The associative economy insights beyond the welfare state and into post capitalism
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The associative economy insights beyond the welfare state and into post capitalism
palgravemacmillanThe Associative EconomyInsights beyond the Welfare State and intoPost-CapitalismFranco ArchibugiAlso by Franco ArchibugiIin English I The associative economy insights beyond the welfare state and into post capitalismIECONOMY AND ECOLOGY: Towards Sustainable Development (editor with Peter Nijkantp)THE ECOLOGICAL CITY AND THE CITY EFFECT: Essays on the Planning Requirements of the Sustainable CityINTRODUCTION TO PLANOLOGY: A Metadisciplinary Convergence of Planning SciencesTHE FUTURE OF URBAN QUALITY IN EUROPE: T The associative economy insights beyond the welfare state and into post capitalismoward a New European Urban Systems Concept and StrategyROME: A New Urban Strategy[in Italian]INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS IN THE EPOCH OF AUTOMATIONTHE CITY-RThe associative economy insights beyond the welfare state and into post capitalism
EGION IN ITALY: Cultural Premises and ProgrammeHypothesis (editor)INCOME POLICY AND ECONOMIC PLANNING: Criteria andModels (editor with Francesco FortepalgravemacmillanThe Associative EconomyInsights beyond the Welfare State and intoPost-CapitalismFranco ArchibugiAlso by Franco ArchibugiIin English I The associative economy insights beyond the welfare state and into post capitalismmes and BudgetingACCOUNTING FRAMEWORK FOR THE NATIONAL ECONOMIC PLANNINGTHE ART OF ASSOCIATION: Essay on a Trade-Union Perspective for the Third Sector (with Mathias Koenig-Archibugi)The AssociativeEconomyInsights beyond the Welfare State and into Post-CapitalismFranco ArchibugiProfessor in the Post The associative economy insights beyond the welfare state and into post capitalismgraduate School of Public Administration Prime Minister's OfficeRome, ItalyFirst published in Great Britain 2000 byMACMILLAN PRESS LTDHoundmills, BasiThe associative economy insights beyond the welfare state and into post capitalism
ngstoke. Hampshire RG21 6XS and London Companies and representatives throughout the worldA eataloguc rceord for this book is available from the BritispalgravemacmillanThe Associative EconomyInsights beyond the Welfare State and intoPost-CapitalismFranco ArchibugiAlso by Franco ArchibugiIin English IpalgravemacmillanThe Associative EconomyInsights beyond the Welfare State and intoPost-CapitalismFranco ArchibugiAlso by Franco ArchibugiIin English IGọi ngay
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