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Nội dung chi tiết: SOURCE04


CHAPTER 1: PRACTICAL, PEDAGOGICAL AND THEORETICAL CONTEXTS OF THE STUDYIntroductionThe study examines the deployment of Attitude and Graduation by Vie

SOURCE04 etnamese graduate students in Australia in their oral discussions in both English and Vietnamese and aims to compare the repertoires of Appraisal expr

essions of Vietnamese students in English and in Vietnamese as well as to outline distinctive potential Appraisal resources in Vietnamese. The chapter SOURCE04

begins with a description of the practical motivations for the study, which is the need to investigate the ability of international students in Austr


alia to express evaluative meanings. The chapter proceeds with the theoretical contexts in which the study is situated and outlining the aims and inte

CHAPTER 1: PRACTICAL, PEDAGOGICAL AND THEORETICAL CONTEXTS OF THE STUDYIntroductionThe study examines the deployment of Attitude and Graduation by Vie

SOURCE04 tional context in which the data was collected.1.1.Setting the context: Expressing an opinion- issues for international studentsRecently a large numbe

r of students from East and South East Asian countries where English is not the means of everyday communication have chosen Australia to pursue their SOURCE04

tertiary and post graduate education. According to statistics sourced from Department of Education. Employment and Workplace Relations (2009) (as cite


d in Sawir. Marginson, Forbes-.Mewett. Nyland & Ramia. 2009). the number of international students in higher education rose from 25,000 in 1990 to 202

CHAPTER 1: PRACTICAL, PEDAGOGICAL AND THEORETICAL CONTEXTS OF THE STUDYIntroductionThe study examines the deployment of Attitude and Graduation by Vie

SOURCE04 t of English proficiency is as important as completing their degree. The English proficiency level of international students not only underpins their

academic success but also their sense of “security” when living and studying in an English speaking country (Sawir. Marginson. Forbes-Mewett, Nyland, SOURCE04

& Ramia, 2012). In other words, low levels of language proficiency affect students' psychological adjustment and their level of acculturative stress (


Redmond.12000; Yeh & Inose, 2003). Apart from factors such as cultural differences and personality, insufficient language proficiency often causes bar

CHAPTER 1: PRACTICAL, PEDAGOGICAL AND THEORETICAL CONTEXTS OF THE STUDYIntroductionThe study examines the deployment of Attitude and Graduation by Vie

SOURCE04 roficiency, therefore, often feel very lonely, and tend to isolate themselves in their language groups. When the number of people in their language gr

oup is small, it is even harder for them to meet and mingle with local and other international students and to feel secure and comfortable living and SOURCE04

studying in Australia.Before enrolling in an Australian university, international students prepare cither bycompleting an academic module of the Inter


national English Language Testing Service (1ETLS) test or they attend EL1COS programs (English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students) to pr

CHAPTER 1: PRACTICAL, PEDAGOGICAL AND THEORETICAL CONTEXTS OF THE STUDYIntroductionThe study examines the deployment of Attitude and Graduation by Vie

SOURCE04 cy (Woodrow. 2006). This means that before the students arrive in Australia, they have already been exposed to English language learning in their home

countries. Whether the language instruction the students receive is from an English for Academic Purposes (EAP) course overseas or in Australia, the SOURCE04

teaching mainly focuses on language for content knowledge to assist international students in coping with the complexity of the subject matter in thei


r university study as this is the nature of the EAP programs (Flowerdew & Peacock. 2001). The aspect of expressing one’s own feelings and opinions is

CHAPTER 1: PRACTICAL, PEDAGOGICAL AND THEORETICAL CONTEXTS OF THE STUDYIntroductionThe study examines the deployment of Attitude and Graduation by Vie

SOURCE04 l as with expressing their own stance in academic communication.1.2.Situating the study in its theoretical contextThe importance of enhancing the comm

unication of attitudinal meaning in English by speakers of English as an Additional Language/ Dialed (hereafter LALD) has been raised and discussed wi SOURCE04

dely' in existing literature. From a linguistic perspective, pragmatics, for example, specifically' speech Acts theory (Gass. 2006) and Politeness the


ory’ (Brown & Levinson. 1987). has established strategics and principles to help interlocutors, especially those who are F.AI..D speakers, act appropr

CHAPTER 1: PRACTICAL, PEDAGOGICAL AND THEORETICAL CONTEXTS OF THE STUDYIntroductionThe study examines the deployment of Attitude and Graduation by Vie

SOURCE04 ation. From (he TESOL pedagogical perspective, scholars of communicative competence, which is regarded as the theoretical base for the currently most

common language teaching approach. Communicative Language Teaching, have assembled all important aspects of language learning with considerable attent SOURCE04

ion paid to the communication of attitudinal meaning, which was categorised under Interactional Competence (Celce-Murcia. 2007). Albeit very comprehen


sive and detailed, both pragmatics and communicative competence theories do not satisfy the needs of EALD speakers in providing them with a toolkit to

CHAPTER 1: PRACTICAL, PEDAGOGICAL AND THEORETICAL CONTEXTS OF THE STUDYIntroductionThe study examines the deployment of Attitude and Graduation by Vie

SOURCE04 s helping the interlocutors to be tactical in communication but not towards helping them express their own attitudes. The theory’ of Interactional Com

petence within Communicative Competence seems to cover all aspects of attitudinal meaning but not systematically. (A detailed discussion of the inadeq SOURCE04

uacy of Interactional Competence will be pursued in section 2.2 in chapter 2). Furthermore, the aspect of attitudinal meaning presented in Interaction


al Competence is limited to outlining areas of attitude for the sake of language syllabi design rather than for providing language learners with expli

CHAPTER 1: PRACTICAL, PEDAGOGICAL AND THEORETICAL CONTEXTS OF THE STUDYIntroductionThe study examines the deployment of Attitude and Graduation by Vie

SOURCE04 e (2005) and others within Systemic Functional Linguistics has proved to be a very effective tool in researching approaches to enhance EAL D speakers'

capacity to express their evaluative stance in relation to expressions of personal feelings, judgement of other people's behaviours and appreciation SOURCE04

of artifacts or phenomenon. Despite still undergoing refinements, the framework has been applied widely as a tool to examine how the both native and n


on-native speakers of English express their attitudes in a range of cultural and situational contexts (for example. Adendorff & de Klerk. 2007; Derewi

CHAPTER 1: PRACTICAL, PEDAGOGICAL AND THEORETICAL CONTEXTS OF THE STUDYIntroductionThe study examines the deployment of Attitude and Graduation by Vie

SOURCE04 2009).What makes the Appraisal framework so effective in addressing this task is because the resources for Attitude are organised in a system network

with comprehensive dimensional values such as types of Attitude, polarity of Attitude, the degree of explicitness of Attitude, sources of Attitude, gr SOURCE04

aduation of Attitude, etc. This detailed and specific typology of all the dimensions of3Appraisal expressions provides a valuable tool for the teachin


g and learning of Appraisal expressions.1.3.Aims and intended outcomesIhis study will focus on examining highly competent Vietnamese students’ use of

CHAPTER 1: PRACTICAL, PEDAGOGICAL AND THEORETICAL CONTEXTS OF THE STUDYIntroductionThe study examines the deployment of Attitude and Graduation by Vie

SOURCE04 gs, both in then mother longue and in English when they participate in conversations related to popular academic topics. The study will first examine

the patterns of Appraisal resources the students deployed in their discussions in English and then explore the patterns of Appraisal resources they de SOURCE04

ployed in their discussions in Vietnamese. The purpose for doing this is to gain insights into possible differences in the participants' repertoires o


f Appraisal in English and in Vietnamese. Ry doing so. the current study will provide a detailed description of the repertoires of linguistic resource

CHAPTER 1: PRACTICAL, PEDAGOGICAL AND THEORETICAL CONTEXTS OF THE STUDYIntroductionThe study examines the deployment of Attitude and Graduation by Vie

SOURCE04 able contribute to the theoretical development of the Appraisal framework in several ways. Firstly, it will point out problematic categories in the ex

isting Appraisal framework that arose during the application to examine evaluative meanings in spoken discourse in both English and Vietnamese and pro SOURCE04

pose possible refinements of the Appraisal framework. Secondly, it will provide empirical evidence for the refinement of the current Appraisal framewo


rk. Thirdly, it will demonstrate distinctive features of Appraisal resources in spoken discourse in Vietnamese compared with English.From the pedagogi

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