Out Door Wireless Health Care Monitering System For Patients Based On ZIGBEE

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Nội dung chi tiết: Out Door Wireless Health Care Monitering System For Patients Based On ZIGBEE

Out Door Wireless Health Care Monitering System For Patients Based On ZIGBEE

Out Door Wireless Health Care Monitering System For Patients Based On ZIGBEEFROM:F.ngr Rdnd Muhdmmdd ShdkeelF.ngnr.shdkeel@gmdil.comhups: uuu.lacebook

Out Door Wireless Health Care Monitering System For Patients Based On ZIGBEE FngnrShdkeelplz like my page:https^'www.faccbook.conVLlectiicaUElectronicsFor MORE PROJECTS:http:.'.elecno-technolgy.blogspot.comCHAPTER 1 INTRO

DUCTION1.1 IntroductionAdvances in wireless sensor networks have opened lip new opportunities in healthcare systems. The future will see the integrati Out Door Wireless Health Care Monitering System For Patients Based On ZIGBEE

on of the abundance of existing specialized medical technology with pervasive, wireless networks. They will co-exist with the installed infrastructure

Out Door Wireless Health Care Monitering System For Patients Based On ZIGBEE

, augmenting data collection and real-time response. An example of an area in which future medical systems can benefit the most from wireless sensor n

Out Door Wireless Health Care Monitering System For Patients Based On ZIGBEEFROM:F.ngr Rdnd Muhdmmdd ShdkeelF.ngnr.shdkeel@gmdil.comhups: uuu.lacebook

Out Door Wireless Health Care Monitering System For Patients Based On ZIGBEE ta lookup, and emergency communication. The main requirements for wireless homecare monitoring systems (WHMS) are:•Interoperability•Real-time data acq

uisition and analysis•Reliability and robustness•New node architectures1.2Principles for WHMS DesignWe propose wireless sensor network (WSN) architect Out Door Wireless Health Care Monitering System For Patients Based On ZIGBEE

ure for smart homecare that possesses the essential elements of each of the future medical applications, namely:•Integration with existing medical pra

Out Door Wireless Health Care Monitering System For Patients Based On ZIGBEE

ctices and tec hnology,•Real-time, long-term, remole monitoring,•Miniature, wearable sensors, and•Assistance to the elderly and c hronic patients.It e

Out Door Wireless Health Care Monitering System For Patients Based On ZIGBEEFROM:F.ngr Rdnd Muhdmmdd ShdkeelF.ngnr.shdkeel@gmdil.comhups: uuu.lacebook

Out Door Wireless Health Care Monitering System For Patients Based On ZIGBEE posed W11MS integrate a coherent set of intel acting portable devices, while preserving mobility and independence and bringing optimum assistance to m

edical support. This integration includes the following features:•Automatic monitoring of vital medical physiological parameters such as body temperat Out Door Wireless Health Care Monitering System For Patients Based On ZIGBEE

ure, pulse rate and heart rate.•Communication of physiological parameters between the user and external intervening parties such as medical doctors, m

Out Door Wireless Health Care Monitering System For Patients Based On ZIGBEE

edico-social institutions or monitoring centers.2The resulting system is modular and comprises miniaturized body-worn modules that provide continuous

Out Door Wireless Health Care Monitering System For Patients Based On ZIGBEEFROM:F.ngr Rdnd Muhdmmdd ShdkeelF.ngnr.shdkeel@gmdil.comhups: uuu.lacebook

Out Door Wireless Health Care Monitering System For Patients Based On ZIGBEE transmitted to a base station that is connected to the GSM/GPRS or Land Line internet service, rhe base station processes and relays the received par

ameters and sends alarms to the external people such as socio-medical monitoring centers, neighbors and medical doctors, whoever is l)esl suited to in Out Door Wireless Health Care Monitering System For Patients Based On ZIGBEE

tervene depending on the type of alarm. When the link is established, the user may speak with healthcare professionals.1.4 Hardware and Software Requi

Out Door Wireless Health Care Monitering System For Patients Based On ZIGBEE

rementsHardware tools: PIC 16F877A, 2X16-LCD, RS232. 802.15.4 module, GSM modem with PC interface, Body temperature sensor, Heart rate measurement sen

Out Door Wireless Health Care Monitering System For Patients Based On ZIGBEEFROM:F.ngr Rdnd Muhdmmdd ShdkeelF.ngnr.shdkeel@gmdil.comhups: uuu.lacebook

Out Door Wireless Health Care Monitering System For Patients Based On ZIGBEE PIC Flash. Hardware Simulation tool - Proteus VÍ5.9 Sp4.Figure 1.1: Block schematic of the signal acquisition module

Out Door Wireless Health Care Monitering System For Patients Based On ZIGBEEFROM:F.ngr Rdnd Muhdmmdd ShdkeelF.ngnr.shdkeel@gmdil.comhups: uuu.lacebook

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