transformed the Global Economy after World War IIGRANT MADSENAMERICAN BUSINESS, POLI l ies, AND SOCIETYSeries editors:Andrew Won

Sovereign soldiers how the u s military transformed the global economy after world war IIr being a historian, scholar, and so much more

How the U.S. Military Transformed the Global Economy after World War IIGRANT MADSENAMERICAN BUSINESS, POLI l ies, AND SOCIETYSeries editors:Andrew Won

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