Study and improve few shot learning techniques in computer vision application
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Study and improve few shot learning techniques in computer vision application
VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY HO CHI MINH CITY HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY FACULTY OF COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERINGBACHELOR THESISStudy a Study and improve few shot learning techniques in computer vision application and Improve Few-shot Learning Techniques in Computer Vision ApplicationMajor: Computer EngineeringCouncil: Computer Engineering ISupervisor: Dr. Le Thanh SachDr. Nguyen Ho Man RangReviewer: Dr. Nguyen Due Dung—0O0—Student: Nguyen Due Khoi (1752302)HO CHI MINH CITY. 8/2021ĐẠI HỌC QUÓC GIA TP.HCMCỘNG Study and improve few shot learning techniques in computer vision application HÒA XÀ HỌI c uu xx^xxx.-x , XX, X X-./XXVX.......Độc lập - Tự do - Hạnh phúcTRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC BÁCH KHOAKH0A KH & KT Máy tính_____NHIỆM vụ LUẬN ÁN TỎT NGHStudy and improve few shot learning techniques in computer vision application
IỆPBỎ MON: KHMT Chú ý: Sinh viên phai dán tờ HÔI' vào trang nhát cùa bân thuyét trìnhMSSV: 1752302 Họ và Tên SV: NGUYEN DUC KHOINgành: Kỳ thuật Máy tiVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY HO CHI MINH CITY HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY FACULTY OF COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERINGBACHELOR THESISStudy a Study and improve few shot learning techniques in computer vision application n cho cãc ứng dụng trong thị giác máy tính2.Nhiệm vụ (yêu cẩu về nội dung và so liệu ban đẩu):•Study Deep learning, and do literature review for few-shot learning;•Propose a learning techinque for training deep models (in computer vision) with popuplar datasets on the Internet;•Apply few-learning to Study and improve few shot learning techniques in computer vision application an application in computer vision, from training, tuning, to deploying the trained model on embeded systems supported by NVIDIA’S technologies.3.NgàyStudy and improve few shot learning techniques in computer vision application
giao nhiệm vụ luận án: 01/ 01 /20214.Ngày hoàn thành nhiệm vụ: 01/ 08 /20215.Họ tên giang viên hướng dẫn:1) Lè Thành SáchPhan hướng dẫn:Đồng hướng đảVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY HO CHI MINH CITY HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY FACULTY OF COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERINGBACHELOR THESISStudy a Study and improve few shot learning techniques in computer vision application BỌ MÒN (Kỹ và ghi rỗ họ rên)GIĂNG VIÊN HƯỚNG DÁN CHÍNH (Ký và ghi rõ họ tên)Lê Thành SáchPHÂN DÀNH CHO KHOA. BỌ MÔN:VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY HO CHI MINH CITY HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY FACULTY OF COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERINGBACHELOR THESISStudy aGọi ngay
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