Quy trình làm thủ công mỹ nghệ từ cỏ vetiver

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Nội dung chi tiết: Quy trình làm thủ công mỹ nghệ từ cỏ vetiver

Quy trình làm thủ công mỹ nghệ từ cỏ vetiver

The Office of the Royal Development Projects Board (ORDPB) ThailandVETIVER GRASS TRAINING MANUAL1INTRODUCTION1.1How Does This Course Originate?The Hei

Quy trình làm thủ công mỹ nghệ từ cỏ vetiver ineken Breweries Co. Ltd. has decided to make a donation of s 50.000 to the Chaipattana Foundation to promote the use and utilization of vetiver. Hein

eken has its green label image and is dependent upon sources of clean water for its products. So the company is interested 111 environmentally benefic Quy trình làm thủ công mỹ nghệ từ cỏ vetiver

ial teclmologies. especially those that involve the conservation of clean water. The Office of the Royal Development Projects Board (ORDPB). the imple

Quy trình làm thủ công mỹ nghệ từ cỏ vetiver

menting arm of the Chaipattana Foundation, has decided to use this hind for two main activities: (i) training, and (ii) dissemination of technology. T

The Office of the Royal Development Projects Board (ORDPB) ThailandVETIVER GRASS TRAINING MANUAL1INTRODUCTION1.1How Does This Course Originate?The Hei

Quy trình làm thủ công mỹ nghệ từ cỏ vetiver tists and engineers working on vetiver. ORDPB. in cooperation with its various member agencies, is making preparation for both courses to be held in T

hailand in November and December 2000, respectively. The mam objective of this international training course IS that after the training, the trainees Quy trình làm thủ công mỹ nghệ từ cỏ vetiver

will become familiar with the vetiver systems and the various teclmologies employed, appreciate what IS being done in research, experimentation and ap

Quy trình làm thủ công mỹ nghệ từ cỏ vetiver

plication, and have concepts on how to promote the teclmology in then own environment.1.2w hat is The Vetiver System?1.2.1Deflnition of the Vetiver Sy

The Office of the Royal Development Projects Board (ORDPB) ThailandVETIVER GRASS TRAINING MANUAL1INTRODUCTION1.1How Does This Course Originate?The Hei

Quy trình làm thủ công mỹ nghệ từ cỏ vetiver or soil and water conservation and environmental protection, vs is a very practical, inexpensive, low maintenance and very effective means of soil ero

sion and sediment control, water conservation. and land stabilization and rehabilitation. Being vegetative. It IS also environmentally friendly.1.2.2H Quy trình làm thủ công mỹ nghệ từ cỏ vetiver

istorical Background: The technology was first developed for the agricultural section by the World Bank for soil and water conservation, and later exp

Quy trình làm thủ công mỹ nghệ từ cỏ vetiver

anded to cover non-agiiculniral sector through bioengineering and phytolremediation for environmental protection such as slope and embankment stabiliz

The Office of the Royal Development Projects Board (ORDPB) ThailandVETIVER GRASS TRAINING MANUAL1INTRODUCTION1.1How Does This Course Originate?The Hei

Quy trình làm thủ công mỹ nghệ từ cỏ vetiver ter, etc.1.2.3Tses and Utilization of Vetiver: The main components of the vetiver system are the uses of live vetiver plant 111 agricultural (details

in Chapter 6) and lion-agricultural applications (details in Chapter 7). and utilization of dry vetiver plant which are by-products of vetiver grown f Quy trình làm thủ công mỹ nghệ từ cỏ vetiver

or soil and water conservation 111 handicrafts, roof thatch, mushroom glowing, animal fodder and feed stuff. industrial products, herbals. etc.(detail

Quy trình làm thủ công mỹ nghệ từ cỏ vetiver

s ill Chapter 8. also 111 Chart 1).1.3How Does vs Work?When planted in row, vetiver plant will form a hedge, a living porous bamer which slows and spr

The Office of the Royal Development Projects Board (ORDPB) ThailandVETIVER GRASS TRAINING MANUAL1INTRODUCTION1.1How Does This Course Originate?The Hei

Quy trình làm thủ công mỹ nghệ từ cỏ vetiver o infiltrate to the soil, and any eroded material IS trapped by the hedges. Therefore, an effective hedge will reduce soil erosion, conserve soil mois

ture, and trap sediment on siteThis is in sharp contrast with the contoiu terrace, waterway system which runoff water IS collected by the terraces and Quy trình làm thủ công mỹ nghệ từ cỏ vetiver

diverted as quickly as possible from the field to reduce its erosive potential. All this runoff water is collected and concentrated in the waterways

Quy trình làm thủ công mỹ nghệ từ cỏ vetiver

where most erosion occurs, particularly on sloping lands where this water is lost fioui the field. With the vs. not only this water is conserved but n

The Office of the Royal Development Projects Board (ORDPB) ThailandVETIVER GRASS TRAINING MANUAL1INTRODUCTION1.1How Does This Course Originate?The Hei

Quy trình làm thủ công mỹ nghệ từ cỏ vetiver physiological characteristics (sec details 111 Chapter 1) can do it belter- than all other systems tested.22THE PERSPECTIVES2.1 Vetiver: The Miracle G

rass2.1.1Unique Root System: With Its extensive fibrous root system which penetrates deep down into the soil at great depth (a specimen of 5.2 m was r Quy trình làm thủ công mỹ nghệ từ cỏ vetiver

ecorded, at the Doi Tung Development Project. Chiang Rai. Thailand during ICV-1. as the world’s longest vetiver roots). Its loots were found to break

Quy trình làm thủ công mỹ nghệ từ cỏ vetiver

through hardpan as thick as 15 cm. They were also fotuid to have ‘innate’ power to penetrate a fairly thick layer of asphatic concrete. On slopes unde

The Office of the Royal Development Projects Board (ORDPB) ThailandVETIVER GRASS TRAINING MANUAL1INTRODUCTION1.1How Does This Course Originate?The Hei

Quy trình làm thủ công mỹ nghệ từ cỏ vetiver rable to a nail which could penetrate deep layers of soils whose texture may be quite hard, and at the same time It has the ability to hold soil parti

cles together through Its extensive fibrous roots, thus avoiding soil erosion due wind and water, making It well known among road engineers as the ’li Quy trình làm thủ công mỹ nghệ từ cỏ vetiver

ving nail'.2.1.2Unique Clumps when Grow n as Hedgerows: The act of its chimps which are able to slow down the rapid movement of water and wind is real

Quy trình làm thủ công mỹ nghệ từ cỏ vetiver

ly amazing. The direct benefits of this ‘living wall’ or ‘living barrier’ are: (i) increasing organic matter and moisture in front of the hedgerows, a

The Office of the Royal Development Projects Board (ORDPB) ThailandVETIVER GRASS TRAINING MANUAL1INTRODUCTION1.1How Does This Course Originate?The Hei

Quy trình làm thủ công mỹ nghệ từ cỏ vetiver oth the roots and chimps as a ‘living dam’ is also amazing Their direct benefits are as follows: (i) adhere soil particles thus reducing soil erosion,

(ii) increase the amount of organic matter collected in front of the hedgerow, (iii) increase moisture content 111 front of the hedgerow' as the resu Quy trình làm thủ công mỹ nghệ từ cỏ vetiver

lt of accumulation of organic matter and water, (iv) filter out toxic substances brought in by water and. after being absorbed in the plant tissues (s

Quy trình làm thủ công mỹ nghệ từ cỏ vetiver

ee its tolerance later), these will slowly disintegrated, while clear and clean water is able to pass through this living dam.2.1.4Tolerance to a Wide

The Office of the Royal Development Projects Board (ORDPB) ThailandVETIVER GRASS TRAINING MANUAL1INTRODUCTION1.1How Does This Course Originate?The Hei

Quy trình làm thủ công mỹ nghệ từ cỏ vetiver still plays a vital role in agricultural lands, vetiver s unique morphological, physiological and ecological characteristics, including its tolerance

to highly adverse conditions, has played a key role in the area of environmental protection and land rehabilitation. These include tolerance to the f Quy trình làm thủ công mỹ nghệ từ cỏ vetiver

ollowing adverse conditions: (1) acidity, manganese and ahunimun. (ii) salinity and sodality, and (ill) heavy metals like arsenic, cadmium, copper, cl

Quy trình làm thủ công mỹ nghệ từ cỏ vetiver

uomium. lead, mercury, nickel, selenium and zinc.2.1.5Ability to Absorb Toxic Substances: Not only vetiver can tolerate adverse soil conditions, but i

The Office of the Royal Development Projects Board (ORDPB) ThailandVETIVER GRASS TRAINING MANUAL1INTRODUCTION1.1How Does This Course Originate?The Hei

Quy trình làm thủ công mỹ nghệ từ cỏ vetiver water, making them more safe in agricultural and non-agncultural activities. One such activity is the use of vetiver to purify eutrophicated water in

the lake, leachate from garbage landfill, etc. It can also be used to absorb heavy metals from quarry, and such valuable metals can be recycled by ext Quy trình làm thủ công mỹ nghệ từ cỏ vetiver

raction from the vetiver biomass.0.32.2 The Initiatives2.2.1The World Bank's Initiative: vs has been practiced for more than 200 years by farmers in s

Quy trình làm thủ công mỹ nghệ từ cỏ vetiver

outhern India (Karnataka) where It was used for soil erosion control and for the demarcation of farm boundaries. In other parts of India, it was used

The Office of the Royal Development Projects Board (ORDPB) ThailandVETIVER GRASS TRAINING MANUAL1INTRODUCTION1.1How Does This Course Originate?The Hei

Quy trình làm thủ công mỹ nghệ từ cỏ vetiver arcane industry which was booming during the turn of the century recognized Its value for soil conservation; It was first used in the West Indies and

South Africa, and later, in the 1950's. in Fiji, mainly on steep and erodible lands, based on the woik of Mr. John Greenfield, who later, re-introduce Quy trình làm thủ công mỹ nghệ từ cỏ vetiver

d the vs to India under the World Bank Pioject during the 1980’s. Together with Mr. Richard G. Grimshaw, also of the World Bank, they developed the co

Quy trình làm thủ công mỹ nghệ từ cỏ vetiver

ncept of Vetiver Grass Teclmology. which, after ICV-2 (18-22 Jan. 2000 111 Thailand), has been changed to the Vetiver System (VS), into a viable syste

The Office of the Royal Development Projects Board (ORDPB) ThailandVETIVER GRASS TRAINING MANUAL1INTRODUCTION1.1How Does This Course Originate?The Hei

Quy trình làm thủ công mỹ nghệ từ cỏ vetiver apart from his role as a king. His Majesty has also devoted himself to working hard to ease the people s hardship. He has initiated various developmen

t projects on water source, agriculture. health, career opportunity promotion, communication, and environment. "Soil conservation and development” is Quy trình làm thủ công mỹ nghệ từ cỏ vetiver

one of the environmental issues that His Majesty places great emphasis on. particularly in using vetiver for this particular purpose.His Majesty recog

Quy trình làm thủ công mỹ nghệ từ cỏ vetiver

nized the problem of soil resource deterioration which aggravated rapidly day by day. and thus regularly conducted studies to find ways to solve the p

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