Design and simulation of wideband photonic intergrated circuits for multimode (DE) multiplexing and conversion747
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Design and simulation of wideband photonic intergrated circuits for multimode (DE) multiplexing and conversion747
MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGHANOI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY --------------------0-.-TRAN TUAN ANHDESIGN AND SIMULATION OF WIDEBAND PH Design and simulation of wideband photonic intergrated circuits for multimode (DE) multiplexing and conversion747 HOTONIC INTEGRATED CIRCUITS FOR MULTI-MODE (DE)MULTIPLEXING AND CONVERSIONDOCTORAL DISSERTATIONIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERINGHANOI-2020MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGHANOI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY --------------------0-.-TRAN TUAN ANHDESIGN AND SIMULATION OF WIDEBAND PHOTONIC INTEG Design and simulation of wideband photonic intergrated circuits for multimode (DE) multiplexing and conversion747 RATED CIRCUITS FOR MULTI-MODE (DE)MULTIPLEXING AND CONVERSIONMajor: Telecommunications Engineering Code: 9520208DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONIN TELECOMMUNICATDesign and simulation of wideband photonic intergrated circuits for multimode (DE) multiplexing and conversion747
IONS ENGINEERINGSUPERVISORS:PROF. DR. TRAN DUC HAN DR. TRUONG CAO DUNGHANOI-2020DECLARATION OF AUTHORSHIPI, Tran Tuan Anh, declare that this dissertatMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGHANOI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY --------------------0-.-TRAN TUAN ANHDESIGN AND SIMULATION OF WIDEBAND PH Design and simulation of wideband photonic intergrated circuits for multimode (DE) multiplexing and conversion747 in it is my own.I confinn that:-Tills work was done wholly or mainly while in candidature for a Ph.D. research degree at Hanoi University of Science and Technology.-Where any part of this dissertation has previously been submitted for a degree or any other qualification at Hanoi University of Scienc Design and simulation of wideband photonic intergrated circuits for multimode (DE) multiplexing and conversion747 e and Technology or any other institution, this has been clearly stated.-Where I have consulted the published work of others, this is always clearly aDesign and simulation of wideband photonic intergrated circuits for multimode (DE) multiplexing and conversion747
ttributed.-Where I have quoted from the work of others, the source is always given.-With the exception of such quotations, this dissertation is entireMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGHANOI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY --------------------0-.-TRAN TUAN ANHDESIGN AND SIMULATION OF WIDEBAND PH Design and simulation of wideband photonic intergrated circuits for multimode (DE) multiplexing and conversion747 exactly what was done by others and what I have contributed myself.Hanoi, December, 2020Postgraduate studentTran Tuan AnhSUPERVISORSSUPERVISOR 1SUPERVISOR 2iAcknowledgmentFirst and foremost, I would like to thank my supervisor Prof. Dr. Tran Due Han for his support and advice throughout my research Design and simulation of wideband photonic intergrated circuits for multimode (DE) multiplexing and conversion747 time in Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST). His encouragement and full support led me to ever}7 success of my study. I have been able tDesign and simulation of wideband photonic intergrated circuits for multimode (DE) multiplexing and conversion747
o learn a lot from him about being a good teacher and researcher.I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor, Dr. Truong Cao Dung, for guidiMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGHANOI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY --------------------0-.-TRAN TUAN ANHDESIGN AND SIMULATION OF WIDEBAND PHMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGHANOI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY --------------------0-.-TRAN TUAN ANHDESIGN AND SIMULATION OF WIDEBAND PHGọi ngay
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