Possible impactive factors on theory of mind of vietnamese children

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Nội dung chi tiết: Possible impactive factors on theory of mind of vietnamese children

Possible impactive factors on theory of mind of vietnamese children

1Running head: POSSIBLE IMP ACTIVE FACTORS ON THEORY OF MINDPossible Impactive Factors on Theory of Mind of Vietnamese ChildrenAn T. NguyenUniversity

Possible impactive factors on theory of mind of vietnamese children of Erfurt, GermanyJournal: Child DevelopmentAuthor NoteThis manuscript reports a study that was conducted for the fulfillment of the requirementsof t

he author's master thesis at the University of Erfurt. The work was written according to theAPA guidelines, apart from the tables and figures that are Possible impactive factors on theory of mind of vietnamese children

inserted directly in the text.Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Thuy An Nguyen who iscurrently working at Faculty of Educ

Possible impactive factors on theory of mind of vietnamese children

ation. University of Social Sciences and Humanities.Vietnam National University Hochiminh City, 10-12 Dinh Tien Hoang, Ben Nghe Ward. District1. Hochi

1Running head: POSSIBLE IMP ACTIVE FACTORS ON THEORY OF MINDPossible Impactive Factors on Theory of Mind of Vietnamese ChildrenAn T. NguyenUniversity

Possible impactive factors on theory of mind of vietnamese children bility of theory of mind. However, research across cultures has mostly investigated children’s false-belief understanding (Frank & Temple, 2009: Calla

ghan et al.. 2005). There was a lack of study investigating belief-desire understanding in non-Westem cultures. This study tested others' belief-desir Possible impactive factors on theory of mind of vietnamese children

e understanding in seventy-seven Vietnamese children at the age between six and eight, and aimed to find out the relationship between children's perfo

Possible impactive factors on theory of mind of vietnamese children

rmance in three-location false-belief avoidance tasks and three possible affective factors including age. inhibitor}' control and parenting styles. Fi

1Running head: POSSIBLE IMP ACTIVE FACTORS ON THEORY OF MINDPossible Impactive Factors on Theory of Mind of Vietnamese ChildrenAn T. NguyenUniversity

Possible impactive factors on theory of mind of vietnamese children , however, different between Vietnamese children and Western children. Hypotheses about the relations between belief-desire understanding and inhibito

ry control; belief-desire understanding and parenting styles were partly confirmed. Our results support the findings in previous cross-cultural studie Possible impactive factors on theory of mind of vietnamese children

s (e. g. Liu. Wellman. Tardif. & Sabbagh, 2008; Wellman, Cross & Watson, 2001) and indicate the need of further investigation not only on mechanism un

Possible impactive factors on theory of mind of vietnamese children

derlying children's performance. but also on social and cultural factors that have not yet been revealed.Key words: Theory of mind, belief-desire unde

1Running head: POSSIBLE IMP ACTIVE FACTORS ON THEORY OF MINDPossible Impactive Factors on Theory of Mind of Vietnamese ChildrenAn T. NguyenUniversity

Possible impactive factors on theory of mind of vietnamese children on Theory of Mind of Vietnamese ChildrenThe term "Theory of Mind” (ToM). which was firstly used by Premack and Woodruff in 1978, has quickly become a

n important theoretical construct and the topic of substantial research effort in psychology (Wellman et al., 2001 ).Tbis term refers to “the ability Possible impactive factors on theory of mind of vietnamese children

to reason about mental stales, such as beliefs, desires, and intentions, and to understand how mental stales feature in everyday explanations and pred

Possible impactive factors on theory of mind of vietnamese children

ictions of people's behavior” (Apperly, 2012. p. 826). Exploring the role of ToM to social life, research on ToM did demonstrate implications of ToM f

1Running head: POSSIBLE IMP ACTIVE FACTORS ON THEORY OF MINDPossible Impactive Factors on Theory of Mind of Vietnamese ChildrenAn T. NguyenUniversity

Possible impactive factors on theory of mind of vietnamese children s of social interaction ability in children with an autism spectrum disorder. Mental states understanding capacity of people with schizophrenia was al

so claimed to be a powerfill predictor for their social competence (Henry', Phillips. Ruffman. & Bailey. 2013). Moreover, there are not only interesti Possible impactive factors on theory of mind of vietnamese children

ng results for people with special needs but also for everybody because each and every needs ToM to understand, to explain and to predict behavior (Do

Possible impactive factors on theory of mind of vietnamese children

herty. 2009). According to this, research on typical ToM development indicated that individual differences in ToM have definite implications for acade

1Running head: POSSIBLE IMP ACTIVE FACTORS ON THEORY OF MINDPossible Impactive Factors on Theory of Mind of Vietnamese ChildrenAn T. NguyenUniversity

Possible impactive factors on theory of mind of vietnamese children and to conununicalc successfully (Henry et al.. 2013: Patnaik. 2008. Krych-Appelbaum et al.. 2007).Decades of research largely investigated to uncover

questions of when and how loM develops. Among a variety of methods which were devised to measure performance of l oM. the false-belief task is the mo Possible impactive factors on theory of mind of vietnamese children

st widely used to test ToM in humans (Apperly. 2012: T.iu et al.. 2008). One of the most common was termed the “unexpected location■■ task, hl this on

Possible impactive factors on theory of mind of vietnamese children

e. typically, participants will see a protagonist who firstly puts an object in a location (says A) and then goesPOSSIBLE IMPACTIVE FACTORS ON THEORY

1Running head: POSSIBLE IMP ACTIVE FACTORS ON THEORY OF MINDPossible Impactive Factors on Theory of Mind of Vietnamese ChildrenAn T. NguyenUniversity

Possible impactive factors on theory of mind of vietnamese children icipants are then explicitly asked to judge a think question "Where the protagonist thinks the object is?”, or a predict question “Where the protagoni

st will look for the object at his return?”. Correctly answering these questions, participants have to assume that the protagonist still believes that Possible impactive factors on theory of mind of vietnamese children

the object is in the location A because he did not witness the moving of the object. That means they have to understand the distinction between what

Possible impactive factors on theory of mind of vietnamese children

they have seen in the scenar io and what the protagonist knows about the location of the object. In brief, they have to realize that thoughts and beli

1Running head: POSSIBLE IMP ACTIVE FACTORS ON THEORY OF MINDPossible Impactive Factors on Theory of Mind of Vietnamese ChildrenAn T. NguyenUniversity

Possible impactive factors on theory of mind of vietnamese children ve year-old children gave the correct answer (Sodian. 2008: Wimmer & Perner. 1983).Yet. recent studies using spontaneous-response tasks - e. g. violat

ion-of-expectation (VoE) or anticipatory looking (AL) - reported the false-belief understanding at younger ages (Baillargeon. Scott & He. 2010: Onishi Possible impactive factors on theory of mind of vietnamese children

& Baillargeon. 2005). These different findings pose again questions about the emergence of false-belief understanding in infant and early childhood.

Possible impactive factors on theory of mind of vietnamese children

Thus, there is the possibility that younger children than four or five year-olds do understand false beliefs. Perhaps it depends on the underlying met

1Running head: POSSIBLE IMP ACTIVE FACTORS ON THEORY OF MINDPossible Impactive Factors on Theory of Mind of Vietnamese ChildrenAn T. NguyenUniversity

Possible impactive factors on theory of mind of vietnamese children the standard false-belief tasks, avoidance false-belief task (or “avoidance task") was also applied to study ToM. In this task children have to avoid

, instead approach, the target. Assuming that a protagonist sees how a dog jumps into one location (calls belief-location or B-Location) and then leav Possible impactive factors on theory of mind of vietnamese children

es the room. While he is outside, the dog jumps from this location to the other location (dog-location or D-Location). As the protagonist returns, he

Possible impactive factors on theory of mind of vietnamese children

wants to put his cat toPOSSIBLE IMP ACTIVE FACTORS ON THEORY OF MIND5a location but wants to avoid the dog as well, because the dog can hurt his cat.

1Running head: POSSIBLE IMP ACTIVE FACTORS ON THEORY OF MINDPossible Impactive Factors on Theory of Mind of Vietnamese ChildrenAn T. NguyenUniversity

Possible impactive factors on theory of mind of vietnamese children t only have to understand about the protagonist's false-belief and his avoidance desire, but also have to execute “double inhibition”. One inhibition

is to ignore participant’s own true belief The other inhibition is to avoid the B-Location and choose the D-Location (Friedman & Leslie. 2004). Thus, Possible impactive factors on theory of mind of vietnamese children

the avoidance task is presumably more difficult than the standard false-belief task (Hiatt & Trafton, 2010: Friedman & Leslie. 2004). Four year-old ch

Possible impactive factors on theory of mind of vietnamese children

ildren, who passed the standard false-belief tasks, failed the avoidance task. At the age around six years old. children were found to be able to mast

1Running head: POSSIBLE IMP ACTIVE FACTORS ON THEORY OF MINDPossible Impactive Factors on Theory of Mind of Vietnamese ChildrenAn T. NguyenUniversity

Possible impactive factors on theory of mind of vietnamese children andard false-belief tasks to passing the avoidance tasks was announced as the second developmental shift, after the first developmental shift at the a

ge around four. Experiments using spontaneous-response avoidance tasks have not been conducted, however.Additionally. Friedman and Leslie (2004) used Possible impactive factors on theory of mind of vietnamese children

three-location avoidance false-belief tasks to test the belief-desire understanding with children and adults. In their scenario there is one empty loc

Possible impactive factors on theory of mind of vietnamese children

ation (called the neutral location, or N-Location). which never contained the dog the entire time, besides the belief-location (B-Location), and the d

1Running head: POSSIBLE IMP ACTIVE FACTORS ON THEORY OF MINDPossible Impactive Factors on Theory of Mind of Vietnamese ChildrenAn T. NguyenUniversity

Possible impactive factors on theory of mind of vietnamese children st, a proper answer would be the location containing the dog. and second the empty location. The authors found that children at the age between four a

nd eight preferentially chose D-Location. whereas adults showed the opposite bias of choosing N-POSSIBLE IMPACTIVE FACTORS ON THEORY OF MIND6Location. Possible impactive factors on theory of mind of vietnamese children

That indicates that there is a developmental shift between children at the age of eight and adults (Friedman & Leslie. 2004).Modifying an existing av

Possible impactive factors on theory of mind of vietnamese children

oidance task. Buttelmann and Buttehnann (in press) examined the belief tracking in children and adults. They manipulated beliefs of the protagonist in

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