The entrepreneur the way back for the u s economy
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The entrepreneur the way back for the u s economy
THE ENTREPRENEURThe Way Back for the u. s. EconomyROBERT RINGER#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR“It is the Entrepreneur, not government, who built The entrepreneur the way back for the u s economy America and n country in the history of the world. And he can do it again. All he neThe entrepreneur the way back for the u s economy
PRENEUR“As an entrepreneur myself and a small business owner for fifteen years. I am convinced dial entrepreneurs are America’s great unsung heroes. WTHE ENTREPRENEURThe Way Back for the u. s. EconomyROBERT RINGER#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR“It is the Entrepreneur, not government, who built The entrepreneur the way back for the u s economyn his book. Robert Ringer's portrait of the entrepreneur as a target of oppressive government is no only informative, but startling in its presentation. His examples are an eye-opening history lesson. Il you're not Slue you are an entrepreneur, you will clearly know after reading this book.”—Herman The entrepreneur the way back for the u s economyCain, former CEO of the National Restaurant Association and author of This Is HermanCain!: My Journey to the White House“My greatest fear in startingThe entrepreneur the way back for the u s economy
King Construction in 1975 was of government regulators who mighi crush me for ignorance of a bureaucratic interpretation of not a law. but a rule. TodTHE ENTREPRENEURThe Way Back for the u. s. EconomyROBERT RINGER#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR“It is the Entrepreneur, not government, who built The entrepreneur the way back for the u s economythe American entrepreneurial spirit. Our nation was founded on risk taking. Ringer clearly outlines our moral and constitutional foundation and defines the convictions necessary for an entrepreneur’s drive for success to overcome tear of failure.”—IT. s. Congressman Steve King (R) IowaIl is the gove The entrepreneur the way back for the u s economyrnment s duty to provide for the general welfare ... FALS The growing gap between the rich and the poor proves that capitalism has failed ... FALSETheThe entrepreneur the way back for the u s economy
government has the authority to redistribute wealth through regulations and faxes ... FALSEAll men are created equal. But not all taxpayers!ProgressiTHE ENTREPRENEURThe Way Back for the u. s. EconomyROBERT RINGER#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR“It is the Entrepreneur, not government, who built The entrepreneur the way back for the u s economylieve in an all-powerful central government that has the authority to meddle in both the economy and in the lives of individual citizens. Retrogress! ves naively believe that the government has a moral obligation to “help” those in need, but nowhere in the Constitution is there an enumerated power t The entrepreneur the way back for the u s economyo that effect.In a Retrogressive Utopia, life is risk flee for everyone. But a government that prevents its citizens from failing actually prohibits tThe entrepreneur the way back for the u s economy
hem from succeeding. So-called social programs, such as food stamps, the minimum wage, and draconian taxes arc designed to redisưibute wealth but arc THE ENTREPRENEURThe Way Back for the u. s. EconomyROBERT RINGER#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR“It is the Entrepreneur, not government, who built The entrepreneur the way back for the u s economyt it takes for these unsung heroes to succeed it an environment that is increasingly hostile toward small businesses. Perhaps the most maligned and beleaguered individuals in the United States, Entrepreneurs are the easiest targets for the government's insatiable appetite to exercise control over th The entrepreneur the way back for the u s economye economy. Yet. left alone to do what they do best. Entrepreneurs are able to innovate better products and services than the government could ever hopThe entrepreneur the way back for the u s economy
e to provide: create jobs; reinvest much of their profits into expanding their businesses; and. as a result, glow the economy, and thereby improve theTHE ENTREPRENEURThe Way Back for the u. s. EconomyROBERT RINGER#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR“It is the Entrepreneur, not government, who built The entrepreneur the way back for the u s economyon't want any more quick fixes. What we need is for government to get out of the way and allow the Entrepreneur to move our country forward.ROBERT RINGER is the author of three #1 bestsellers—Restoring the American Dream, Looking Ont for #L and To Be or Not to Be Intimidated (the completely updated The entrepreneur the way back for the u s economyand revised edition of liis original classic. Winning Through Intimidation.) The latter two books were listed by the.Vevr York Times among the 15 bestThe entrepreneur the way back for the u s economy
selling motivational books of all time. An outspoken and prominent proponent of laissez-faire capitalism and individual freedom. Ringer hosts the highTHE ENTREPRENEURThe Way Back for the u. s. EconomyROBERT RINGER#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR“It is the Entrepreneur, not government, who built The entrepreneur the way back for the u s economyal issues.You can visit his website at THE AUTHORS. WATCH VIDEOS AND MORE AT• THE SOURCE FOR READING GROUPS •AUTHOR PHOTOGRAPH £ JASON SGOBBA COPYRIGHT © 2012 SIMON & SCHUSTERThank you for purchasing this Threshold Edit Sign lip for OIU newsletter and recei The entrepreneur the way back for the u s economyve special offers, access to bonus content, and info on the Latest new releases and other great eBooks from Threshold Editions and Snnon & Schuster.SiThe entrepreneur the way back for the u s economy
gn Up Hereor visit us online to sign up at eBookN ews. SimonandSc huster.comTHE ENTREPRENEURThe Way Back for the u. s. EconomyROBERT RINGER#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR“It is the Entrepreneur, not government, who built THE ENTREPRENEURThe Way Back for the u. s. EconomyROBERT RINGER#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR“It is the Entrepreneur, not government, who builtGọi ngay
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