Towards quantum gravity
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Towards quantum gravity
Lecture Notes in PhysicsEditorial BoardR. Beig, Vienna, AustriaJ.Ehlers. Potsdam, GermanyƯ. Frisch, Nice, FranceK.Hepp, Zurich, SwitzerlandR. L. Jaffe Towards quantum gravity e, Cambridge, MA, VSAR. Kippenhahn, Gottingen, GermanyI.Ojima, Kyoto, JapanH. A. Weidenmuller. Heidelberg, GermanyJ.Wess, Munchen, GermanyJ. Zittartz, Kõln, GermanyManaging Editorw. Beiglbõckc/o Springer-Verlag, Physics Editorial Department IIi'iergartenstrasse 17,1) 69121 Heidelberg, GermanySpringe Towards quantum gravity r Berlin Heidelberg New York Barcelona Hong Kong London Milan Paris Singapore TokyoPhysics and AstronomyONLINE LIBRARY quantum gravity
Editorial Policy for ProceedingsThe series Lecture Notes in Physics reports new developments in physical research and teaching - quickly, informally,Lecture Notes in PhysicsEditorial BoardR. Beig, Vienna, AustriaJ.Ehlers. Potsdam, GermanyƯ. Frisch, Nice, FranceK.Hepp, Zurich, SwitzerlandR. L. Jaffe Towards quantum gravity ld be closely related to each other. The contributions should be of a high standard and should avoid lengthy redraftings of papers already published or about to be published elsewhere. As a whole, the proceedings should aim for a balanced presentation of the theme of the conference including a descr Towards quantum gravity iption of the techniques used and enough motivation fora broad readership. It should not be assumed that the published proceedings must reflect the coTowards quantum gravity
nference in its entirety. (A listing or abstracts of papers presented at the meeting hut not included in the proceedings could be added as an appendixLecture Notes in PhysicsEditorial BoardR. Beig, Vienna, AustriaJ.Ehlers. Potsdam, GermanyƯ. Frisch, Nice, FranceK.Hepp, Zurich, SwitzerlandR. L. Jaffe Towards quantum gravity editors and their referees to make a fairly accurate evaluation (e.g. a complete list of speakers and titles of papers to be presented and abstracts). If, based on this information, the proceedings are (tentatively) accepted, the volume’s editors), whose nanie(s) will appear on the title pages, shou Towards quantum gravity ld select die papers suitable for publication and have them refereed (as for a journal) when appropriate. As a rule discussions will not bo accepted.Towards quantum gravity
The series editors and Springer Verlag will normally nor interfere with die detailed editing except in fairly obvious cases or on technical matters.FiLecture Notes in PhysicsEditorial BoardR. Beig, Vienna, AustriaJ.Ehlers. Potsdam, GermanyƯ. Frisch, Nice, FranceK.Hepp, Zurich, SwitzerlandR. L. Jaffe Towards quantum gravity t help to send a copy of the authors’ manuscripts in advance to the editor in charge to discuss possible revisions with him. As a general rule, the series editor will confirm his tentative acceptance if die final manuscript corresponds to die original concept discussed, ư the quality of the contribu Towards quantum gravity tion meets the requirements of the series, and if the final size of the manuscript docs not greatly exceed rhe number of pages originally agreed upon.Towards quantum gravity
The manuscript should be forwarded to Springer Veriag sbordy after the meeting. In cases of extreme delay (more dian six months after die conference)Lecture Notes in PhysicsEditorial BoardR. Beig, Vienna, AustriaJ.Ehlers. Potsdam, GermanyƯ. Frisch, Nice, FranceK.Hepp, Zurich, SwitzerlandR. L. Jaffe Towards quantum gravity t the articles during the conference and have them revised on the spot. If a delay is unavoidable, one should encourage die authors to update their contributions if appropriate. Hie editors of proceedings are strongly advised to inform contributors about these points at an early stage.The final manu Towards quantum gravity script should contain a table of contents and an informative introduction accessible also to readers not particularly lãmiliar with die topic of die cTowards quantum gravity
onference, rhe contributions should be in English. The volume's edilor(s) should check die contributions for the correct use of language. Al Springer-Lecture Notes in PhysicsEditorial BoardR. Beig, Vienna, AustriaJ.Ehlers. Potsdam, GermanyƯ. Frisch, Nice, FranceK.Hepp, Zurich, SwitzerlandR. L. Jaffe Towards quantum gravity n of contributions by die series editors. A conference report should not exceed a total of SOO pages. Keeping die size within this bound should be achieved by a stricter selection of articles and tux hy imposing an upper limit to the length of the individual papers. Editors receive jointly JO compli Towards quantum gravity mentary copies of their book. They are entitled to purchase further copies of their book at a reduced rate- As a rule no reprints of individual contriTowards quantum gravity
butions can be supplied. No royalty is paid on Lecture Noles in Physic s volumes. Commitment to publish is made by letter of interest rather than hy sLecture Notes in PhysicsEditorial BoardR. Beig, Vienna, AustriaJ.Ehlers. Potsdam, GermanyƯ. Frisch, Nice, FranceK.Hepp, Zurich, SwitzerlandR. L. Jaffe Towards quantum gravity l select quality paper appropriate to the needs of the author(s). Publication time is about ten weeks. More than twenty years of experience guarantee authors the best possible service. To reach lhe goal of rapid publication at a low price lhe technique of photographic reproduc tion from a camera rea Towards quantum gravity dy manuscript was chosen. This process shifts the main responsibility for the technical quality considerably from the publisher to the authors. Vic thTowards quantum gravity
erefore urge all authors and editors of proceedings to observe very carefully die essentials for the preparation of camera-ready manuscripts, which weLecture Notes in PhysicsEditorial BoardR. Beig, Vienna, AustriaJ.Ehlers. Potsdam, GermanyƯ. Frisch, Nice, FranceK.Hepp, Zurich, SwitzerlandR. L. Jaffe Towards quantum gravity look at some of the volumes already published. As a special service, we offer free of charge Bljpi and TjjK macro packages to formal die text according to Springer-Verlag 8 quality requirements. We strongly recommend dial you make use of this offer, since the result will be a book of considerably i Towards quantum gravity mproved technical quality. To avoid mistakes and time consuming correspondence during the production period the conference editors should request specTowards quantum gravity
ial instruc tions from die publisher well before die beginning of the conference. Manuscripts not meeting the technical standard of llse series will Lecture Notes in PhysicsEditorial BoardR. Beig, Vienna, AustriaJ.Ehlers. Potsdam, GermanyƯ. Frisch, Nice, FranceK.Hepp, Zurich, SwitzerlandR. L. Jaffe Towards quantum gravity 9121 Heidelberg. Germanyv/ww pdfgrip comJerzy Kowalski-Glikman (Ed.)Towards Quantum GravityProceedings of the XXXV International Winter School on Theoretical Physics Held in Polanica, Poland, 2-11 February 1999■O sPrin§erwww.pdfgrip.comEditorJerzy Kowalski-Glikman Institute of Theoretical Physics Un Towards quantum gravity iversity of Wroclaw Pl. Maxa Borna 9 50 204 Wroclaw, PolandLecture Notes in PhysicsEditorial BoardR. Beig, Vienna, AustriaJ.Ehlers. Potsdam, GermanyƯ. Frisch, Nice, FranceK.Hepp, Zurich, SwitzerlandR. L. JaffeLecture Notes in PhysicsEditorial BoardR. Beig, Vienna, AustriaJ.Ehlers. Potsdam, GermanyƯ. Frisch, Nice, FranceK.Hepp, Zurich, SwitzerlandR. L. JaffeGọi ngay
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