Lesson plan building Strategies and Techniques for teaching cultures

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Nội dung chi tiết: Lesson plan building Strategies and Techniques for teaching cultures

Lesson plan building Strategies and Techniques for teaching cultures

Lesson plan buildingStrategies Techniques for(TutauoIn order to translate the goals for teaching culture into classroom practice, we need to follow sp

Lesson plan building Strategies and Techniques for teaching culturespecific Strategies and Techniques:Strategies:•The lecture•Native informants•Audio-taped interviews•Video-taped interviews/Observational dialogs•Using

authentic readings and realia for cross-cultural understanding (a four-stage approach to a cultural reading of authentic materials is very effective t Lesson plan building Strategies and Techniques for teaching cultures

o lead students through the process of guided exploration and discovery : 1- Thinking, 2- Looking, 3- Learning. 4- Integrating)Strategies for Teaching

Lesson plan building Strategies and Techniques for teaching cultures

the Value of Diversityby Christine Elmore- Yale-New Haven Teachers InstituteTechniques;* Cultural IslandsFrom the first day of class teachers should

Lesson plan buildingStrategies Techniques for(TutauoIn order to translate the goals for teaching culture into classroom practice, we need to follow sp

Lesson plan building Strategies and Techniques for teaching culturesp a mental image. Assigning students foreign names from the first day can heighten student interest.Short presentations on a topic of interest with ap

propriate pictures or slides add to this mental image. Start students off by making them aware of theinfluence of various foreign cultures in this cou Lesson plan building Strategies and Techniques for teaching cultures

ntry. Introduce students to the borrowed words in their native language or the place-names of our country. This helps students to realize they already

Lesson plan building Strategies and Techniques for teaching cultures

know many words in the target language (i.e. poncho, fiesta, rodeo). Some of the foods they eat are another example of the influence of foreign cultu

Lesson plan buildingStrategies Techniques for(TutauoIn order to translate the goals for teaching culture into classroom practice, we need to follow sp

Lesson plan building Strategies and Techniques for teaching cultures have them make lists of imported goods.* Culture Capsules (developed by Taylor & Sorenson, 1961)Culture capsules are generally prepared out of class

by a student but presented during class time in 5 or 10 minutes. The concept was developed by Taylor & Sorenson (1961). A Culture capsule consists of Lesson plan building Strategies and Techniques for teaching cultures

a paragraph or so of explanation of one minimal difference between a Lebanese and an American's custom along with several illustrative photos and rele

Lesson plan building Strategies and Techniques for teaching cultures

vant realia. Miller (1974) has developed well-defined culture capsules into classroom activities.In Ursula Hendron’s article on teaching culture in th

Lesson plan buildingStrategies Techniques for(TutauoIn order to translate the goals for teaching culture into classroom practice, we need to follow sp

Lesson plan building Strategies and Techniques for teaching cultures between an American and a foreign custom (i.e. dating, cuisine, pets, sports). The cultural insights from the culture capsule can be further illustra

ted by role playing. For example, Hendron suggests teaching dating customs in Spanish-speaking countries by creating an illusion of a plaza mayor in t Lesson plan building Strategies and Techniques for teaching cultures

he classroom with posters, props, music or slides. Students pretend to be young Latin-Americans and act out a Sunday paseo. Brigham Young University a

Lesson plan building Strategies and Techniques for teaching cultures

lso publishes culture capsules entitled “Culturgrams" for 100 different countries. Each “culturgram" is divided intosections on family lifestyle, atti

Lesson plan buildingStrategies Techniques for(TutauoIn order to translate the goals for teaching culture into classroom practice, we need to follow sp

Lesson plan building Strategies and Techniques for teaching cultures "Infograms" which cut across cultures with topics such as travel stress, keeping the law. and families, have been published.Culture capsules are one

of the best-established and best-known methods for teaching culture. They have been tried mostly in classes for foreign languages other than English. Lesson plan building Strategies and Techniques for teaching cultures

Essentially a culture capsule is a brief description of some aspect of the target language culture (e.g., what is customarily eaten for meals and when

Lesson plan building Strategies and Techniques for teaching cultures

those meals are eaten, marriage customs, etc.) followed by, or incorporated with contrasting information from the students’ native language culture.

Lesson plan buildingStrategies Techniques for(TutauoIn order to translate the goals for teaching culture into classroom practice, we need to follow sp

Lesson plan building Strategies and Techniques for teaching culturesulture capsules are usually done orally with the teacher giving a brief lecture on the chosen cultural point and then leading a discussion about the d

ifferences between cultures. For example, the information which a teacher might use about the grading system at u. s. universities IS included in the Lesson plan building Strategies and Techniques for teaching cultures

link. The teacher could provide all of the information at once or could pause after the information in each paragraph and ask students about the contr

Lesson plan building Strategies and Techniques for teaching cultures

asts they see. Some visual information, such as in handouts or overhead transparencies or pictures, supporting the lecture can also be used.* Culture

Lesson plan buildingStrategies Techniques for(TutauoIn order to translate the goals for teaching culture into classroom practice, we need to follow sp

Lesson plan building Strategies and Techniques for teaching cultures (about the target life) + one 30 minute classroom simulation/skit that integrates the information contained in the capsules (the teacher acts as narr

ator to guide the students). For example,a culture cluster about grades and their significance to university students could contain the capsule about Lesson plan building Strategies and Techniques for teaching cultures

how a grade point average is figured plus another about what kind of decisions (such as being accepted in graduate study, receiving scholarships, gett

Lesson plan building Strategies and Techniques for teaching cultures

ing a better job, etc.) are affected by a person’s grade point average.Culture capsules and clusters are good methods for giving students knowledge an

Lesson plan buildingStrategies Techniques for(TutauoIn order to translate the goals for teaching culture into classroom practice, we need to follow sp

Lesson plan building Strategies and Techniques for teaching cultures$ (Developed by Fiedler et al., 1971)The culture assimilator provides the student with 75 to 100 episodes of target cultural behavior. Culture assimil

ators consist of short (usually written) descriptions of an incident or situation where interaction takes place between at least one person from (he t Lesson plan building Strategies and Techniques for teaching cultures

arget culture and persons from other cultures (usually the native culture of the students being taught). The description is followed by four possible

Lesson plan building Strategies and Techniques for teaching cultures

choices about the meaning of the behavior, action, or words of the participants in the interaction with emphasis on the behavior, actions, or words of

Lesson plan buildingStrategies Techniques for(TutauoIn order to translate the goals for teaching culture into classroom practice, we need to follow sp

Lesson plan building Strategies and Techniques for teaching cultures interpretation of the interaction. Once all students have made their individual choices, the teacher leads a discussion about why particular options

are correct or incorrect in interpretation. Written copies of the discussion issues can be handed out to students although they do not have to be. It Lesson plan building Strategies and Techniques for teaching cultures

is imperative that the teacher plan what issues the discussion of each option should cover.Culture assimilators are good methods of giving students un

Lesson plan building Strategies and Techniques for teaching cultures

derstanding about cultural information and they may even promote emotional empathy or affect if students have strong feelings about one or more of the

Lesson plan buildingStrategies Techniques for(TutauoIn order to translate the goals for teaching culture into classroom practice, we need to follow sp

Lesson plan building Strategies and Techniques for teaching culturesators, but there are a couple of differences between the two methods. Critical incidents are descriptions of incidents or situations which demand that

a participant in the interaction make some kind of decision. Most of the situations could happen to any individual; they do not require that there be Lesson plan building Strategies and Techniques for teaching cultures

intercultural interaction as there is with culture assimilators.Individual critical incidents do not require as much time as individual culture capsu

Lesson plan building Strategies and Techniques for teaching cultures

les or individual culture assimilators, so generally when this method is used, more than one critical incident is presented. It is probably most effec

Lesson plan buildingStrategies Techniques for(TutauoIn order to translate the goals for teaching culture into classroom practice, we need to follow sp

Lesson plan building Strategies and Techniques for teaching culturesndix to this chapter all deal with the issue of time, promptness, and scheduling.

Lesson plan buildingStrategies Techniques for(TutauoIn order to translate the goals for teaching culture into classroom practice, we need to follow sp

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