Wearable technologies in organizations privacy, efficiency and autonomy in work

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Nội dung chi tiết: Wearable technologies in organizations privacy, efficiency and autonomy in work

Wearable technologies in organizations privacy, efficiency and autonomy in work

♦ 0* ♦ 0*palgrave>pivot B.-BWearable Technologies►^KKk in OrganizationsPrivacy, Efficiency and► Autonomy in WorkAleksandra PrzegalinskaWearable Techno

Wearable technologies in organizations privacy, efficiency and autonomy in workologies in Organizations“Przegalinska’s solid academic insight into rhe pros and cons of wearable technology allows US to understand not only the tech

nological, but also social, implications of this incoming revolution. This fascinating and readable book will become an essential text for both practi Wearable technologies in organizations privacy, efficiency and autonomy in work

tioners and scholars, to whom I highly recommend it.”Dariusz Jcmiclniak, Professor of Management in Net worked Societies (MINDS), Kozminski University

Wearable technologies in organizations privacy, efficiency and autonomy in work

, Polandhttps://khothuvien.cori!Aleksandra PrzegalinskaWearable Technologies in OrganizationsPrivacy, Efficiency and Autonomy in Workpalgravemacmillan

♦ 0* ♦ 0*palgrave>pivot B.-BWearable Technologies►^KKk in OrganizationsPrivacy, Efficiency and► Autonomy in WorkAleksandra PrzegalinskaWearable Techno

Wearable technologies in organizations privacy, efficiency and autonomy in work(eBook) hups:// 3 030 00907 6Library of Congress Control Number: 2018958596The Lditor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under e

xclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019This work is subject to copyright. -Ml rights are solely and exclusively licensed by the Publis Wearable technologies in organizations privacy, efficiency and autonomy in work

her, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, b

Wearable technologies in organizations privacy, efficiency and autonomy in work

roadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, clccơonic adaptation, com

♦ 0* ♦ 0*palgrave>pivot B.-BWearable Technologies►^KKk in OrganizationsPrivacy, Efficiency and► Autonomy in WorkAleksandra PrzegalinskaWearable Techno

Wearable technologies in organizations privacy, efficiency and autonomy in workmarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names arc exempt from the releva

nt protective laws and regulations and therefore lice for general use. rhe publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice a Wearable technologies in organizations privacy, efficiency and autonomy in work

nd information in this book arc believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give

Wearable technologies in organizations privacy, efficiency and autonomy in work

a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made, ’rhe publisher

♦ 0* ♦ 0*palgrave>pivot B.-BWearable Technologies►^KKk in OrganizationsPrivacy, Efficiency and► Autonomy in WorkAleksandra PrzegalinskaWearable Techno

Wearable technologies in organizations privacy, efficiency and autonomy in worklgrave Pivot imprint is published by the registered company springer Nature Switzerland AGThe registered company address is: Gewerbestrassc 11,6330 Ch

am, SwitzerlandPrefaceThis book was written our of curiosity. The Internet of Things is an open held with plenty of emerging, exciting possibilities. Wearable technologies in organizations privacy, efficiency and autonomy in work

And even though there already appeared a substantial amount of literature about it, in many ways it remains an unknown territory with numerous traps.

Wearable technologies in organizations privacy, efficiency and autonomy in work

My motivation to put this book together was to attempt a more holistic view of the complex landscape of wearable technologies, trackers, and sensors.E

♦ 0* ♦ 0*palgrave>pivot B.-BWearable Technologies►^KKk in OrganizationsPrivacy, Efficiency and► Autonomy in WorkAleksandra PrzegalinskaWearable Techno

Wearable technologies in organizations privacy, efficiency and autonomy in workligence. Currently, I am also a Research Fellow ar rhe Center for Collective Intelligence ar Massachusetts Institute of Technology’ in Boston with tra

cking technologies at the core of my research interests. My background includes diplomatic service ar the Council of European Union in Brussels and as Wearable technologies in organizations privacy, efficiency and autonomy in work

an international representative of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage in the matters related to media and technology regulations.The broad

Wearable technologies in organizations privacy, efficiency and autonomy in work

sphere of high technologies has always been at the core of my private and professional interests. Currently however, even those uninterested have to

♦ 0* ♦ 0*palgrave>pivot B.-BWearable Technologies►^KKk in OrganizationsPrivacy, Efficiency and► Autonomy in WorkAleksandra PrzegalinskaWearable Techno

Wearable technologies in organizations privacy, efficiency and autonomy in work as a strong power and key factor in the effectiveness, collaboration, and disruption of organizations and individual lives.We have all experienced th

e ambiguous impact of various aspects of high-technologies’ acceleration in our daily routines that span from theV Wearable technologies in organizations privacy, efficiency and autonomy in work

♦ 0* ♦ 0*palgrave>pivot B.-BWearable Technologies►^KKk in OrganizationsPrivacy, Efficiency and► Autonomy in WorkAleksandra PrzegalinskaWearable Techno

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