ESC cardiovascular disease prevention 2016 khotailieu y hoc

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Nội dung chi tiết: ESC cardiovascular disease prevention 2016 khotailieu y hoc

ESC cardiovascular disease prevention 2016 khotailieu y hoc

covorcAW»ucii 'Y ụ»European Heart Journal (2016) 37.2315 2381doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehw106JOINT ESC GUIDELINES2016 European Guidelines on cardiovascula

ESC cardiovascular disease prevention 2016 khotailieu y hocar disease prevention in clinical practiceThe Sixth Joint Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and Other Societies on Cardiovascular Disea

se Prevention inClinical Practice (constituted by representatives of 10 societies and by invited experts)Developed with the special contribution of th ESC cardiovascular disease prevention 2016 khotailieu y hoc

e European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation (EACPR)Authors/Task Force Members: Massimo F. Piepoli* (Chairperson) (Italy),Arn

ESC cardiovascular disease prevention 2016 khotailieu y hoc

o w. Hoes® (Co-Chairperson) (The Netherlands), Stefan Agewall (Norway)1, Christian Albus (Germany)9, Carlos Brotons (Spain)10, Alberico L. Catapano (I

covorcAW»ucii 'Y ụ»European Heart Journal (2016) 37.2315 2381doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehw106JOINT ESC GUIDELINES2016 European Guidelines on cardiovascula

ESC cardiovascular disease prevention 2016 khotailieu y hocall (UK)7,F. D. Richard Hobbs (UK)10, Maja-Lisa Lochen (Norway)1, Herbert Lollgen (Germany)8, Pedro Marques-Vidal (Switzerland)1, Joep Perk (Sweden)1,

Eva Prescott (Denmark)1, Josep Redon (Spain)5, Dimitrios J. Richter (Greece)1, Naveed Sattar (UK)2, Yvo Smulders (The Netherlands)1, Monica Tiberi (I ESC cardiovascular disease prevention 2016 khotailieu y hoc

taly)1,H. Bart van der Worp (The Netherlands)6, Ineke van Dis (The Netherlands)4, w. M. Monique Verschuren (The Netherlands)1Additional Contributor: S

ESC cardiovascular disease prevention 2016 khotailieu y hoc

imone Binno (Italy)* ('rermtxMMlr^ixulhiws Mxwirxi + Piitxdi H-xft Unil.CjrtftAigf l)>i»rhni-nl. PidklwurpriiHinfiul G I>3 SailrSix

covorcAW»ucii 'Y ụ»European Heart Journal (2016) 37.2315 2381doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehw106JOINT ESC GUIDELINES2016 European Guidelines on cardiovascula

ESC cardiovascular disease prevention 2016 khotailieu y hoc haltn Sciences and Primary Care. University Medical Center Utrecht, no Box OS SCO (I IP Str. 6.131). 3SC6 GA Lhrecht The Ncthcriards. Id: +31 S3 /56

8193.+« +31 88 /56 8099. Euml: . wHxrM&r’xi.lrrelu nl.CSC Committee for practice Guidelines (CPG) and National Cardiac Societies document reviewers: l ESC cardiovascular disease prevention 2016 khotailieu y hoc

isted in the Appendix.ESC wicities having participated in thr development of this document:Associations: European Association for Cardiovascular Preve

ESC cardiovascular disease prevention 2016 khotailieu y hoc

ntion & Rcnahiltaton (EACPR). European Association of Cardiovascular Imagrg (EACV1). European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Ictervenoore

covorcAW»ucii 'Y ụ»European Heart Journal (2016) 37.2315 2381doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehw106JOINT ESC GUIDELINES2016 European Guidelines on cardiovascula

ESC cardiovascular disease prevention 2016 khotailieu y hocreFowncutai Rinwy Can-Working Groins Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapyllw content of these European Society of Cardfofogy (ESC) Gukk

ed fix [xTvind rrd rekicMiond me only No ccmmereiil use is authorised No part of the ESC Guidclnes may Pc translated or reproduced n any form without ESC cardiovascular disease prevention 2016 khotailieu y hoc

written permeaon from the ESC Permission can be Obtared upon submcaco of a written request to Oxford Unwerscy Press, the publeher of the European Hear

ESC cardiovascular disease prevention 2016 khotailieu y hoc

t Journal and the party authbrtacd to handle such permssens co behalf of the ESCDisclaimer the ESC Guidelines represent the views of the ESC and were

covorcAW»ucii 'Y ụ»European Heart Journal (2016) 37.2315 2381doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehw106JOINT ESC GUIDELINES2016 European Guidelines on cardiovascula

ESC cardiovascular disease prevention 2016 khotailieu y hoc responsible r> the evert of any co-nradcbor. asorepancy andi'or ar-t

s issued by the rdevant public health authorities, n panic Jar n rclaton to good use of healthcare or therapeutic strategics. Health professionals arc ESC cardiovascular disease prevention 2016 khotailieu y hoc

cncour aged to take the ESC Guidelines fully into account when crerersrg their clric.ll judgment. as well as in the determination and the implementat

ESC cardiovascular disease prevention 2016 khotailieu y hoc

ion of prewentrre. diagnostic or therapeutic medical strategies; howrrer. the ESC Guidelrcs do rot override. r> any wiy whitsoes'er. the odwdml resper

covorcAW»ucii 'Y ụ»European Heart Journal (2016) 37.2315 2381doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehw106JOINT ESC GUIDELINES2016 European Guidelines on cardiovascula

ESC cardiovascular disease prevention 2016 khotailieu y hocat patient and. where appropriate orxl'oc necessary, the patient’s carcgver. Nor do the ESC Guidelines exempt health professionals from taking rto ful

l arid careful considcrabcn the relevant official updated recommendations or guidelines Issued by the competent public health authorities, in order to ESC cardiovascular disease prevention 2016 khotailieu y hoc

millage each patient's case in liịỳt of the scenrZxilly accepted diM pursuant to then respective ethical and professional oHijjibons It is also the h

ESC cardiovascular disease prevention 2016 khotailieu y hoc

ealth professional's respcoiibiity to verfy the applkatfe rules and regulibons rotating to drugs and medical devices at the time of prenripbonc The Eu

covorcAW»ucii 'Y ụ»European Heart Journal (2016) 37.2315 2381doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehw106JOINT ESC GUIDELINES2016 European Guidelines on cardiovascula

ESC cardiovascular disease prevention 2016 khotailieu y hocoicjcnitURls.ofgi' by gticit Oil Aujint 2?, 20162316Document Reviewers: Guy De Backer (CPG Review Coordinator) (Belgium), Marco Roffi (CPG Review Coor

dinator) (Switzerland), Victor Aboyans (France)’, Norbert Bachl (Austria)8, Hector Bueno (Spain)’, Scipionc Carerj (Italy)1, Leslie Cho (USA)’, John C ESC cardiovascular disease prevention 2016 khotailieu y hoc

ox (Ireland)’0, Johan De Sutter (Belgium)’, Gunther Egidi (Germany)1, Miles Fisher (UK)2, Donna Fitzsimons (UK)’, Oscar H. Franco (The Netherlands)’,

ESC cardiovascular disease prevention 2016 khotailieu y hoc

Maxime Guenoun (France)1, Catriona Jennings (UK)1, Borut Jug (Slovenia)4, Paulus Kirchhof (UK/Gcrmany)1, Kornelia Kotscva (UK)1, Gregory Y.H. Lip (UK)

covorcAW»ucii 'Y ụ»European Heart Journal (2016) 37.2315 2381doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehw106JOINT ESC GUIDELINES2016 European Guidelines on cardiovascula

ESC cardiovascular disease prevention 2016 khotailieu y hociotr Ponikowskj (Poland)’, Bernhard Rauch (Germany)1, Lars Rydén (Sweden)’, Adrienne Staudcr (Hungary)’, Guillaume Turc (France)4, Olov Wiklund (Swede

n)3, Stephan Windecker (Switzerland)’, Jose Luis Zamorano (Spain)1Societies: ’European Society of Cardiology (ESC). ’European Association for the Stud ESC cardiovascular disease prevention 2016 khotailieu y hoc

y of Diabetes (EASD). ’European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS): ’European Heart Network (EHN): sEuropean Society of Hypertension (ESH): ‘European Strok

ESC cardiovascular disease prevention 2016 khotailieu y hoc

e Organisation (ESO), ’international Diabetes Federation European Region (IDF Europe), ’international Federation of Sport Medicine (FIMS). ’internatio

covorcAW»ucii 'Y ụ»European Heart Journal (2016) 37.2315 2381doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehw106JOINT ESC GUIDELINES2016 European Guidelines on cardiovascula

ESC cardiovascular disease prevention 2016 khotailieu y hocilable on the ESC website putteh o'ex1 of pm: 23 Maf 2016KeywordsGuidelines • Blood pressure • Clinical settin

gs • Diabetes • Healthy lifestyle • Lipid • Nutrition •Physical activity • Population • Prevention • Primary care • Psychosocial factors • Rehabilitat ESC cardiovascular disease prevention 2016 khotailieu y hoc

ion • Risk assessment • Risk management • Smoking • StakeholderTable of ContentsAbbreviations and acronyms....................................23181. W

ESC cardiovascular disease prevention 2016 khotailieu y hoc

hat IS cardovascular disease prevention?..................23191.1I Jefinitinn and rationale..........................2319

covorcAW»ucii 'Y ụ»European Heart Journal (2016) 37.2315 2381doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehw106JOINT ESC GUIDELINES2016 European Guidelines on cardiovascula

covorcAW»ucii 'Y ụ»European Heart Journal (2016) 37.2315 2381doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehw106JOINT ESC GUIDELINES2016 European Guidelines on cardiovascula

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