The global political economy of intellectual property rights the new enclosures
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The global political economy of intellectual property rights the new enclosures
A Global PoliticalEconomy of IntellectualProperty RightsThe new enclosures?Christopher Mayo RoutledgeTaylor & Francis GroupA Global Political Economy The global political economy of intellectual property rights the new enclosures of Intellectual Property RightsIt has become a commonplace that there has been an information revolution, transforming both society and the economy. Increasingly, knowledge and information arc seen as important resources; ownership of which colliers < ompclitnc advantage. In 1995 the Trade Related The global political economy of intellectual property rights the new enclosuresAspects of Intellectual Propern- Rights (TRIPs) agreement aimed to harmonise protection for propern- in knowledge throughout the global system. I llisThe global political economy of intellectual property rights the new enclosures
book questions whether the current arrangements arc cither just or sustainable.This volume considers the political construction of intellectual propeA Global PoliticalEconomy of IntellectualProperty RightsThe new enclosures?Christopher Mayo RoutledgeTaylor & Francis GroupA Global Political Economy The global political economy of intellectual property rights the new enclosuresIntellcclual Properly Rights examines contemporary disputes about the ownership of knowledge resources as in the cases of genetically modified foods, the music industry7 or the internet - and the problematic nature of the TRIPs agreement.This book argues that there are solutions in the form of polit The global political economy of intellectual property rights the new enclosuresical moves to establish the social availability of information, and in reattaching property to the innovating individual. Ill this highly topical bookThe global political economy of intellectual property rights the new enclosures
. Christopher May reveals that, because of problems with the I RIPs agreement, al present the balance in international property rights between public A Global PoliticalEconomy of IntellectualProperty RightsThe new enclosures?Christopher Mayo RoutledgeTaylor & Francis GroupA Global Political Economy The global political economy of intellectual property rights the new enclosuresthe University of the West of England.Routledge/RIPE studies in global political economyScries Editors: Otto Holman. Marianne Marchand I Research Centre for International Political Economy, University of Amsterdam) and Hcnk Overbeck [Free University. Amsterdam)This series, published in association w The global political economy of intellectual property rights the new enclosuresith the Review of International Political Economy, provides a forum lor current debate's in international political economy. I he series aims to coverThe global political economy of intellectual property rights the new enclosures
all the central topics in I PE and to present innovative analyses of emerging topics. The titles in the series seek to transcend a state-centred discA Global PoliticalEconomy of IntellectualProperty RightsThe new enclosures?Christopher Mayo RoutledgeTaylor & Francis GroupA Global Political Economy The global political economy of intellectual property rights the new enclosuresthe* world order.The: senes e:omprise:s two strands:Routledge/RIPE Studies in Global Political Economy is a forum for innovative new research intended for a high-level specialist readership, and the titles will be available' in hardback only. Title's include::Globalization and GovernanceFAiled by As The global political economy of intellectual property rights the new enclosurestern frakash and Jeffrey 1- I lariNation-States and MoneyThe- past, present and future' ofnalional eimene ie'sEdiled by Emily Gilbert and Eric ! IelleThe global political economy of intellectual property rights the new enclosures
inerA Global Political Economy of Intellectual Property’ RightsThe- new enclosure's?Christopher MayThe RIPE Series in Global Political Economy aims toA Global PoliticalEconomy of IntellectualProperty RightsThe new enclosures?Christopher Mayo RoutledgeTaylor & Francis GroupA Global Political Economy The global political economy of intellectual property rights the new enclosuresnd International RelationsFees van der PịịlGender and Global Restructuring:Sightings, sites and resistancesEdited by Marianne II. Marchand and Anne Sisson RunyanA Global Political The global political economy of intellectual property rights the new enclosuresA Global PoliticalEconomy of IntellectualProperty RightsThe new enclosures?Christopher Mayo RoutledgeTaylor & Francis GroupA Global Political EconomyGọi ngay
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