➤ Gửi thông báo lỗi ⚠️ Báo cáo tài liệu vi phạmNội dung chi tiết: UNDERSTANDING THE INTERNET BANKING ADOPT
MEGIMESTRADOEstatística e Gestão de IníormaẹãoUNDERSTANDING THE INTERNET BANKINGADOPTION BY PORTUGUESE CUSTOMERSA Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use UNDERSTANDING THE INTERNET BANKING ADOPT e of Technology and Perceived Risk ApplicationAna Carolina Barata MartinsTrabalho de Projecto apresentado como requisite parcial para obtenẹâo do grau de Mestre em Estatística e Gestão de IntormaẹãoUNIVLKSIDADtN©VAra------rInstitute Superior de Estatística e Gestăo de IníormaọâoUniversidade Nova de UNDERSTANDING THE INTERNET BANKING ADOPT LisboaiiInstitute Superior de Estatística e Gestão de InformacaoUniversidade Nova de LisboaUnderstanding the Internet Banking Adoption by Portuguese CUNDERSTANDING THE INTERNET BANKING ADOPT
ustomers: a Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology and Perceived Risk ApplicationbyAna Carolina Barata MartinsProject work presented as a MEGIMESTRADOEstatística e Gestão de IníormaẹãoUNDERSTANDING THE INTERNET BANKINGADOPTION BY PORTUGUESE CUSTOMERSA Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use UNDERSTANDING THE INTERNET BANKING ADOPT elligencel ulor: Pill) riago Olivcứa41214iiiRESUMOA percepto dos factores que mais contribuem para a adopẹão do Internet banking é importance para OS bancos e para OS utilizadores. Se OS bancos compreenderem as principals preocupaẹões e opiniões dos utilizadores, entào serão capazes de prestar melho UNDERSTANDING THE INTERNET BANKING ADOPT res serviọos aos seus clientes. Nesta investigate, foi desenvolvido urn modelo conceptual que combina a teoria unificada da aceitaẹão e uso de tecnoloUNDERSTANDING THE INTERNET BANKING ADOPT
gia (UTAƯT) com o risco percebido, de forma a explicar e intenẹão e 0 uso do Internet banking. Para testar o modelo concetual. forani recolhidos dadosMEGIMESTRADOEstatística e Gestão de IníormaẹãoUNDERSTANDING THE INTERNET BANKINGADOPTION BY PORTUGUESE CUSTOMERSA Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use UNDERSTANDING THE INTERNET BANKING ADOPT do UTAUT, como a expectativa de desempenho. expectativa de esíorẹo e a influencia social, e também o papel do risco como o forte preditor da intenọào. Para explicar o uso do Internet banking, o factor mais importante foi a intenẹão.PALAVRAS-CHAVETeoria unificada da aceitaẹão e uso de tecnologia (ƯTA UNDERSTANDING THE INTERNET BANKING ADOPT UT); risco percebido; adopẹẫo de tecnologias de iníormaẹão; Internet banking: PortugalABSTRACTrhe understanding of the main determinants of Internet bUNDERSTANDING THE INTERNET BANKING ADOPT
anking adoption is important for banks and users. If banks understand users’ concerns, then they will be able to provide better services. Tn this inveMEGIMESTRADOEstatística e Gestão de IníormaẹãoUNDERSTANDING THE INTERNET BANKINGADOPTION BY PORTUGUESE CUSTOMERSA Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use UNDERSTANDING THE INTERNET BANKING ADOPT o explain behaviour intention and usage behaviour of Internet banking. To lest the conceptual model we collected data from Portugal (249 valid cases). We found that the model explained 60 percent of intention to use variance and SI percent of usage variance. Our findings supported some relationships UNDERSTANDING THE INTERNET BANKING ADOPT of ƯTAƯT. as performance expectancy, effort expectancy and social influence, and also the role of risk as a stronger predictor of intention. To explaUNDERSTANDING THE INTERNET BANKING ADOPT
in usage behaviour of Internet banking die most important factor was behavioural intention.KEYWORDSUnified theory of acceptance and use of technology MEGIMESTRADOEstatística e Gestão de IníormaẹãoUNDERSTANDING THE INTERNET BANKINGADOPTION BY PORTUGUESE CUSTOMERSA Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use UNDERSTANDING THE INTERNET BANKING ADOPT ternet Banking Adoption by Portuguese Customers: a Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology and Perceived Risk Application (in submission).MEGIMESTRADOEstatística e Gestão de IníormaẹãoUNDERSTANDING THE INTERNET BANKINGADOPTION BY PORTUGUESE CUSTOMERSA Unified Theory of Acceptance and UseGọi ngay
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