Winners losers microsoft competition and antitrust in high technology

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Nội dung chi tiết: Winners losers microsoft competition and antitrust in high technology

Winners losers microsoft competition and antitrust in high technology

“By a long way, Winners, Losers & Microsoft thing to read on this tangle of issues. ” - ■ THE ECONOMISTWinners, Losers & MicrosoftCompetition and Anti

Winners losers microsoft competition and antitrust in high technologyitrust ỉn High TechnologyRevised EditionStan J. Liebowitz & Stephen E. Margolis Foreword by Jack HirshleiferWinners, Losers & Microsof tCompetition an

d Antitrust in High TechnologyRevised EditionStan J. LiebowitzStephen E. MargolisForeword by Jack HirshleiferTheir IMPENDENT I , INSTITUTEOakland, Cal Winners losers microsoft competition and antitrust in high technology

iforniaCopyright ÊÙ999, 2001 by Tile independent InstituteThe Independent Institutetoo Swan Wav, Oakland, CA 94621-1428Telephone: 510-632-1366 • Fax 5

Winners losers microsoft competition and antitrust in high technology

10-568-6040E-mail: info&'indcpcndcnt.orgWebsire: h r rp//w w w.i ndependcnr.orgAll rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmit

“By a long way, Winners, Losers & Microsoft thing to read on this tangle of issues. ” - ■ THE ECONOMISTWinners, Losers & MicrosoftCompetition and Anti

Winners losers microsoft competition and antitrust in high technology systems, without permission in writing from rhe publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.Library of Congress Catalog

Number 99-73414ISBN: 0-945999-80-1Published by The Independent Institute, a nonprofit, nonpartisan, scholarly research and educational organization th Winners losers microsoft competition and antitrust in high technology

at sponsors comprehensive studies on the political economy of critical social and economic issues. Nothing herein should be construed as necessarily r

Winners losers microsoft competition and antitrust in high technology

eflecting rhe views of the Institute or as an attempt ro aid or hinder the passage of any bill before Congress.Table of ContentsForeword by Jack Hirsh

“By a long way, Winners, Losers & Microsoft thing to read on this tangle of issues. ” - ■ THE ECONOMISTWinners, Losers & MicrosoftCompetition and Anti

Winners losers microsoft competition and antitrust in high technologydence464Network Markets: Pitfalls andFixes655Networks and Standards85IIIThe Real World114

“By a long way, Winners, Losers & Microsoft thing to read on this tangle of issues. ” - ■ THE ECONOMISTWinners, Losers & MicrosoftCompetition and Anti

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