Luận văn thạc sĩ relationships between vietnams stock prices and united statess stock prices, exchange rates, gold prices, crude oil prices
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Luận văn thạc sĩ relationships between vietnams stock prices and united statess stock prices, exchange rates, gold prices, crude oil prices
MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGUNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HOCHIMINH CITY— 0O0 —ĐỎ NGỌC ANHRELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN VIETNAM’S STOCK PRICES AND UNITED STAT Luận văn thạc sĩ relationships between vietnams stock prices and united statess stock prices, exchange rates, gold prices, crude oil pricesTES’ STOCK PRICES, EXCHANGE RATES, GOLD PRICES, CRUDE OIL PRICESMASTER THESISHo Chi Minh City -20111ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSFirst of all. I would like to express my deep gratitude to Dr. Vo Xuan Vinh for his kind supervising my thesis work, providing sources, especially software, documents related to this t Luận văn thạc sĩ relationships between vietnams stock prices and united statess stock prices, exchange rates, gold prices, crude oil priceshesis, and giving me invaluable instiuctions and criticism Throughout my thesis preparation. Dr. Vinh provided great encouragement and teaching.I woulLuận văn thạc sĩ relationships between vietnams stock prices and united statess stock prices, exchange rates, gold prices, crude oil prices
d like to thank all the authors of many reference sources for providing many precious theories, ideas as unportant input of my research.I am also gratMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGUNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HOCHIMINH CITY— 0O0 —ĐỎ NGỌC ANHRELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN VIETNAM’S STOCK PRICES AND UNITED STAT Luận văn thạc sĩ relationships between vietnams stock prices and united statess stock prices, exchange rates, gold prices, crude oil pricese knowledge and insights dining the MBA courses.I want to extend my appreciation to my classmates, my friends who make great contribution 111 collecting data and give me encouragement. Without their help and sharing. I could not successfully complete this MBA program and the thesis.Finally, special Luận văn thạc sĩ relationships between vietnams stock prices and united statess stock prices, exchange rates, gold prices, crude oil pricesthanks are for my colleagues and my family, who have understood, encouraged and created as much better conditions as possible for me to continue studyLuận văn thạc sĩ relationships between vietnams stock prices and united statess stock prices, exchange rates, gold prices, crude oil prices
ing until the end of the course and completing this thesis.11ABTRACTThe thesis investigates the relationship between Vietnams stock prices and the US’MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGUNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HOCHIMINH CITY— 0O0 —ĐỎ NGỌC ANHRELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN VIETNAM’S STOCK PRICES AND UNITED STAT Luận văn thạc sĩ relationships between vietnams stock prices and united statess stock prices, exchange rates, gold prices, crude oil pricesk prices are influenced by etude oil prices. In addition. Vietnam's stock prices are also affected significantly by US’ stock prices, foreign exchange rates over the period before the 2008 Global Financial Crisis. There are evidences that Vietnam’s stock prices are highly correlated with US' stock p Luận văn thạc sĩ relationships between vietnams stock prices and united statess stock prices, exchange rates, gold prices, crude oil pricesrices, foreign exchange rates and gold prices for the same period. Furthermore, Vietnam's stock prices are cointegrated with US’s stock prices beforeLuận văn thạc sĩ relationships between vietnams stock prices and united statess stock prices, exchange rates, gold prices, crude oil prices
and after the crisis, foreign exchange rates, gold prices and crude oil prices just during and after the crisis.Keywords: Vietnam s stock prices, US’ MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGUNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HOCHIMINH CITY— 0O0 —ĐỎ NGỌC ANHRELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN VIETNAM’S STOCK PRICES AND UNITED STAT Luận văn thạc sĩ relationships between vietnams stock prices and united statess stock prices, exchange rates, gold prices, crude oil pricesNOWLEDGEMENTS..................................................iABTRACT..........................................................iiTABLE OF CONTENTS...............................................iiiLIST OF TABLES...................................................ivABBREVIATIONS...................... Luận văn thạc sĩ relationships between vietnams stock prices and united statess stock prices, exchange rates, gold prices, crude oil prices...............................VC HAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION..........................................11.1Background and problem statement................Luận văn thạc sĩ relationships between vietnams stock prices and united statess stock prices, exchange rates, gold prices, crude oil prices
............11.2Research objectives.........................................31.3Research methodology........................................31 4 ReseaMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGUNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HOCHIMINH CITY— 0O0 —ĐỎ NGỌC ANHRELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN VIETNAM’S STOCK PRICES AND UNITED STAT Luận văn thạc sĩ relationships between vietnams stock prices and united statess stock prices, exchange rates, gold prices, crude oil prices......................................113.1.Methodology........................................... 113.1.1.Correlation...........................................113.1.2.Cointegration.........................................11 Luận văn thạc sĩ relationships between vietnams stock prices and united statess stock prices, exchange rates, gold prices, crude oil pricesMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGUNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HOCHIMINH CITY— 0O0 —ĐỎ NGỌC ANHRELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN VIETNAM’S STOCK PRICES AND UNITED STATGọi ngay
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