Using project based teaching to enhance 11th grade students at a high school in hung yen
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Using project based teaching to enhance 11th grade students at a high school in hung yen
VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIV ERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST - GRADUATE STUDIES *********************NGUYEN T Using project based teaching to enhance 11th grade students at a high school in hung yenTin DUYÊNI USING PROJECT-BASED TEACHING TO ENHANCE 111H GRADE STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILLS AT A HIGH SCHOOL IN HUNG YEN(Sir dụng phương pháp dạy học dự án de nàng CỈ10 kỹ năng nói cho học sinh lóp 11 tại một tnròng TIIPT ó Hưng Yên)M.A MINOR PROGRAMME THESISField: English l eaching MethodologyCode: 814 Using project based teaching to enhance 11th grade students at a high school in hung yen0231.01HANOI - 2019VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST - GRADUATE STUDIES ***********Using project based teaching to enhance 11th grade students at a high school in hung yen
**********NGUYẺN THỊ DUYÊNUSING PROJECT-BASED TEACHING TO ENHANCE 111H GRADE STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILLS AT A HIGH SCHOOL IN HUNG YEN(Sứ dụng phirong phVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIV ERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST - GRADUATE STUDIES *********************NGUYEN T Using project based teaching to enhance 11th grade students at a high school in hung yenor: Prof. Dr. Nguyen HòaHANOI - 2019DECLARATIONI.Nguyen Thị Duyên, declare that this thesis and the work presented it are my own and has been generated by me as the result of my own original research. It has not been submitted to any other university or institution wholly or partially.Hanoi, April 2 Using project based teaching to enhance 11th grade students at a high school in hung yen019Nguyen Thị Duyên1ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSI would first like to express my deep gratitude to my supervisor Prof. Dr. Nguyen Hoa -Vietnam National UniversityUsing project based teaching to enhance 11th grade students at a high school in hung yen
. Hanoi - University of Languages and International Studies who gave me a lot of valuable guidance, encouragements, criticisms and correction throughoVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIV ERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST - GRADUATE STUDIES *********************NGUYEN T Using project based teaching to enhance 11th grade students at a high school in hung yenwriting. He consistently allowed this paper to be my own work, but steered me in the right direction whenever he thought I needed it.I would also like to thank thirty 1111 grade students at a local school in Hung Yen province. Without their passionate participation and input, the validation survey c Using project based teaching to enhance 11th grade students at a high school in hung yenould not have been successfully conducted.My sincere thanks go to my family, my colleagues and my friends for their encouragement and support that helUsing project based teaching to enhance 11th grade students at a high school in hung yen
p me to complete my work.11ABSTRACT1 he present study entitled “í sing Project-based teaching to enhance I1th grade students ’ speaking skills at a hiVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIV ERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST - GRADUATE STUDIES *********************NGUYEN T Using project based teaching to enhance 11th grade students at a high school in hung yentheir English lessons and the impacts of using Project-based teaching on students’ English speaking. The instruments employed for data collection and analysis of the study included two tests, a questionnaire and an interview with six students. Research findings showed that the students had positive Using project based teaching to enhance 11th grade students at a high school in hung yenattitudes towards the use of Project-based teaching in their English lesson. It also revealed that Project-based teaching was beneficial to help studeUsing project based teaching to enhance 11th grade students at a high school in hung yen
nts improve their oral competence. Based on the findings, some implications would be suggested for both the teacher and the students. With all this inVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIV ERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST - GRADUATE STUDIES *********************NGUYEN T Using project based teaching to enhance 11th grade students at a high school in hung yenSDECLARATION.....................................................iACKNOWLEDGEMENTS...............................................iiVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIV ERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST - GRADUATE STUDIES *********************NGUYEN TGọi ngay
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