The fashion designer survival guide, revised and expanded edition start and run your own fashion business

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Nội dung chi tiết: The fashion designer survival guide, revised and expanded edition start and run your own fashion business

The fashion designer survival guide, revised and expanded edition start and run your own fashion business

.Ỉ he quintessential must-read Tim Gunn. Host Brnxos PrữỊCit RunwayThe FashionI DesignerH SurvivalI G II i d eRevised and Expanded EditionIStart and R

The fashion designer survival guide, revised and expanded edition start and run your own fashion businessRun YourI Own Fashion BusinessIMan'G chi ha r■ •F0f9'/»Cfd Oyr MDiane von FurstenbergDesigner and President of the Council of Fashion Designers ỡf Ame

rica (CFDA)The FashionDesignerSurvivalGuideRevised and Expanded EditionStart and Run YourOwn fashion BusinessMary GehlhaiKAPLANPUBLISHINGNew YorkForew The fashion designer survival guide, revised and expanded edition start and run your own fashion business

ordPrefaceOne Piece of Ad\ ice1* Before You start1110 RealityYou Survived the Bad New s2♦ rile FundamentalsThe PlanElements of the PlanSenins up rhe B

The fashion designer survival guide, revised and expanded edition start and run your own fashion business

usiness, by Melanie Jones3• The MoneyHow Much Do You Need?

.Ỉ he quintessential must-read Tim Gunn. Host Brnxos PrữỊCit RunwayThe FashionI DesignerH SurvivalI G II i d eRevised and Expanded EditionIStart and R

.Ỉ he quintessential must-read Tim Gunn. Host Brnxos PrữỊCit RunwayThe FashionI DesignerH SurvivalI G II i d eRevised and Expanded EditionIStart and R

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