Ebook Event management guide: Part 1

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Nội dung chi tiết: Ebook Event management guide: Part 1

Ebook Event management guide: Part 1

Network Manager IP EditionVersion 3 Release 9Event Management GuideR2E2Network Manager IP EditionVersion 3 Release 9Event Management GuideA2E2I Note -

Ebook Event management guide: Part 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Before using this information and the product it supports

, read the intonnation in"Notúxn" on page 247.This edition applies Io version 3, release 9, modification 0 of IBM Tivoli Network Manager IP Edition <5 Ebook Event management guide: Part 1

724'S45) and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.€' Copyright IBM Corporation 2006, 2016.US Governm

Ebook Event management guide: Part 1

ent Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.ContentsAbout this publication.....

Network Manager IP EditionVersion 3 Release 9Event Management GuideR2E2Network Manager IP EditionVersion 3 Release 9Event Management GuideA2E2I Note -

Ebook Event management guide: Part 1 ............................viiAccessibility......................................XTivoli technical training..........................XSupport informa

tion...............................xiConventions used in this publication..............xiChapter 1. About pollingthe network . . 1Poll policies....... Ebook Event management guide: Part 1

...............................1Poll policy parameters..........................2Poll policy scope...............................2Poll definitions....

Ebook Event management guide: Part 1

...............................4Poll definition parameters......................4Polling mechanisms..............................5Poll definition type

Network Manager IP EditionVersion 3 Release 9Event Management GuideR2E2Network Manager IP EditionVersion 3 Release 9Event Management GuideA2E2I Note -

Ebook Event management guide: Part 1 definitions................10Chapter 2. Enabling anddisabling polls 11Chapter 3. Creating polls.........................13

Network Manager IP EditionVersion 3 Release 9Event Management GuideR2E2Network Manager IP EditionVersion 3 Release 9Event Management GuideA2E2I Note -

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