giao an tieng anh 5 tron bo (1)

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Nội dung chi tiết: giao an tieng anh 5 tron bo (1)

giao an tieng anh 5 tron bo (1)

Week :1Date of prepare :Period:!*Unit 1: A summer campLesson 1I.ObjectivesPupils will be able to ask and answer question about where someone is from.I

giao an tieng anh 5 tron bo (1) II.Teaching - aids: recordings, flashcards, picturesIII.New language-Vocabulary: summer, camp. Malaysia, Thailand. Bangkok. Kuala Lumpur-Sentence patt

erns:Where is he from?He is from Malaysia.Where in Malaysia is he from?Kuala Lumpur.IV.Procedure1.Warm up(5’): play game slap the board, using the cha giao an tieng anh 5 tron bo (1)

racter gallery on page 2.2.New lessonContentTeacher’s activitiesStudents’ activities1Look. Ihlen and-iepeai (5’) -New words: summer camp Malaysia Thai

giao an tieng anh 5 tron bo (1)

land Bangkok Kuala Lumpur 2,Point, ask and answer.(9’) Where’s? He ’s/She’s. Where in? -New words: the USA New York Indonesia Jakarta 3.. Listen.and,

Week :1Date of prepare :Period:!*Unit 1: A summer campLesson 1I.ObjectivesPupils will be able to ask and answer question about where someone is from.I

giao an tieng anh 5 tron bo (1) -Play the recording twice for pupils to repeat a few times. ■Divide the class into groups to take turns to say the lines from Zack and Lawan. -Set the

context: These are the children at summer camp in Viet Nam. They come from many countries. -Write the question and answer on the board and get pupils giao an tieng anh 5 tron bo (1)

to repeat. ■Pre - teach vocabulary. -Model the task with the whole class: T: Where is he from? T: Where in Malaysia is he from? -Ask pupils work in p

giao an tieng anh 5 tron bo (1)

airs. -Select a few pairs to perform the task in front of the class. -Tell the purpose of listening: you’re-discuss -take note -listen and repeat. -l.

Week :1Date of prepare :Period:!*Unit 1: A summer campLesson 1I.ObjectivesPupils will be able to ask and answer question about where someone is from.I

giao an tieng anh 5 tron bo (1) tries does this flag indicate? And this one? And this one? ■Do the first example. -Play the recording twice for pupils to do the task. ■Replay the rec

ording for pupils to check their answer. -Ask some pupils to report their-answer -listen and do the task -listen and check -report their answer to the giao an tieng anh 5 tron bo (1)

class.(5’) Guiding questions -Who is she/he? -Where is she/he from?answer to the class. - Make the task: each student choose a boy/a girl from the pi

giao an tieng anh 5 tron bo (1)

ctures and- listen- Where inis she/heintroduces him/her to the partner.- work in pairs.from?His/her partner will make questions. -Model -Ask pupils to

Week :1Date of prepare :Period:!*Unit 1: A summer campLesson 1I.ObjectivesPupils will be able to ask and answer question about where someone is from.I

giao an tieng anh 5 tron bo (1) om)?- (Kuala Lumpur).VI.Homelink: Ask students to review the lesson at home and prepare the next lesson.Week :1PeriodUndI. ObjectivesPupils will be ab

le:Dale of prepare:Unit 1 : A summer campLesson 2https://khothuvien.cori!-to pronounce correctly sounds of the letters ese as in Vietnamese and those giao an tieng anh 5 tron bo (1)

of the letters ian as in Indonesian.-to listen and number the pictures in the order they hear.

Week :1Date of prepare :Period:!*Unit 1: A summer campLesson 1I.ObjectivesPupils will be able to ask and answer question about where someone is from.I

Week :1Date of prepare :Period:!*Unit 1: A summer campLesson 1I.ObjectivesPupils will be able to ask and answer question about where someone is from.I

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