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Nội dung chi tiết: Spillover-effects-from-voluntary-employer-minimum-wages


Spillover effects from voluntary employer minimum wages *Ellora Derenoncourt. Clemens Noelke, and David WeilFebruary 28. 2021Click here for most recen

Spillover-effects-from-voluntary-employer-minimum-wages nt version.AbstractLow unionization rates, a falling real federal minimum wage, and prevalent non-competcs characterize low-wage jobs in the United St

ates and contribute to growing inequality. In recent years, a number of private employers have opted to institute or raise company-wide minimum wages Spillover-effects-from-voluntary-employer-minimum-wages

for their employees, sometimes in response to public pressure. To what extent do wage-sett ing changes at. major employers spill over to other employe


rs, and what are the lidmr market effects of these policies? In this pajM'r, we study recent minimum wages by Amazon, Walmart, Target, and Costco usin

Spillover effects from voluntary employer minimum wages *Ellora Derenoncourt. Clemens Noelke, and David WeilFebruary 28. 2021Click here for most recen

Spillover-effects-from-voluntary-employer-minimum-wages rs. In the case of Amazon, which instituted a $15 minimum wage in October 2018. our estimates imply t hat a 10% increase in Amazon's advertised hourly

wages led to an average increase of 2.6% among other employers in t he same commuting zone. Using the Cl’S, wo estimate wage increases in exposed jol Spillover-effects-from-voluntary-employer-minimum-wages

js in line with our magnitudes from employee surveys and find that major employer minimum wage |K)licios led to small but precisely estimated declines


in employment, with employment elasticities ranging from -.04 to -.13.'Ellora Derenoncourt: ƯC Berkeley. Email: 811ora.deri»noncourt©berkeley.Bdu; Cl

Spillover effects from voluntary employer minimum wages *Ellora Derenoncourt. Clemens Noelke, and David WeilFebruary 28. 2021Click here for most recen

Spillover-effects-from-voluntary-employer-minimum-wages urning Class Technologies), Andrew Chamberlain (Glassdoor), and Ray Sandza (Homebase) for generously sharing data. We thank Daron Acemoglu, .kish Angr

ist, David Alitor, Sydnee Caldwell, David Card, Raj Chetty, Arindrajit Dube, Amy Finkelstein, Carol Helm, Lawrence Katz, 1’at Kline. Alan Manning, Ale Spillover-effects-from-voluntary-employer-minimum-wages

x Mas, Claire Montialoux, Suresh Naidu, Jim Poterba, Jesse Rothstein, Jeff Smith, and numerous seminar ami conference part icipants for many helpful c


omments. We thank Alaa Abdelfattah, Teresa Kroeger, Meghna Manohar, ami Kartik Trivedi for outstanding research assistance. This work is generously su

Spillover effects from voluntary employer minimum wages *Ellora Derenoncourt. Clemens Noelke, and David WeilFebruary 28. 2021Click here for most recen

Spillover-effects-from-voluntary-employer-minimum-wages alone ami should not Ik* construed as representing the Opinions of the Foundation.Electronic copy available at. https.// Int

roductionDeclining labor market, instit ut ions characterize the low wage sector in the United States, where real wages have fallen or stagnated for t Spillover-effects-from-voluntary-employer-minimum-wages

he last. 40 years. The federal minimum wage has been $7.25 for over 10 years, unions represent just. 7% of private sector workers, and t he rise in al


ternative work arrangements, from outsourcing to t he gig economy, means fewer workers arc covered by labor and employment laws.* 1 With limited polic

Spillover effects from voluntary employer minimum wages *Ellora Derenoncourt. Clemens Noelke, and David WeilFebruary 28. 2021Click here for most recen

Spillover-effects-from-voluntary-employer-minimum-wages standard bearers in t he low-wage labor market (Thomas, 2017a; Hamilton, 2018).This paper examines whether t he wage selling behavior of major employe

rs influences labor markets more broadly and, if so, by what mechanisms. We do so by exploiting sudden changes in the wage policies of three large low Spillover-effects-from-voluntary-employer-minimum-wages

-wage employers to estimate the impact on jobs at other employers. Amazon, Walmart, and Target all instituted substantial com|»iny-widc minimum wages


between 2015 and 2020. These three companies alone employ over 2 million workers in the US, or approximately 1.6% of the total workforce (,

Spillover effects from voluntary employer minimum wages *Ellora Derenoncourt. Clemens Noelke, and David WeilFebruary 28. 2021Click here for most recen

Spillover-effects-from-voluntary-employer-minimum-wages evidence of the impacts their policies have had on the broader labor market in which they operate. A second contribution of the study will be an exten

sive exploration of the mechanisms behind t hese spillover effects, providing insight into why wage setting shocks do or do not ripple outward given d Spillover-effects-from-voluntary-employer-minimum-wages

ifferent tuiderlying labor market characterist ics.Cleanly identified estimates of cross-employer wage spillovers in the US are limited, largely due t


o lack of dat a on specific employers’ wage policies. To conduct our analysis, we use millions of online vacancy postings from Burning Glass Technolog

Spillover effects from voluntary employer minimum wages *Ellora Derenoncourt. Clemens Noelke, and David WeilFebruary 28. 2021Click here for most recen

Spillover-effects-from-voluntary-employer-minimum-wages labor market, concentration, trends in the wages for new hires, anti changing demand for skills (Azar el al., 2018; Doming and Kahn, 2018a: Hazell ami

Taska, 2019). We use t hese data to show t hat first., when these large employers announce a wage policy change, they do in fact update their adverti Spillover-effects-from-voluntary-employer-minimum-wages

sed wages. Second, we are able to use information from online job ads to identify low-wage jobs at other employers based on the distribution of their


advertised wages.We use an event-study approach to estimate spillovers from major employers’ wage policies to others operating in the same labor marke

Spillover effects from voluntary employer minimum wages *Ellora Derenoncourt. Clemens Noelke, and David WeilFebruary 28. 2021Click here for most recen

Spillover-effects-from-voluntary-employer-minimum-wages g wage inequality and the erosion of labor market institut ions by Piketty anil Saez (2003); Song et al. (2019); Kalleberg (2013): Osterman and Shulma

n (2011): Western and Rosenfeld (2011); David et al. (2016); VVeil (2011); and Katz and Krueger (2019).1Electronic copy available at. Spillover-effects-from-voluntary-employer-minimum-wages

abstract=3793677of job ads with pre-period wages below (he new large employer minimum wage wit hin detailed occupation. employer, and commut ing zone


categories. This approach mirrors t hat of papers estimating t he causal effect of t lie federal minimum wage using state-level variation in the port

Spillover effects from voluntary employer minimum wages *Ellora Derenoncourt. Clemens Noelke, and David WeilFebruary 28. 2021Click here for most recen

Spillover-effects-from-voluntary-employer-minimum-wages ion in bite at a much finer level, across tens of thousands of employers and hundreds of occupations ami commuting zones. This level of variation allo

ws ILS to precisely estimate effects and conduct several robustness checks to rule out alternative explanations for wage increases.Our identification Spillover-effects-from-voluntary-employer-minimum-wages

strategy rolios on the assumption that within cz, six-digit occupational categories, and employer colls (what wo refer IO as “jobs”), exposure to thos


e large employers’ minimum wages is uncorrelated with other factors affecting wages over time. Stable pre trends, sharp effects around the exact time

Spillover effects from voluntary employer minimum wages *Ellora Derenoncourt. Clemens Noelke, and David WeilFebruary 28. 2021Click here for most recen

Spillover-effects-from-voluntary-employer-minimum-wages al spillovers from Amazon, Walmart, and Target’s wage policies. Prior t o t he policy change, t he wages of more exposed versus less exposed jobs at o

ther linns evolved in parallel. Exactly in the month after the announced wage increases, wages at. exposed jobs jumped significantly. These effects pe Spillover-effects-from-voluntary-employer-minimum-wages

rsist cd or rose steadily over the post-treatment period. We then employ a bunching estimator ami show that wages of ot her employers shift out of wag


e bins below and spike al the wage announced by the large retailer in the months after the latter aimounces its policy. These results suggest other em

Spillover effects from voluntary employer minimum wages *Ellora Derenoncourt. Clemens Noelke, and David WeilFebruary 28. 2021Click here for most recen

Spillover-effects-from-voluntary-employer-minimum-wages contemporaneous but. unrelated shocks to labor demand.In the case of Amazon, we estimate an increase in average hourly wages as a result of the polic

y of 4.7%, controlling for unrelated trends in wages at the occupation and commuting zone level. Given the size of the increase for Amazon's wages, ro Spillover-effects-from-voluntary-employer-minimum-wages

ughly 20%, our results imply a cross-employer wage elasticity of 0.26. Our estimates fall in a similar range as previous estimates for cross-firm spil


lovers in the US: Staiger et al. (2010) finds a wage-setting elasticity in the market for registered nurses of about 0.19.Wo are able to rule out seve

Spillover effects from voluntary employer minimum wages *Ellora Derenoncourt. Clemens Noelke, and David WeilFebruary 28. 2021Click here for most recen

Spillover-effects-from-voluntary-employer-minimum-wages month fixed effects, controls for simultaneous cz specific and occupation specific demand shocks t hat might instead explain wage increases in highly

exposed jobs. We also show that our results are robust to controlling for oven finer grained shocks, such as those to specific occupat ion-by-CZ grou Spillover-effects-from-voluntary-employer-minimum-wages

ps or specific employers. Those latter results suggest our findings are not driven by shifts in employer wage posting behavior, such as2Electronic cop


y available at: https7/ he decision to increasingly withhold or reveal t he wage on highly exposed job categories. We flirt h

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