ESC hypertension 2013 khotailieu y hoc

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Nội dung chi tiết: ESC hypertension 2013 khotailieu y hoc

ESC hypertension 2013 khotailieu y hoc

curopCANSOClerv OF CAMAOIZX,’-European Heart Journal doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehi1S1ESH AND ESC GUIDELINESQ 2013 ESH/ESC Guidelines for the management of

ESC hypertension 2013 khotailieu y hocf arterial hypertensionThe Task Force for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) and of the European So

ciety of Cardiology (ESC)Authors/Task Force Members: Giuseppe Mancia (Chairperson) (Italy)*, Robert Fagard (Chairperson) (Belgium)*, Krzysztof Narkiew ESC hypertension 2013 khotailieu y hoc

icz (Section co-ordinator) (Poland), Josep Redon (Section co-ordinator) (Spain), Alberto Zanchetti (Section co-ordinator) (Italy), Michael Bohm (Germa

ESC hypertension 2013 khotailieu y hoc

ny), Thierry Christiaens (Belgium), Renata Cifkova (Czech Republic), Guy De Backer (Belgium), Anna Dominiczak (UK), Maurizio Galderisi (Italy), Dieder

curopCANSOClerv OF CAMAOIZX,’-European Heart Journal doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehi1S1ESH AND ESC GUIDELINESQ 2013 ESH/ESC Guidelines for the management of

ESC hypertension 2013 khotailieu y hocJ. Manolis (Greece), Peter M. Nilsson (Sweden), Luis Miguel Ruilope (Spain), Roland E. Schmieder (Germany), Per Anton Sirnes (Norway), Peter Sleight (

UK), Margus Viigimaa (Estonia), Bernard Waeber (Switzerland), Faiez Zannad (France)ESH Scientific Council: Josep Redon (President) (Spain), Anna Domin ESC hypertension 2013 khotailieu y hoc

iczak (UK), Krzysztof Narkiewicz (Poland), Peter M. Nilsson (Sweden), Michel Burnier (Switzerland), Margus Viigimaa (Estonia), Ettore Ambrosioni (Ital

ESC hypertension 2013 khotailieu y hoc

y), Mark Caufield (UK), Antonio Coca (Spain), Michael Hecht Olsen (Denmark), Roland E. Schmieder (Germany), Costas Tsioufis (Greece), Philippe van de

curopCANSOClerv OF CAMAOIZX,’-European Heart Journal doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehi1S1ESH AND ESC GUIDELINESQ 2013 ESH/ESC Guidelines for the management of

ESC hypertension 2013 khotailieu y hoc (Germany), Jeroen J. Bax (Netherlands), Hector Bueno (Spain), Veronica Dean (France), Christi Deaton (UK), Cetin Erol (Turkey), Robert Fagard (Belgiu

m), Roberto Ferrari (Italy), David Hasdai (Israel), Arno w. Hoes (Netherlands), Paulus Kirchhof (Germany/UK), Juhani Knuuti (Finland), Philippe Kolh ( ESC hypertension 2013 khotailieu y hoc

Belgium), Patrizio Lancellotti (Belgium), Ales Linhart (Czech Republic), Petros Nihoyannopoulos (UK), Massimo F. Piepoli (Italy), Piotr Ponikowski (Po

ESC hypertension 2013 khotailieu y hoc

land), Per Anton Sirnes (Norway), Juan Luis Tamargo (Spain), Michal Tendera (Poland), Adam Torbicki (Poland), William Wijns (Belgium), Stephan Windeck

curopCANSOClerv OF CAMAOIZX,’-European Heart Journal doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehi1S1ESH AND ESC GUIDELINESQ 2013 ESH/ESC Guidelines for the management of

ESC hypertension 2013 khotailieu y hocệárirocú ctriia I* lpvrti*nvKin«'.ViaE Sforza. 35.20121 r-Slino. Italy. Tet (39 039 233 3357. Tax I 39 039 322 274. EmaL-g«uscppc.mancoíĩỊ Ch

airperson ESC Professor Robert fagad. Hypertension & Cardovoscutar Rehab. Unit. KU Leu.en Urivcnsity. I lerestraat 49. 3000 Leuven. Belgium. Tet »3216 ESC hypertension 2013 khotailieu y hoc

348 707. fax: ♦ 32 16 343 766. Cmat robCit-fagardSudcu.cri.ticThese pMhn atsri appear in thejoumol afHffnWm, rt.c 10 109601 hjh (XCOH1740 326%jt< FT.

ESC hypertension 2013 khotailieu y hoc

I in Bfoxl 6r«.rr. tfcx 10 3109.080ỉ/051 701Ị817M9 With speeal thanks to Mrs Clara Smach and Mrs Donatcla Mhalch for their contribution.Other CSC cnoo

curopCANSOClerv OF CAMAOIZX,’-European Heart Journal doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehi1S1ESH AND ESC GUIDELINESQ 2013 ESH/ESC Guidelines for the management of

ESC hypertension 2013 khotailieu y hocng (EACH), European Assooarucci for Cardiovascular Prevention & RchablJtaucn (EACmc), European Heart Rhythm Asuxiltrin (EHRA)ESC Working Groups' Hyper

tevwn and the Heart. Cardiovascular HxirnwoliiRr „-rl Drug ThervpyCSC Councfs: Cardovascular Primary Care. Cardovascular Nursing and Allied Profession ESC hypertension 2013 khotailieu y hoc

s. Cardiologr PracticeThe content of these European Society of Cardiofogr (CSC) and European Society of Hypertension (ESH) Guidelines has been pubtehe

ESC hypertension 2013 khotailieu y hoc

d for personal and educational use only. No com irrrtial use is authorized No port of the ESC Guidelines tretf be translated or reproduced in any form

curopCANSOClerv OF CAMAOIZX,’-European Heart Journal doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehi1S1ESH AND ESC GUIDELINESQ 2013 ESH/ESC Guidelines for the management of

ESC hypertension 2013 khotailieu y hocf the Europe ah Heart Journal »1x3 tire party authorized to Kindle such permissions on behalf of tire ESC OttcLumcr. The ESH'ESC Guidelines represent

the views of the ESH and ESC and were arrived at after careful ccnstdcraoon of the available evidence at the bmc they were written. Health professiona ESC hypertension 2013 khotailieu y hoc

ls arc encouraged to take them filly Into account when excreting their clncal judgement. The do rot. however. cr.crrds the individual respo

ESC hypertension 2013 khotailieu y hoc

mibaty of health profesMO’iils to mike appropriate derisions in the crcumstances of the individual patients, in consultation with that patient, and wh

curopCANSOClerv OF CAMAOIZX,’-European Heart Journal doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehi1S1ESH AND ESC GUIDELINESQ 2013 ESH/ESC Guidelines for the management of

ESC hypertension 2013 khotailieu y hocapplktble to drugs and devices at the time of prescriptionc The European Society of Hypertension (ESH) and European Society of Cardotojy (ESC) 2013. A

U rights reserved, for pennssfons please email |Ournalspcrir.sslocs(S)oupzcmPage 2 of 72Document Reviewers: Denis L. Clement (ESH Review Co-ordinator) ESC hypertension 2013 khotailieu y hoc

(Belgium), Antonio Coca (ESH Review Co-ordinator) (Spain), Thierry c. Gillcbcrt (ESC Review Co-ordinator) (Belgium), Michal Tcndera (ESC Review Co-or

ESC hypertension 2013 khotailieu y hoc

dinator) (Poland), Enrico Agabiti Rosei (Italy), Ettore Ambrosioni (Italy), Stefan D. Anker (Germany), Johann Bauersachs (Germany), Jana Brguljan Hiti

curopCANSOClerv OF CAMAOIZX,’-European Heart Journal doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehi1S1ESH AND ESC GUIDELINESQ 2013 ESH/ESC Guidelines for the management of

ESC hypertension 2013 khotailieu y hoc Csaba Farsang (Hungary), Christian Funck-Brentano (France), Vjekoslav Gere (Bosnia & Herzegovina), Giuseppe Germane (Italy), Stephan Gielen (Germany)

, Herman Haller (Germany), Arno w. Hoes (Netherlands), Jens Jordan (Germany), Thomas Kahan (Sweden), Michel Komajda (France), Dragan Lovic (Serbia), H ESC hypertension 2013 khotailieu y hoc

eiko Mahrholdt (Germany), Michael Hecht Olsen (Denmark), Jan Ostergren (Sweden), Gianfranco Parati (Italy),Joep Perk (Sweden), Jorge Polonia (Portugal

ESC hypertension 2013 khotailieu y hoc

), Bogdan A. Popescu (Romania), icljko Reiner (Croatia), Lars Rydcn (Sweden), Yuriy Sircnko (Ukraine), Alice Stanton (Ireland), Harry Struijkcr-Boudic

curopCANSOClerv OF CAMAOIZX,’-European Heart Journal doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehi1S1ESH AND ESC GUIDELINESQ 2013 ESH/ESC Guidelines for the management of

ESC hypertension 2013 khotailieu y hocK).The affiliations of the Task Force Members are listed in the Appendix. The disclosure forms of the authors and reviewers are available on the respe

ctive society websites and • Guidelines • Antihypertensive treatment • Blood ESC hypertension 2013 khotailieu y hoc

pressure • Blood pressuremeasurement • Cardiovascular risk • Cardiovascular complications • Device therapy • follow-up • Lifestyle • Organ damageTable

ESC hypertension 2013 khotailieu y hoc

of ContentsAbbreviations and acronyms.................................... 41Introduction..........................................Cl.51.1I’ruxiples..

curopCANSOClerv OF CAMAOIZX,’-European Heart Journal doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehi1S1ESH AND ESC GUIDELINESQ 2013 ESH/ESC Guidelines for the management of

ESC hypertension 2013 khotailieu y hoc........ 62.1IWatinndiip of blood pressure to cartfiovasciihr and renaldamage.................................................... 612Definition and c

lassification of hypertension....... 77-1 Prevalence of hypertension............................ /7.4I lypcrtensinn and total cardiovascuhr risk...... ESC hypertension 2013 khotailieu y hoc

... /2.4.1Assessment of total cardiovascular risk......... 72.4.7I imitations.................................... 82.4.3Summary of recommendations on

ESC hypertension 2013 khotailieu y hoc

total cardiovascularrtsk assessment......................................... 9

curopCANSOClerv OF CAMAOIZX,’-European Heart Journal doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehi1S1ESH AND ESC GUIDELINESQ 2013 ESH/ESC Guidelines for the management of

curopCANSOClerv OF CAMAOIZX,’-European Heart Journal doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehi1S1ESH AND ESC GUIDELINESQ 2013 ESH/ESC Guidelines for the management of

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