(Luận án tiến sĩ) Development of novel meshless method for limit and shakedown analysis of structures materials

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Nội dung chi tiết: (Luận án tiến sĩ) Development of novel meshless method for limit and shakedown analysis of structures materials

(Luận án tiến sĩ) Development of novel meshless method for limit and shakedown analysis of structures materials

Declaration of Authorship1 declare that this is my own research.The (lata and results stated in the thesis are honest and have not been published by a

(Luận án tiến sĩ) Development of novel meshless method for limit and shakedown analysis of structures materials anyone in any other works.Ho Chi Minh city. October 2020 PhD candidateHO LE HUY PHƯCAcknowledgementsThe research presented in Illis thesis has been ca

rried out ill (he framework of a doctorate at Faculty of Civil Engineering, Ho Chi Minh city University of Technology anil Education, Vietnam. This wo (Luận án tiến sĩ) Development of novel meshless method for limit and shakedown analysis of structures materials

rk would have never l)cen possible without the support and help of many people to whom 1 feel deeply grateful.First and foremost. 1 would like to expr

(Luận án tiến sĩ) Development of novel meshless method for limit and shakedown analysis of structures materials

ess my most sincere thanks to my supervisors, Assoc. Prof. Le Van Canh and Assoc. Prof. Phan Due Hung, for their guidance, valuable academic advice, m

Declaration of Authorship1 declare that this is my own research.The (lata and results stated in the thesis are honest and have not been published by a

(Luận án tiến sĩ) Development of novel meshless method for limit and shakedown analysis of structures materials one of most influential people ill my life, both professionally and personally. His guidance is precious, helping me develop the personal skills need

ed to succeed in future work.1 would like to thank the co-author of my papers - Prof. Tran Cong Thanh for his encouragement. support and guidance. I w (Luận án tiến sĩ) Development of novel meshless method for limit and shakedown analysis of structures materials

ould also like to express my admiration for his unsurpassed knowledge of mathematics and numerical met hods.1 really appreciate the financial support

(Luận án tiến sĩ) Development of novel meshless method for limit and shakedown analysis of structures materials

received from the Institute for Computational Science and Technology (1CST) - HCMC, the Science and Technology Incubator Youth Program - IICMC. and In

Declaration of Authorship1 declare that this is my own research.The (lata and results stated in the thesis are honest and have not been published by a

(Luận án tiến sĩ) Development of novel meshless method for limit and shakedown analysis of structures materials CMG. HCMC University of Technology and Education, and 1IƯTECH University. especially Dr. Tran Trung Dung. PhD candidate Nguyen Hoang Phuong. PhD candi

date Do Van I lien. Dr. Khong I Yong loan and Dr. Vo Minh Thien, for fruitful discussions about a range of topics anil their mental support.I sincerel (Luận án tiến sĩ) Development of novel meshless method for limit and shakedown analysis of structures materials

y thank my parents and my younger sisters for their unconditional love and support. 1 am also definitely indebted to my wife. Nguyen My Lam. for her l

(Luận án tiến sĩ) Development of novel meshless method for limit and shakedown analysis of structures materials

ove, understanding and encouraging me whenever I needed motivation.iiAcknowledgementsFitiiilly. I would like to dedicate t his thesis to my lit tle so

Declaration of Authorship1 declare that this is my own research.The (lata and results stated in the thesis are honest and have not been published by a

(Luận án tiến sĩ) Development of novel meshless method for limit and shakedown analysis of structures materials ractThe proposed research is essentially concerning on the development of powerful numerical methods to deal with practical engineering problems. The

direct methods requiring the use of a strong mathematical tool and a proper numerical discretization are considered.The current work primarily focuses (Luận án tiến sĩ) Development of novel meshless method for limit and shakedown analysis of structures materials

on the study of limit and shakedown analysis allowing the rapid access to the requested information of structural design without the knowledge of who

(Luận án tiến sĩ) Development of novel meshless method for limit and shakedown analysis of structures materials

le loading history. For the mathematical treatment, the problems are formulated in form of minimizing a sum of Euclidean norms which are t hen cast as

Declaration of Authorship1 declare that this is my own research.The (lata and results stated in the thesis are honest and have not been published by a

(Luận án tiến sĩ) Development of novel meshless method for limit and shakedown analysis of structures materials ires an excellent discretization strategy which is capable of providing stable and accurate solutions. In this study, the so-called integrated radial

basis functions-bascd mesh-free method (iRBF) is employed to approximate t he computational fields. To eliminate numerical instability problems, the s (Luận án tiến sĩ) Development of novel meshless method for limit and shakedown analysis of structures materials

tabilized conforming nodal integration (SCNI) scheme is also introduced. Consequently, all constrains ill resulting problems are directly enforced at

(Luận án tiến sĩ) Development of novel meshless method for limit and shakedown analysis of structures materials

scattered nodes using collocation method. That not only keeps size of the optimization problem small but also ensures the numerical procedure truly me

Declaration of Authorship1 declare that this is my own research.The (lata and results stated in the thesis are honest and have not been published by a

(Luận án tiến sĩ) Development of novel meshless method for limit and shakedown analysis of structures materials ding the* essential boundary conditions to be imposed easily.In summary, the iRBF-based mesh-free method is developed in combination with second order

cone programming to provide solutions for direct analysis of structures and materials. The most advantage of proposed approach is that the highly acc (Luận án tiến sĩ) Development of novel meshless method for limit and shakedown analysis of structures materials

urate solutions can be obtained with low computational efforts. The performance of proposed method is justified via the comparison of obtained results

(Luận án tiến sĩ) Development of novel meshless method for limit and shakedown analysis of structures materials

and available ones in the literature.ivhttps://khothuvien.cori!Tóm tắtLuận án này hướng dến việc phái triển một phương pháp số mạnh (lể giải quyết cá

Declaration of Authorship1 declare that this is my own research.The (lata and results stated in the thesis are honest and have not been published by a

(Luận án tiến sĩ) Development of novel meshless method for limit and shakedown analysis of structures materials ích hợp.Trước tiên, nghiên cửu này tập trung vào lý thuyết phân tích giới hạn và thích nghi, phương pháp dược biết den như một cóng cụ hữu hiệu dể xác

dinh trực tiếp những thông tin cần thiết cho việc thiết kế kết cấu mà không cần phải thông qua toàn hộ quá trình gia tái. về mặt toán học, các hài to (Luận án tiến sĩ) Development of novel meshless method for limit and shakedown analysis of structures materials

án được phát biếu dưới dạng cực tiêu một chuẩn cùa tổng bình phương các biến trong không gian Euclide. sau dó dược dưa về dạng chương trình hình nón p

(Luận án tiến sĩ) Development of novel meshless method for limit and shakedown analysis of structures materials

hù hợp với liêu chuan deo. ví dụ chương trình hình hón bậc hai (SOCP).Hơn nừa, một công cụ số mạnh còn (lòi hói phai có kỳ thuật lời rạc tốt đổ dạt dư

Declaration of Authorship1 declare that this is my own research.The (lata and results stated in the thesis are honest and have not been published by a

(Luận án tiến sĩ) Development of novel meshless method for limit and shakedown analysis of structures materials de xấp xi các trường biến. Kỹ thuật tích phân nút ổn định (SCNI) dược dề xuất nham loại bỏ sự thiêu ổn dinh của kết quả số. Nhờ dó, tất cả các làng bu

ộc trong bài toán dược áp đặt trực tiếp lại các nút bằng phương pháp tụ dicm. Điều này không những giúp kích thước bài toán được giữ ỡ mức tồi thiêu m (Luận án tiến sĩ) Development of novel meshless method for limit and shakedown analysis of structures materials

à còn đàm bào phương pháp là không lưới thực sự. Một ưu diem nữa mà. hầu hết các phương pháp không lưới khác không (láp ứng (lược, dó là hàm dạng iRBF

(Luận án tiến sĩ) Development of novel meshless method for limit and shakedown analysis of structures materials

thỏa mãn dặc trưng Kronecker delta. Nhờ vậy. các diều kiện biên chính có the dược áp dạt dề dàng mà không cần dền các kỹ thuật đặc biệt.róm lại, nghi

Declaration of Authorship1 declare that this is my own research.The (lata and results stated in the thesis are honest and have not been published by a

(Luận án tiến sĩ) Development of novel meshless method for limit and shakedown analysis of structures materials Thế mạnh lớn nhắt của phương pháp dề xuất là kết quả số với dộ chính xác cao có the thu dược vói chi phí tính toán thấp. Hiệu quà cùa phương pháp dượ

c đánh giá thông qua việc so sánh kết quà số với những phương pháp khác.ContentsDeclaration of AuthorshipiAcknowledgementsiii (Luận án tiến sĩ) Development of novel meshless method for limit and shakedown analysis of structures materials

Declaration of Authorship1 declare that this is my own research.The (lata and results stated in the thesis are honest and have not been published by a

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