AHA ASA primary prevention of stroke 2011 khotailieu y hoc

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Nội dung chi tiết: AHA ASA primary prevention of stroke 2011 khotailieu y hoc

AHA ASA primary prevention of stroke 2011 khotailieu y hoc

Stroke<•«- 4wiki( .» Mr** I 4$,I>CAmerican AmericanHeart strokeAssociationAssociationGuidelines for the Primary Prevention of Stroke: A Guideline for

AHA ASA primary prevention of stroke 2011 khotailieu y hoc Healthcare Professionals From the American Heart Association/American Stroke AssociationLarry B. Goldstein, Cheryl D. Bushnell, Robert J. Adams. Lawr

ence J. Appel, Lynne T. Braun. Seemant Chaturvedi, Mark A. Creager, Antonio Culebras, Robert H. Eckel. Robert G. Hart.Judith A. Hinchey, Virginia J. H AHA ASA primary prevention of stroke 2011 khotailieu y hoc

oward. Edward c. Jauch. Steven R. Levine. James F. Meschia. Wesley s. Moore. J.v. (Ian) Nixon and Thomas A. PearsonStroke. 2011:42:517-584; originally

AHA ASA primary prevention of stroke 2011 khotailieu y hoc

published online December 2. 2010; doi: 10.1161/STR.ObO 13e3181 fcb238Stroke is published by the American Heart Association, 7272 Greenville Avenue.

Stroke<•«- 4wiki( .» Mr** I 4$,I>CAmerican AmericanHeart strokeAssociationAssociationGuidelines for the Primary Prevention of Stroke: A Guideline for

AHA ASA primary prevention of stroke 2011 khotailieu y hoc of this article, along with updated information and services, is located on the World Wide Web at:http:.''.'''conteni' 42.',2.

'517Data Supplement (unedited) at:http: content suppl'2010 12 06 STR.ObO13e3181fcb238 DC2.html httjK'.' c AHA ASA primary prevention of stroke 2011 khotailieu y hoc

ontent'suppl 2012. 02 28 STR.ObO 13e3181 fcb23S.DC3.html http: content suppl'2010 12 O2.STR.ObO13e3181fcb238.DCl.htmlPel-missio

AHA ASA primary prevention of stroke 2011 khotailieu y hoc

ns: Requests for permissions to reproduce figures, tables, or portions of articles originally published in Stroke can be obtained via RightsLink. a se

Stroke<•«- 4wiki( .» Mr** I 4$,I>CAmerican AmericanHeart strokeAssociationAssociationGuidelines for the Primary Prevention of Stroke: A Guideline for

AHA ASA primary prevention of stroke 2011 khotailieu y hocested IS located, click Request Permissions in the middle column of the Web page under Services. Further information about this process is available i

n the Permissions and Rights Question and Answer document.Reprints: Information about reprints can be found online at: AHA ASA primary prevention of stroke 2011 khotailieu y hoc

criptions: Information about subscribing to Stroke is online at:http:.'' subscriptions''Downloaded from http://stroke.ahajoum

AHA ASA primary prevention of stroke 2011 khotailieu y hoc by guest on November 17,2014AHA/ASA GuidelineGuidelines for the Primary Prevention of StrokeA Guideline for Healthcare Professionals From the

Stroke<•«- 4wiki( .» Mr** I 4$,I>CAmerican AmericanHeart strokeAssociationAssociationGuidelines for the Primary Prevention of Stroke: A Guideline for

AHA ASA primary prevention of stroke 2011 khotailieu y hocr neurologists.Larry B. Goldstein. MD. FAHA. Chair; Cheryl D. Bushnell. MD. MHS. FAHA. Co-Chair: Robert J. Adams. MS. MD. FAHA: Lawrence J. Appel. MD.

MPH. FAHA:Lynne T. Braun. PhD. CNP. FAHA; Seemant Chaturvedi, MD. FAHA; Mark A. Creager. MD. FAHA; Antonio Culebras, MD. FAHA: Robert H. Eckel. MD. F AHA ASA primary prevention of stroke 2011 khotailieu y hoc

AHA; Robert G. Hart. MD. FAHA;Judith A. Hinchey. MD. MS. FAHA: Virginia J. Howard. PhD. FAHA:Edward c. Jauch. MD. MS, FAHA; Steven R. Levine. MD. FAHA

AHA ASA primary prevention of stroke 2011 khotailieu y hoc

; James F. Meschia. MD. FAHA: Wesley s. Moore. MD, FAHA; J.v. (Ian) Nixon. MD. FAHA; Thomas A. Pearson. MD. FAHA; on behalf of the American Heart Asso

Stroke<•«- 4wiki( .» Mr** I 4$,I>CAmerican AmericanHeart strokeAssociationAssociationGuidelines for the Primary Prevention of Stroke: A Guideline for

AHA ASA primary prevention of stroke 2011 khotailieu y hocn Peripheral Vascular Disease, and Interdisciplinary Council on Quality of Care and Outcomes ResearchBackground and Purpose—This guideline provides an

overview of the evidence on established and emerging risk factors for stroke to provide evidence-based recommendations for the reduction of risk of a AHA ASA primary prevention of stroke 2011 khotailieu y hoc

first stroke.Methods—Writing group members were nominated by the committee chair on the basis of their previous work in relevant topic areas and were

AHA ASA primary prevention of stroke 2011 khotailieu y hoc

approved by the American Heart Association (AHA) Stroke Council Scientific Statement Oversight Committee and the AHA Manuscript Oversight Committee.

Stroke<•«- 4wiki( .» Mr** I 4$,I>CAmerican AmericanHeart strokeAssociationAssociationGuidelines for the Primary Prevention of Stroke: A Guideline for

AHA ASA primary prevention of stroke 2011 khotailieu y hoceviously published guidelines, personal files, and expert opinion to summarize existing evidence, indicate gaps in current knowledge, and when appropr

iate, formulate recommendations using standard AHA criteria (Tables I and 2). All members of the writing group had the opportunity to comment on the r AHA ASA primary prevention of stroke 2011 khotailieu y hoc

ecommendations and approved the final version of this document. The guideline underwent extensive peer review by the Stroke Council leadership and the

AHA ASA primary prevention of stroke 2011 khotailieu y hoc

AHA scientific Statements oversight committees before consideration and approval by the AHA Science Advisory and Coordinating Committee.Results—Schem

Stroke<•«- 4wiki( .» Mr** I 4$,I>CAmerican AmericanHeart strokeAssociationAssociationGuidelines for the Primary Prevention of Stroke: A Guideline for

AHA ASA primary prevention of stroke 2011 khotailieu y hocial for modification (nonmodifiable, modifiable, or potentially modifiable) and strength of evidence (well documented or less well documented). Nonmod

ifiable risk factors include age. sex. low birth weight, race/cthnicity, and genetic predisposition. Wei I-documented and modifiable risk factors incl AHA ASA primary prevention of stroke 2011 khotailieu y hoc

ude hypertension, exposure to cigarette smoke, diabetes, atrial fibrillation and certain other cardiac conditions, dyslipidemia, carotid artery stenos

AHA ASA primary prevention of stroke 2011 khotailieu y hoc

is, sickle cell disease, postmenopausal hormone therapy, poor diet, physical inactivity, and obesity and body fatThe American Heart Association makes

Stroke<•«- 4wiki( .» Mr** I 4$,I>CAmerican AmericanHeart strokeAssociationAssociationGuidelines for the Primary Prevention of Stroke: A Guideline for

AHA ASA primary prevention of stroke 2011 khotailieu y hoc or business interest of a member of the writing panel, specifically, all members of the writing group are required to complete and submit a Disclosur

e Questionnaire showing all such relationships that might be perceived as real or potential conflicts of interestThis statement was approved by the Am AHA ASA primary prevention of stroke 2011 khotailieu y hoc

erican Heart Association Science .Advisory and Coordinating Committee on August IS. 2010. A copy of Ute statement is available at http://wwwamericanhr

AHA ASA primary prevention of stroke 2011 khotailieu y hoc jhlml’.’idcntifier=3OO39,» by selecting cither the "topic list" link or the "chronological list" link (No. KB-0080). To purchase add

Stroke<•«- 4wiki( .» Mr** I 4$,I>CAmerican AmericanHeart strokeAssociationAssociationGuidelines for the Primary Prevention of Stroke: A Guideline for

AHA ASA primary prevention of stroke 2011 khotailieu y American Heart Association requests that this document be cited as follows: Goldstein LB. Bushn

ell CD. Adams RJ. Appel u. Braun LT. Chaturvedi s. Creager MA. Culebras A. Eckel RH. Hart RG. Hmchey JA. Howard VJ. Jauch EC. Levine SR. Meschia JF. M AHA ASA primary prevention of stroke 2011 khotailieu y hoc

oore ws, Nixon JV. Pearson TA; on behalf of the American Heart Association Stroke Council. Council on Cardiovascular Nursing. Council on Epidemiology

AHA ASA primary prevention of stroke 2011 khotailieu y hoc

and Prevention. Council for High Blood Pressure Research. Council on Peripheral Vascular Disease, and Interdisciplinary Council on Quality of Care and

Stroke<•«- 4wiki( .» Mr** I 4$,I>CAmerican AmericanHeart strokeAssociationAssociationGuidelines for the Primary Prevention of Stroke: A Guideline for

AHA ASA primary prevention of stroke 2011 khotailieu y hocican Stroke Association. Stroke. 2011:42:517-584.

Stroke<•«- 4wiki( .» Mr** I 4$,I>CAmerican AmericanHeart strokeAssociationAssociationGuidelines for the Primary Prevention of Stroke: A Guideline for

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